This is my favorite Soulsborne game. Please insult me.
This is my favorite Soulsborne game. Please insult me
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your taste is too good
i loved it, don't know why it gets so much hate. I guess it was a bit lazy to copy and paste shit from BB but it's still a great game, designed by the same studio so it doesn't bother me.
I understand the hate for DS2 though, though it's good it definitely feels like the odd child in the series.
Care to explain why?
while it is not the same as mine, you can have your opinion. I did have fun with this game.
You can like whatever you want to like Anonymous.
Good choice, too. Dark Souls is a great series and all of the games are good. Fuck people trying to rank them.
Why did you make this thread for the third time today?
Nah, doesn't really matter, they're all basically the same game
Can you please stop making threads
Na you're good senpai, but we do shame the das2 casuals.
It just feels better to play. It controls great, there's weight to my movement, the framerate isn't constantly shitting itself (at least not on PS4 Pro boost mode), etc.
And most things DS3 took away or "changed for the worse" didn't really affect me. The indivdual level designs were solid, and many of the bosses were fun. That's all that matters to me. It looked great, too.
Because most of you refuse to actually complete and absorb the game for what it is.
And that's when you're not just outright failing to finish it like the casuals you are.
Oh boy here we go again
Begone casual redditor cuck.
Mine too user.
>best gameplay
>best bosses
makes it my favorite easily.
>ds3 babby calling others redditors
>no argument except spewing buzzwords
As usual.
>Roommate is slightly color blind
>No matter who is playing, we'll stop what we're doing and make him do the Crystal Sage fight
>Everyone in the apartment shouting occasionally conflicting information at the poor guy
>We're usually drunk
This game will always have a soft spot in my heart
Newfag here apparently. Why does everyone seem to hate ds2?
Level design, graphics, bosses, enemy variation, delayed controls. Many issues.
The controls are way less delayed than Dark Souls 1 and the enemies are pretty varied compared to Bloodborne.
i guess if you don't like things like story or lore or bosses you can beat then dark souls 3 is the game for you
this 5
I liked it too but a big part of how I really get into these games is the world which felt pretty phoned in to me in DaS3, obviously it's reusing the originals world which was never meant to have sequels and there's far too much "member this!?". That's why I prefer Demon's Souls to the Dark Souls sequels, even with it's low framerate and unrefined combat id far rather spend time in it's world over Dark Souls 3.
>demon souls
Never played it so not gonna tread those waters
amazing rpg with excellent level design, rich lore, and hardcore combat... Until the second half of the game where they ran out of time. And decided to just level edit the end of the game.
Simultaniously fixed and broke a lot of aspects from Ds1. Level design was much more linear which although isnt inherently bad kinda makes it feel less inspired than Ds1. Lore is a bit of a mess althoug still good and combat is much more reliant on being passive
MUCH faster combat, level design is much more linear than both Ds1 and Ds2, story is pretty cluster fucky and doesnt seem to quite explain as much as it needed to. Charecters are flatter than any other souls game but still have a story
Is stripped of a lot of its rpg elements with scaling being nerfed and armor meaning almost nothing. Its level design is pretty much just deal with X so you can do Y. Combat just feels like a slowed down version of BB. Story arguably the most straightforward of any souls. Overall a let down for the finale to an amazing series, but with how much the formula changed between games is it really fair to compare certain aspects.
>pretty varied
Literally Knight after Knight.
Are you literally retarded?
First Souls game I wasn't hooked from start to finish and half way through I just wanted it to end.
Are you literally literally.
I like you, friend. I think that while DS1 had the best atmosphere and sense of wonder, DS3 eclipses it in so many ways. I have many fond memories and replays of DS1 but on every replay I find the bosses to be lacking and the weapons to be rather bland. There's still that atmosphere, but it's just not the same effect. I've replayed all the Dark Souls into oblivion but DS1 I've stopped almost 80% of the time at O&S. And even then the boss fights just aren't all that much.
3 nails the boss fights, the music, the "gamefeel", the weapons, and still has the level design. It's the perfect blend of Bloodborne and Dark Souls. It feels good to play.
I am a touch unhappy about the linearity of the early stages but the first DLC fixed a lot of the lack of weapon choice, and the second gave it a proper endgame. I liked 2 for the sheer breadth of viable build options, I liked 1 for the lasting atmosphere and impressions, but 3 I keep coming back to when I want to get that Dark Souls(tm) experience perfected. When I just want to pick out a weapon set and build and test it out against powerful enemies that I know just memorizing patterns won't save me.
t. fanboy
>Please insult me.
