What the hell is wrong with Game Grumps?
What the hell is wrong with Game Grumps?
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You already know the answer.
What is that?
Game Grump's Yoko Ono
The answer: Not video games.
Jon left
Dan doesn't give a shit about video games and arin doesn't care at all. He even admired he became an animator because that's what was paying the bills, he only follows his "creativity" as far as paying for all his stuff goes
Why the fuck should I care?
Why the fuck are you even watching?
I want to face fuck her so roughly she starts puking.
Dan used to be funny but just isn't anymore.
Arin isn't funny, he's just annoying.
But most of all, they just don't care about the quality of their content. They've got their established audience and have gotten lazy. They no longer have to push themselves, they no longer have to try to be creative or edgy, they just have to do the bare fucking minimum, which is what they now do. They've got their following that will eat up their shit no matter how bad it is; why bother putting in effort anymore?
I legitimately don't understand how people find them entertaining. I've tried watching their content several times in the past and it does nothing for me, and normally I'm able to at least understand why people like things even if I don't.
So what makes them "good", Sup Forums?
absolutely nothing but to make fun of
They got rid of Jon.
They just aren't anymore. Jon and Arin era was top tier, and early Dan and Arin era was pretty good. Now it's just shit tier though.
Conflating sex with violence is the number 1 sign of latent homosexuality user
Jon left
The show became less about friends just having fun playing games and more about "how much can we milk this bitch"
I swear, every time there's a funny moment, there's 10 cringeworthy ones.
so everyone who watches straight porn is secretly gay?
>You should take care of your hygiene pajeet
>wow what the fuck what are you racist
I'm surprised something actually brought to attention that pajeets smell like shit, but they completely ignored it. They brought up a legitimate problem and acted like it wasn't.
It honestly looks like the worst thing I've seen come out of the internet in a long time with any kind of budget.
I've been watching Egoraptor since his Newgorunds days. After The Tester I started realizing what a stupid bitch poser he was. Then Game Grumps happened and I dropped him like a bag of dirt. He is not funny or original. He doesn't know shit about games even though he pretends like he does.
yea if yoko ono was a turd sucking dumpster fire of a person that is.
This is true. Dan doesn't even play video games, and he's on a channel about playing video games. He is also a pretty straight personality, so Arin is left to carry the show on his own pretty much. I like Dan, but he shouldn't have been the one to replace Jon.
Whenever I look at Game Grumps today I always think back to when Aaron was trashing on the fact that viral videos got T-shirts and shit.
It all just seems so ironic now.
even on newgrounds he was a fuckin bandwagoner. hes the penultimate opportunist. just like how he did a "charity" stream to raise money for his mother's "horse therapy" charity. nigga is good at what he does though. he's gonna eat dan until he bails, hes gonna eat harmon until he fucks off, then he'll find his next mark.
yeah it's like that tweet he posted that said "if I ever do a let's play please kill me." he became what he hated. what a bitch.
Nothing, just because you don't like something doesn't make it bad. Also, not video games.
>tfw been rewatching Jon episodes again this week
Arin used to be cool back then
Some of his jokes were actually funny.
When you do the same shit over and over you run out of material
Well, Arin just did an official commercial for Nintendo.
I'm fucking done Sup Forums.
Becuse arin and Danny don't have chemistry.
After Jon left becuse of some drama , it was fine with arin and Danny for a few years but it wears thin.
>Arin is a lazy bastard, but seems at least grateful at times he scored an easy life. He's also immature as fuck, and never finished high school, married a bimbo.
>he doesn't care for GG that much anymore, so he has branched out into Voice acting
>Danny is your typical old school hipster who just wants to chill and make music, he doesn't really care for games.
Danny and Ross are the best duo, they bounce off each other well. T
I like Dan, but he's just boring as hell.
This thread isn't vidya
Scooby Doo:
Hey Arnold:
>Rhonda needs money and has to work as a street walker to help her family out (Make sure to leave a review if you want to see a chapter 3.)
>Rhonda and her boytoy force Phoebe into a threesome
Star Wars:
King of the Hill:
danny is adorable and hilarious
that's pretty much it for me. i'd watch/listen to anything he's in
So Yoko Ono
>source: my ass