When does this game start getting good?
When does this game start getting good?
when you put the controller down and stop playing
Never. Play P3P Minato a gay
Or better yet play actual video game like Persona 1 and 2 instead of VN shit
When you get Thanatos.
When you fuck Yukari.
Is this from Dance All Night? I don't remember Yukari being in that game.
If you didn't get any excitement out of the iconic moment about one hour in, you won't like anything at least until the very end part of the game if ever. If you did, then post Summer break could improve it for you.
3 and 5 are getting dance spinoffs
Did they show Mitsuru yet?
It gets good when there's only a few months left.
And even then there's one whole month where absolutely nothings happens.
Hope you enjoy endless grinding.
In like August or something. Game is slow as hell, P4G and P5 are way better about pacing.
Is P5 really the best one in this series or are the earlier ones better? It's my first Persona game and I tried it since everyone kept praising it as the best JRPG in years but all the characters were annoying, it felt pathetic playing as the non-character MC who has no say in anything substantial and just nods along to what others tell him to do all game, and the story was garbage.
The music, monster designs and persona crafting shit were the only standout parts of it for me. Battle system was just okay.
>Is P5 really the best one in this series or are the earlier ones better?
Everyone has a different opinion on which is the best in the series, but from you complains I'd guess you won't like any of them.
Cool as fuck but disappointing movelist. Also you fucking get him by the end of the game, p3 had that fucking ugly shit persona as your starter instead of this for some reason
Just shut up and play the game you fucking faggot, the praise is for a reason.
what iconic moment
It doesn't. It's an 80+ hour visual novel, but it's only that long because it's full of filler.
Save yourself the tedium and just read the story on wikipedia and you'll be done with it in 5 mins.
I love Fuuka
reminder that this shitter got run out of /pg/ for being too much of a faggot
When Fuuka dies
So never
would you please fuck off with that shit
December or January or sometime around then.
It doesn't. Unless you're a huge autistic waifufag, it only gets more and more tedious and repetitive as time goes on. It astounds me that people think Persona is a good series.
That's what P3-5 are all like and they're not for everybody. If you liked the music, enemy designs and fusion you should try SMT instead seeing as it has that as well as bigger focus on the dungeon crawling,
when you turn on the power
Im also playing Persona 3 FES on my old PS2
Its a decent game of managing the school diary of a 16yo kid
It's got its charms and unique aspects
No, Her and Fuuka are the only girls that weren't shown
>Fuuka are the only girl that weren't shown
and i hope it stay that way
Mate have you not been paying attention
>Literally perfection
Fucking kill me
Persona 3-5 are only good in the first game month and the last couple. They do great beginnings and endings but they are unbelievably shit at everything else.
>Literally perfection
I thought it would've been pretty self evident.
It doesn't. You got memed.
Just because sex would send Makoto into an autistic meltdown doesn't mean she's more pure than Ann.
i didnt say anything about makoto
I liked it right after the bad opening FMV
When Yukari was talking to my character and I could pick from multiple-choice answers I felt like someone actually cares about me
If it isn't like that for you then you probably will never like the game
When you play mainline SMT instead
>I felt like someone actually cares about me
for the first time huh
and only
For the first time ...in a while
>in a while
sure user sure
persona games are one of the best fucking games if you don't count the middle parts, it's fucking boring as shit, P3 was ehh in the middle, P4G was shit, but P5 was good, but not great
>P4G was shit
hold up
are you saying that best girl is bad