Nah it's a pretty cool game user.
it's ok, being young isn't a crime, i guess like lots of people who were born in the 70s tried to argue that like depeche mode is totally their favorite band and that the rolling stones don't seem that great
Same, I didn't even bother with the dlc so I rushed to the final bosses and killed them then deleted the game.
>demon souls has retarded dark world and light world mechanics which locks gear behind shit like killing npcs and how many times you die. The story and lore is a lot more simple and so the presentation is better pulled off
>dark souls had glaring preformance issues, and a completely unfinished second half which lacks the pure polish of everything before the second half of anor londo
>dark souls 2 has directional movement controls, and difficult to understand world design that shifts frequently. soul memory sort of ruined pvp but cordinated pve was never difficult due to the easily available ring. (ftr, the glaring enviroment changes were always a thing, but it was just a lot easier to notice in ds2.)
>dark souls 3 is linear once again like demon souls, and the combat is less floaty and impactful. Invasions are completely unplayable due to the sheer abundance of fight clubs and party stacks (always a problem but now they outnumber you AND have 200 estus each)
>bloodborne doesn't have good pvp or pve in general, a good solo experience that manages to make fast hitting weapons feel impactful. The most gameplay and level designed polished yet, but its graphical fidelity is limited due to its console release.
Bloodborne > Dark souls = Demon souls > Dark Souls 2 > Dark souls 3
DaS > DeS > BB > DS3 > DS2
hey actually,
do you think people have different opinions on dark souls games because of the types of players they are?
like for example maybe dark souls 2 really isn't very fun if you're one of those medium roll hold block the whole run type guys
i always play light armor/big sword/cheap magic builds, so maybe that's why dark souls 3 seems bland to me
what do you guys think?
>Heide Knight
>Old Knight
>Alonne Knight
>Dragon Knight
The only enemies in the base game that are even knights by name. Nice Dark Souls 3 projection though.
I can at least guarantee the whole "looool u had problems with ____(boss)? u noob" is 100% related to build and playstyle.
though I can also say going each game has its own particular type of play that works well that doesn't transfer over to the others.
Here's how the Souls saga worked:
-Demon's Souls was a collab with Sony's 1st party studio JapanStudio, however a certain Sony lead didn't see the appeal of the game and thought it was a wasted effort, so even though it was pretty much a 1st party titles (technically 2nd party I guess?) Sony didn't publish it outside of Japan. Atlus and BandaiNamco picked it up due to it getting a cult following in the west.
-While developing DaS1 FromSoft knew it couldn't rely on Sony since their last game just got ditched outside japan, so they looked for another publisher out of desperation (even though Sony co-developed their last game) and a contract was sealed with BandaiNamco for 3 games published under them
-After DarkSouls1 came out, or even before then, the Sony lead (Shuhei yoshida) knew his dismissal of the franchise was a huge mistake and so offered to fully support FromSoft once more, this time without retarded publishing restrictions.
-DaS2 and Bloodborne were now in development. BandaiNamco's contract was already obsolete at this point, since FromSoft always had a better publisher to begin with (albeit stubborn) but now they are forced to shit out 2 more games because of the contract
-FromSoft finishes shitting out the other 2 half-hearted milked DarkSouls games, while the leads actually focus on the JapanStudio collab projects.
That's it. There's no reason for FromSoft to partner with BandaiNamco now that they know Sony won't act retarded like they did with Demon'sSouls. Sony not only publishes games internationally but also helps the studio itself developing the game, building the engine or offering sound recording studios, composers and orchestras (
Unless FromSoft wants to make multiplats they have no reason to go back to Bandai when Sony is clearly the better right hand
>even the board hame disowns DaS2
>second half is bad meme
Is anor londo and onwards really the "second half"? It took me 1/3 of the time to finish that half then the rest of the game.
Nothing wrong with that, Souls 1, 2 and 3 are all pretty different games, all with their own unique 'flavor'
Comparing them is difficult because they're all different. My only complaint about 3 is the removal of bonfire ascetics
I agree to all of this. DaS3 is the best Soulsborne games. It had that rapid snappy gameplay of Bloodborne with the more superior setting of DaS. It had actual aggressive AI and not just the backstab cheese that was DaS1. And while Bloodborne was really good I felt like there wasn't enough variety in the setting like in DaS3 so it feels more like a grand adventure you embark on.
Also the final boss and the Nameless Ones are great boss fights.
