Hey guys, Sup Forums here. What does Sup Forums think of fanservice in their video games? Does it affect the quality of a video game? How much is too much?
Hey guys, Sup Forums here. What does Sup Forums think of fanservice in their video games...
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Shinka > Sento > Mai.
>Hey guys, Sup Forums here.
Sup Forums is for videogames
Sup Forums is for anime
go back to Sup Forums
Scares off normies and casuals, i don't mind.
Kill yourself
I don't play weeb garbage
Fanservice is good, depending on the type. If a game is built around it, it's not good. If it's just a little event in the game, it's great.
Gerudo Link is the peak of videogame fanservice. It's just enough fanservice to get people to notice it, and yet, it's unimportant enough to not cast a shadow over the rest of the experience.
>implying all weebshit isn't complete casual garbage
fanservice is a red herring
no one cares, all that matters to the general population is whether the main character is a sufficient self insert
Coitus is better
>How much is too much?
No such thing desu
As long as the gameplay is fun I don't mind
using the term 'weebshit' should be an instant perma-ban.
Its a blatant sign that you're a newfag from reddit
If it's like one or two scenes I don't mind. If the entire thing is built around teasing you then it's boring.
I don't know
Why don't you ask Best Girl?
I would eat out BotW Link's sweaty asshole any day of the week.
Unless it's One Piece, Bleach or some random little girls anime Sup Forums is better for anime too desu senpai
This is a boy and boys shoulf not dress that way, okay.
>Kyoani fags are crossboarder,
I just fucking knew it.
Normies and casuals love fanservice
Normies just don't play anime games
Fan service doesn't really do much for me, but I do like seeing female NPC's dressed skimpy.
i like it when its extra bonus content instead of in the main game. or at least if its very subtle and rarely used
for example i thought quiet with her bikini was ridiculous, it should have been an unlockable costume
>no argument
I rest my case
Latifa > Reina > Rika
Resistance is futile. Don't try to resist it.
Boobs are fucking great
Butts are nice too
You guys hate when we make threads on Sup Forums
Fanservice is not bad if you have your public. like for example tsuda 51 games and senran kagura series.
Fanservice becomes bad when you want to please everyone like in MOBA games
i want to make a game that has fanservice, but its also a good game and people will SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT HUGE TITS BEING BAD
Sup Forums hates anime newfag
Sexual gratification is as valid of a reason to buy a game as any other reason. Sexy characters make endorphins release in my brain, good gameplay makes endorphins release in my brain, a good story makes endorphins release in my brain.
It's all the same. The sex instinct runs deep so you can get a lot of endorphins that way too. When you are shooting video game characters or hacking them apart with a sword you are experiencing the same kind of instinctual gratification as someone who is looking at a beautiful, sexy character.
There are political groups (primarily feminists and conservatives) that don't want sex in entertainment, in feminists' case because it decreases women's sexual bargaining power, and in conservatives' case because 2000 years ago we needed more humans on Earth, but we don't anymore.
>literally stealing Melonpan's video
>newfag calling others newfags
Every time
>Facebook filename
Fuck off back to Facebook phonefag.
>hurr durr weebs git off muh 4chans
fanservice sucks
i want full on SEX in my video games
not just *fade to black then moaning noises*
visual fucking SEX
and bonus points for interactivity
same desu
It depends on the amount and how it's handled.
While it's not inherently bad or anything it's such a low hanging fruit that it's immediately obvious when fanservice is being used to cheaply hide the fact that the rest of the game is trash.
It also means a lot less in this day and age where outright porn is so readily accessible should I be in the mood for it.
It depends honestly, I usually avoid fan servicey anime since it makes me want to jack off, and I'd rather watch some hentai instead. Which is why I avoid Shenran.
Though shows like konosuba use fan service right and it adds to the comedy. So I wouldn't mind it as long as its there for a reason. /blog
I want more games with good looking things in general. Nevermind the high definition bomb craters, I want games with beautiful girls and tasty looking food and attractive sights to see.
>fanservice is on the same level as good, well designed gameplay
You're the cancer killing gaming. Kill yourself asap
Would bury my face into that ass and take a deep whiff desu
Games get banned or refused release over here because of erotic fanservice but I don't mind it. I unironically enjoy the heavy levels of fanservice in the souls sequels.
I just want you to go back to your containment board
If you get the same feeling and the same type of satisfaction from a good story and some pics of ass you might have a mental issue.
