From newgrounds animator to now starring in Nintendo ads. Whats next
Egoraptor and Nintendo
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All for an amiibo no less
him as a smash throphy
>Despite Arin and Danny doing Game Grumps for four years together people still only care about Jon's tenure
Man, I knew Arin became a sellout, but damn
In a grave hopefully
Game Grumps only do ads for the Shovel Knight amiibo because Yacht Club likes them
Big Daddy Nintendo doesn't know who these clowns are
I can almost guarantee people at NoA have heard of Egoraptor.
I thought that was because they let the Shovel Knight guys do their own promotion for the amiibos?
>Big Daddy Nintendo doesn't know who these clowns are
Arin was invited to the last Nintendo World Championships and got his ass kicked in fucking Mario Kart where he ended up in 8th place somehow.
doing pretty good for a high school drop out
I'd rather Danny just do solo stuff of old adventure games. His solo space quest run was one of the best things that came of him joining the channel.
That Dan guy has no clue about videogames, that's why. He's just there because le funny comedy to make money. Egoraptor and Jontron really do care about games.
>better chemistry
>less of a brand and just a show
>only content on the channel was Game Grumps and nothing else
Jon era is always going to be considered the best
Dan is a vintage type of gamer and arin is simply a sperg. Like have you not watch him play space quest?
He is actually close friends with the Shovel Knight developers.
He was one of the big youtubers who made videos about the game way back when Jon was still around, so I would say half of the games popularity came from Arin.
Didn't he go from like second place to 8th in like the last 30 seconds of the race? Or was that Cosmo?
I need to rewatch it. The NWC in general was was pretty entertaining. Someone was getting horribly blown the fuck out at the very least.
I wish there were more than those. All there is of the stuff he's personally passionate about is the old Steam Train episodes with him and Ross, and the Space Quest one. Some of my favorite content put out on the channel and generally what I prefer rather than their playing intentionally/infamously shitty games or longer big titles with a big fanbase, but eh, what can you do. Aside from those adventure games and old titles, I don't really watch the video itself anyway, I just leave the audio on to listen to like a casual podcast.
>Villains who did nothing wrong
>A literal high school drop out is making more money than I ever will by just playing video games all day
a-at l-l-l-least I enjoy my job...
jon era grumps is literally the only lets play i can enjoy
Theres more context to the drop out story. His school was so shit that his mom preferred him to get a GED instead. He also most likely had a day job during his old Egoraptor days.
he only became famous because he worked his ass off as an animator.
Man all these game grump threads really make me want to get a good buddy of mine, crack jokes and throw in a bit of bantz record that shit then, BOOM YouTube money bitch
>hating on someone for doing what they love
I know Sup Forums is pathetic, but wow.
Sony are probably killing themselves
Game Grumps was too entertaining for its own good when Jon was in it, GGanimated videos were a neat concept and pumped out some good online animations, even getting the guy who made the Sup Forums-rage comics to do one.
Jon had the right idea, when he went back to his channel he was more active than ever, and Game Grumps in its core died a pure death, I don't even consider post Jon era Game Grumps to be part of Game Grumps.
Arin&Jon GameGrumps can't really be replicated, people say Oneyplays fills he void and while that it an alright channel in its own right, it's not the same as Game Grumps Jon era.
He worked at Disney as park staff and was already networking with people while Sup Forums sat home and played videogames
You would be one drop of water in an ocean of people with identical channels. It's so easy to make a let's play channel these days that unless you're someone already popular or were there around the time let's play's were created you're shit out of luck. GG only took off because people were already fans of both Jon and Arin.
I just love the mystery behind the departure more. I get the impression from Jon that they weren't as close as many people liked to think they were.
Real classy Nintendo.
Ok, the part where he ran his fingers through his hairy ass legs got me.
Hard to believe that some people could be this successful from starting off doing Newgrounds flash cartoons, and others end up like pic related.
They only started hanging out a few months before GG started. They even streamed one of the first times they hung out and arin was very shy.
GG only became big because Arin already had a huge following spending years making newgrounds animations during its rise.
but if a girl did this its okay. why the double standard?
There is obviously a fuckton more to the production of GG than you'd think given the number of episodes they pump out. Even back in the original days they'd probably be stuck in a room for entire days at a time which can really put a strain on a relationship. That coupled with Jon probably getting increasingly anxious about not putting out content on his main channel no doubt led to some friction. Keep in mind the Jon days are before they could afford an office and staff so it was also done in (I think?) Arin's house.
I honestly have no clue who the fuck Ross was until Game Grumps.
What ever happened to that guy who made those Power Ranger parodies?
I miss shit like this
He sold out massively and no this isn't "he makes more money than me therefore he's a sellout" tantrum.
The man basically gave up all the artistic integrity he had from his Newgrounds days to peddle tshirts and do the literal definition of squeaky clean Youtube content.
That new Youtube Red series he's in looks like awful garbage
you would do the exact same thing, get fucked.
