Stop playing JRPGs.
Stop playing JRPGs
start making good WRPGs
Go back to The RPG Codex
I said stop it.
Fuck yeah Gorath son.
>Muh Codex boogieman
There are just a lot of genuine posters concerned about the state of Grimoire and Cleve's wellbeing and want you to buy his videogame instead of pirate it.
But user, you haven't even played the good ones that already exist yet.
Modern JRPGs > Modern WRPGs
This is an indisputable fact
Is Gorath the only elf to ever exist that isn't a complete faggot?
Nah, JRPGs are pretty much garbage and getting worse by the day. Meanwhile we still have Underrail, Age of Decadence, Banner Saga, etc.
What's RPG Codex? What's the beef with them?
its like Sup Forums but good
>Banner Saga
hol up, hol up, you be sayin we rpgs n sheit?
Not bad bait, m8.
>most of Sup Forums users are too young to even know this game
not an argument
Same here
LEL, naw
Name one good JRPG
Persona 5 GOAT
>high school dating VN with edgy pokemon mini game
so this is the peak of rpgs... woah
>Sup Forums will literally defend anything Japanese as long as its not Sonic 2006 tier awful
>Sup Forums will shit on anything western unless it's a masterpiece of Deus Ex 1 proportions
>Sup Forums will shit on anything western unless it's a masterpiece of Deus Ex 1 proportions
>he thinks nu/v/ likes deus ex
>he thinks nu/v/ could even get the game running, let alone finish the tutorial
Says person that hasn't played it and just spreads the bullshit they have thrown in their face on this board lmao
but i did play it user, it even has press X to awesome ambushes lol
A game that has you press buttons to do anything in it? Unbelievable
main hang out for classic "old fags"
A "game" that hide it bland gameplay behind shiny ui and effect, coupled with a garbage story and unremarkable characters.
now get the fuck out