>weebshit is my argument
You never had a case
desu desu
Fuck off back to Sup Forums, newfag
Ah, a juicy meme
I don't care enough about weeb garbage to form an opinion on shitty fanservice but I do love seeing virgins getting triggered when their loli games don't get localized or get censored
It can be as good, why would you think otherwise? Sex and sex appeal releases a lot of happiness hormones.
You're a straighter man that anyone who denies it.
>draw a girl
>call it a boy
>weebs raiding Sup Forums again
Thank god that you're a dying breed. Weebs are easily the most annoying shitposters on this site
This post is a prime example of why Sup Forums is cancer
That's what make it hot and not gay
>replying to obvious bait
You aren't helping user
>If you get the same feeling and the same type of satisfaction from a good story and some pics of ass
It's not about it being the 'same type of satisfaction'. Why would it need to be the same? The fact that it's satisfaction, and a lot of it, is what matters.
Sex appeal isn't as simple as you think anyway. What you feel when you look at this clip isn't arousal, but you wouldn't feel it if she was ugly.
>weebs don't shit up threads
wew lad this is some serious denial
Only if you're an underage teen that's hopped up on raging hormones.
Once you turn 18 you'll stop being such a thirsty fucky beta.
people usually import
you are a massive retard if you buy local
I mainly play fps and there usually aren't any noteworthy females to ogle. It happens so rarely, that I never mind when it actually happens.
With the amount of newfags that flooded the board, its becoming much harder to tell if something is bait
Then leave you crybaby
Hikage wouldn't have any opinion on it.
It wouldn't be too hard to make good looking aloe slices, Source had beautiful stained glass shaders all the way back in 2004.
to be fair Sup Forums shits up it's own threads 99% of the time
>weeb cancer calling others cancer
Crawl back into Sup Forums you RETARD, I'm still not done with you
If you don't think men can have feminine backsides, you only need to use Google famalam
Nah that's a lie
I wanna lick the sweat off this Link's body to be honest
I'm 24, I still like sex and cute girls. It's not going to change any time soon. I think you have misconceptions about adulthood.
Kid, you need to be 18 or older to post here.
You're the one comparing them. To me fanservice is NOT an equally valid reason to buy a game as good gameplay. The satisfaction I get from fanservice is brief and shallow in comparison, and more importantly, can be achieved in a dozen of other ways.
>Sexual gratification is as valid of a reason to buy a game as any other reason.
And this is why you're retarded
what does Sup Forums think of little witch academia
why dont look up for a feminine female that have a feminine backside?
>caring about weebshit
Complete cancer. Quit shitting up Sup Forums with your shitty casual games.
Stop it!
Love it, all games should have at least three girls with giant breasts and child-bearing hips
It's almost always either laughably pathetic or horribly inappropriate. And the Japs are really starting to go overboard with it in a desperate attempt to prolong the inevitable collapse of their game industry. For fuck's sake, they have even reached the stage now where they are telling people to buy their games because maybe someone out there will make a nude mod for it. That's really scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Akko is a retard. Amanda best girl
Not important. Fanservice can be neat but ultimately it panders to turboneets. I wouldn't get or skip a game due to fanservice unless it's something like senran kagura where the whole game is about tits and ass.
I wanna suck Link's nipples!
Sex appeal only appeals to a tiny TINY niche of thirsty betas that have never been touched by a girl. If you're not pathetic, then fanservice probably means nothing to you. It's boring.
On the other hand, completing a challenging game is satisfying in a way that appeals to almost all humans
It's bad, western-funded, westernized anime. An American cartoon wearing a Japanese skin. No fan service, gay main character.
Fanservice is just there so japs and weebs will buy the product, that's it
It adds nothing to the story, gameplay, the world, it's just there to literally pander to people who should be watching porn instead
No better than pandering to anything else
>You're the one comparing them.
Quote the line where I say that sexual gratification and good gameplay are the same thing
Fanservice is only good when it accompanies good gameplay which is never the case. Case in point you have repetitive shit like Senran Kagura that people pretend is good because they get to see some jiggling tits.
Seeing how many shitty games sell reasonably well because of a few upskirt shots or half-naked anime girls is pretty shit as well. Most if not all of what Compile Heart makes in general is complete trash and if you took out the fanservice people would agree with me 100%
That wasn't the context of the FFXV nude mod news.
Enjoy the (You) though
>It doesn't show loli panties therefore it's bad
It's shitty pandering that's just as bad as SJW pandering.
This website would be better if these kind of people were perma banned
The ovas were good. Wasn't a fan of the anime shafting the side characters FFXV style.