>rastafarian boss
>jamaican me angry
>train boss
>choo should have known better
>corn boss
>you bout to get popped
>director boss
>you're going to get CUT!
>sea captain boss
>that was a port decision
>chef boss
>you'll roux the day you met me
>rastafarian boss
>jamaican me angry
>train boss
>choo should have known better
>corn boss
>you bout to get popped
>director boss
>you're going to get CUT!
>sea captain boss
>that was a port decision
>chef boss
>you'll roux the day you met me
>dumb frogposter boss
>this thread has been pruned or deleted
>chad boss
>I knew we'd lacrosse paths again
>virgin boss
>I'm about to fucking lose it!
>quarterback boss
>take a HIKE!
>OP boss
>I'mma suck ur dick cuz I'm gay!
>Rouge boss
>You better make up this to me later
kill yourself frogfucker
name literally every game that does this
>nigger boss
>you're gonna get blacked out!
>fire boss
>you can't fire me, I'm your boss!
>Hooker Boss
>Spreads efficiency faster than she spreads STDs
>skeleton boss
>I got a bone to pick with you!
>lumberjack boss
>chop chop, haven't got all day
>bird boss
>i'm talon you, you dont stand a chance against me!
>burger boss
>get to flipping those patties or I will take a bite out of you
>cia boss
>was it part of your plan to get caught
>skeleton boss
>never should of come here
>toilet boss
>urine for it now
>queen boss (male)
>work your shift or work the royal shaft
>ladder boss
>prepare to get rung out
>corn boss
>is an HP sponge
>Big Boss
>Kept you waiting huh?
>op boss
>muffled dick sucking sounds
>fashion boss
>"Try THIS on for size!"
>it fits perfectly
>cancerous frogposters
>jew boss
>you'll pay for this!
>fruit boss
>"ORANGE you glad to see me?"
>Long Winded Boss
>Audio cuts out during his speech
>dad boss
>"Whenever we drive past a graveyard my dad says, 'Do you know why I can’t be buried there?' And we all say, 'Why not?' And he says, 'Because I’m not dead yet!'”
>australian boss
>time to put you down under
The corn enemies in Makai Kingdom actually say SHUCK IT.
>african boss
>"enough monkeying around"
>grandfather phil boss
>I am going to milk you dry
Leave frog alone
>bread boss
>you're the yeast of my worries
>doland drlumppff boss
>two whole ice cream scoops out of your pay
>Knight Boss
>nice night for a fight
>Poorfag boss
>My company is in ruins
>golem boss
>"Don't be a cookie cutter."