This is true
DS1 is best for heavy armor builds or shields
DS2 is best for magic usage or power stancing
DS3 is best for low equip % rollfest DPS contest
Just play whats most fun in each game and you'll have a blast
>Casualized the series down to a wanna-be action game with no jump button, bad combos, and no stamina management.
>Instant and nigh unpunishable Estus.
>Lore is either a throwback to DaS1, or incomplete fanfiction-tier nonsense.
>It's the same fucking story as the first one, but worse; Kill these four assholes, link the fire. Difference being that none of the assholes are good fights except Twin Princes, and their lore is propped up on DaS1 (Aldrich/Abyss Watchers), or it practically doesn't exist (Yhorm/Twin Princes).
>Every zone is bloated with enemies and gank squads that are just there to waste time.
>Reuses the same Hollow/Undead Settlement enemies all fucking long, with each area having, at most, one unique enemy.
>Enemies have tracking out the asshole, on top of swinging in cleaves.
>Enemies deal absurd amounts of damage.
>Enemies have worse AI, pathing, and spacial awareness than DaS1 and 2.
>Weapon arts are trash on almost every single weapon.
>The game is ugly as fuck. Outside of Irithyll and Ringed City, everything is desaturated and muddy as fuck.
>The highest percentage of shitty bosses; Cursed Greatwood, Vordt, Crystal Sage, Abyss Watchers, Wolnir, Aldrich, Deacons of the Deep, Yhorm, Ancient Wyvern, Old Demon King, and Soul of Cinder are all easier than most normal enemies. Either because they're a gimmick fight, their AI is fucking terrible, or they just don't do anything dangerous. All in all, there's only three amazing fights; Nameless King, Gael, and Friede.
>The 1st DLC is trash that pops up out of nowhere and leads to nothing.
>The game is horribly linear.
>They removed Lifegems because they provided too much healing, but then made the Estus instant, heal for over a third of your health, and put bonfires everywhere, which is somehow worse.
>Pointless level design that loops it around itself to lead back to bonfires that aren't even relevant.
>They re-broke covenants somehow.
>Poise is a useless stat.
the final boss is interesting from a mechanical standpoint but is entirely irrelevant to the story for the entire game. in all the other games the final boss fights have been against someone who's been built up throughout the game, whether that's allant, gwyn, nashandra or aldia, or gehrman. in dark souls 3 the final boss is...a bunch of flame. that no one talks about or makes any reference to. the only actual meaning it gets is cribbed from dark souls 1 because halfway through it starts fighting like gwyn and plays gwyn's theme, but that's just a cheap nostalgia grab.
>no jump button
just because you couldn't find it doesn't make it nonexistent
>muh gank squads
>each area having, at most, one unique enemy
profaned capitol has: gargoyles, pyromancer white garb pyro bitches, and hand beasts (that's 3 uniques in one area)
>enemies have tracking
boo hoo
>highest percentage of shitty bosses
that belongs to dark souls 1, which has 3 good bosses out of like 22
>game is linear
which is why you can sequence break and fight one of the last bosses as the second boss
>poise is a useless stat
no, they just balanced it to only work when you actually need it, instead of working all the time
good bait though, made me reply
>Made some significant changes to some very base mechanics, some worked but a lot did not
>Losing 5% of your health on death deserves it's own bullet point; it's completely unnecessary for gameplay purposes and thematically punishes players for persevering despite adversity, one of the basic tenants of what makes the Souls series so satisfying to overcome
>Boss's tend to have similar cut/paste attacks, leading to a lot of the roster feeling the exact same as the rest; which doesn't help that a lot of them aren't very visually distinctive
>The more unique non-human boss enemies are either forgettable or bad
>Attention to geographic consistency was clearly not a priority despite that being one of the most praised aspects of the prior game
>Level design is very lacking, enemy placement is by far one of the weakest elements in the game; so bad it was retroactively 'fixed' with paid dlc
>Sound design ranges from acceptable to poor,
>the final boss is interesting from a mechanical standpoint
Maybe if you use an unupgraded broken straight sword and he lives long enough to do something.
>just because you couldn't find it doesn't make it nonexistent
You're right, it has a jump button it's just borderline unusable in combat.
>profaned capitol has: gargoyles, pyromancer white garb pyro bitches, and hand beasts (that's 3 uniques in one area)
Gargs are reused in Lothric, and they're actually as common, if not more common in Lothric than they are in Profane Capital.
The Keepers of the Profane Flame aren't unique. They're just reskins of the shit from Duke's Archives.
So are least you got Monstrosities of Sin correct. They don't appear anywhere else.
>boo hoo
Nice to see you can't refute that one at all.
>that belongs to dark souls 1, which has 3 good bosses out of like 22
DaS3 has 3 out of 25, so no, retard, DaS3 is worse, but at least you're able to admit that most of the bosses in DaS3 are fucking terrible.
>which is why you can sequence break and fight one of the last bosses as the second boss
Oh, wow, I can fight Dancer, Dragon Armor, and Twin Princes before I go back to fighting everything else in a row. What a fucking amazing sequence break. Oh wait, don't forget about fighting "Not Prowling Magus and Congregation" before Abyss Watchers.
>no, they just balanced it to only work when you actually need it, instead of working all the time
It does nothing. Hyperarmor is so strong on its own that "Poise" is irrelevant. This can't be argued, it's just the way the game is.
>good bait though, made me reply
Not everything that triggers your reddit sensibilities is bait.
Playing through this now, I'm playing as a knight. I've been just leveling up my Claymore, have I fucked up?
/Thread, now let the animus shitheads play their stupid game.
I forgot about all the times I jumped in combat in Souls 1 and 2, my bad
Irithyll dungeon has the jailers, giant rat, and failed dragon baby things, so again, 3 in one area
If you can't unlock your camera and hit at least two things at once, I can see why you'd complain about gank squad enemies
How good a boss is is subjective, I'm sorry you can manage to dislike dancer, champion gundyr, demon princes, oceiros and pontiff, while simultaneously implying that any DaS1 boss is better
Don't forget about being able to fight oceiros and champ before even touching vordt
I haven't fucked around enough with HA to refute that point, so I'll give you that
Don't get me wrong, DaS3 is probably my least favorite in the series, but you're being kinda unfair and overly biased against it
The claymore is one of the better weapons and knight is the best class to start with, you haven't fucked up at all
DaS3 gives you enough upgrade materials to let you fully upgrade plenty of weapons, so that's no problem if you decide you don't like it later, and Knight is one of the best quality starts because of the base stats it gives you
I'm not going to bother reading any of this, just stop talking about things
thanks lads
I finished Bloodborne and loved it. I'm buying Dark Souls III next without playing any of the previous ones and no one can convince me not to
you have a small dick
>I forgot about all the times I jumped in combat in Souls 1 and 2, my bad
The best part is that you didn't even bother arguing that the game's combat is a dumbed down piece of garbage. You're just stuck on if a jump button exists or not.
>Irithyll dungeon has the jailers, giant rat, and failed dragon baby things, so again, 3 in one area
Giant Rats appear in at least two other zones, so no.
>If you can't unlock your camera and hit at least two things at once, I can see why you'd complain about gank squad enemies
>How good a boss is is subjective
But you're going to argue this point to death anyway to save face, despite previously admitting that the game's bosses were garbage.
>Don't forget about being able to fight oceiros and champ before even touching vordt
Optional shit is "sequence breaking" now.
>Don't get me wrong, DaS3 is probably my least favorite in the series, but you're being kinda unfair and overly biased against it
Funny think is that I like all three games a lot, but DaS3 has the least excuses for it's flaws. DaS1 was rushed, DaS2 was a catastrophe, but DaS3 is just mediocre and props itself up on presentation over good gameplay.
The AI in particular is embarrassingly bad.
Titanite Slabs are pretty rare, don't waste them. Go to +9 and sit on that unless you really think you want to use it as a primary weapon. If you do the DLCs you get more slabs though.
>I'm not going to bother reading any of this
Then don't respond you chucklefuck.
you're the one that brought up the jump button and won't get off of it, after implying that 1 and 2 made jumping viable in combat. The combat is hardly dumbed down, if anything, you're arguing that every souls game has dumb combat, but again >opinions
go ahead and ignore that there's still 2 unique enemies in the dungeon. While we're nitpicking facts, the giant rat only shows up in undead settlement and the dungeon
also, dark souls 1 almost completely lacks single spawn minibosses, like fire demons, stray demon, sulyvahn's beasts, and deep accursed. The only similar enemies in Souls 1 I can think of are the multitudes of titanite demons and black knights
can't refute that one I suppose
>despite previously admitting that the game's bosses were garbage
I never said that, you just wanted to believe that I said it and assumed I did, read my first reply. 3 has the most quality boss fights of any souls game
>optional shit is "sequence breaking"
despite it being optional, there's a clear point in the game when you're /supposed/ to do it, and being able to do it early is non-linear game design
I'll stop wasting both of our time and stop here
I won't even try, that's the right thing to do.
I forgot about the undead dragon torso things, so that makes 3 DaS1 single spawn enemies