Joseph had a single decent Legend of Zelda parody and he never improved his art, animation (all tweens), writing, voice acting, etc. He was a lazy and overrated animator and I'm amazed 12 idiots are giving him any money each month.
At least Ego improved and did a lot of frame-by-frame stuff even if he doesn't animate anymore
Well Sup Forums?
No it would still be weird.
>Youtube has become completely unprofitable for animators now due to the demand for daily 10 minute ad littered videos
>GG is basically what started this trend
The funniest part is that Ross was one of the people hit by the Youtube shift and now he works for Arin and is the groups punching bag.
Its so sad its almost funny.
They uploaded the first episode of the youtube red show for free and it is beyond garbage. They can't act and they put so much makeup on Danny so he doesn't look like a 40 year old man anymore.
>singlehandedly memed Nintendos only serious franchise to death in one fucking video
>doing ads for Nintendo now
Miyamoto must be getting desperate.
Or Nintendo's just trying new ways to grab people with their advertising, considering the Wii U didn't work out.
No i wouldnt, id stick with what got me famous and use that to fit with modern times. He could keep animating, eventually get hired by a big name or just get enough dumb fans to literally throw money at you for animating a penis eating a hamster
>shovel knight
>nintendo franchise
He himself has said that his animation is super simple. People make less with a lot more.
He just hit that perfect planetary alignment of popular content. People forget too that between Awesome series and Sequelitis there was a big stretch of time where he didn't do shit.
I still can't believe that Nintendo actually made those shitty amiibo.
>Game Grumps are going on tour in Europe, cooperated on a Youtube production with Dan Harmon, Sponsorship deal with Nintendo, Regularly travels to Japan, Arin having done voice work on Rick and Morty.
All they ever do is joke about sucking each other's dick.
I fucking hate this argument, you can't prove anything with a hypothetical situation and doesn't excuse Arin anyway.
You don't understand how western animation works.
A: its very style-dependent, to the point that CalArts has become the predominant producer of western animation directors
B: the industry is ridiculously insular and would rather take people from university pools than someone who may not be adaptable to studio work, even if their famous
C: animators don't make shit, because
D: most work is outsourced
The same is all true of vidya animation, which is why Arin made such a big deal about Ty Hesse getting to animate the Sonic Mania intro. Shit like that is rare.
>second episode preview has comments and ratings disabled
Dan would've been better if he only played with Ross. Their adventure games playthroughs are maximum comf.
It sucks how animation isn't as practical. They could try to do kid's shows, but even those don't have stellar animation. Plus that Ren and Stimpy style they loved doing was difficult in that show's production because the director was a total perfectionist.
Dan looked like his face looks really uncanny.
What did they think would happen? They're a couple of out-of-shape old men who lucked into getting paid piles of money to play 90+ episodes of nintendo games. They have no on-screen charisma.
You're right that Arin's following had a big impact but I don't think GG would have gotten as big as it did if it started as just Arin and some no-name instead of Jon.
I honestly never heard of Jon before GG
I'm sick of all the success this fucker had.
I hate my life so much.
Isn't he 38?
I thought the comments were disabled because you need a subscription to view them like the views on the videos. Guess I was wrong.
Arin is a sellout though and appeals to dumb kids, you too could do all that shit if you just wanted to be a clown on youtube.
>Chinless autistic spastic youtuber neckbeard advertising static dolls with DLC encoded into them in a sexual manner
Nintendo REALLY knows their audience.
>GG only became big because Arin already had a huge following spending years making newgrounds animations during its rise.
I thought GG became big because Jon was there at the time.
What happened to the other things they used to do?
Its just two episodes of grumps a day, and Im not always interested in the games.
What other things?
Steam train and the board game show
It also helps he was born into money. Rags to riches is a myth.
I think they canned those (I don't know why) but they still do Stout Train every St Patricks Day.
Never, ever let them forget that they had Rob Schneider on Game Grumps.
Never, ever.
He'd be president right now if he'd just helped his teammates shoot the melons
>Sell out
Can't sell out if you didn't have anything to sell to begin with.
He is basically the Don Hertzfeldt of Newgrounds, if Don Hertzfeldt made shitty flash video game parodies. He is only an icon because he knows literally everybody at Newgrounds and helped a lot of the actually talented animators that produce content regularly get their foot in the door. And of course by actually talented I mean the ones that have now all given up animation to play video games on Youtube for a living because who the fuck gives a shit about flash cartoons in 2017.
To be fair youtube animators in general don't get any support. Piemations with 1.6 millions subs just broke 1k on patreon while a react channel blindwave or normies gets 25/11k a month for watching tv shows.
I tried watching a new GG episode, it was terrible
>Matt and Woolie from Super Beat Friends play backed Shovel Knoght enough to design their own boss battle for the game
>Arin only backed enough to get a portrait in the Hall of Champions
>Couldn't be bothered to submit a fucking photograph on time for the game.
>Game ships without his portrait. Arin still doesn't submit a photo so Yacht Club uses his shitty Grump head instead.
>Yet somehow Yacht Club chooses Arin and his retarded friends to do the Shovel Knight amiibo commercials instead of SBFP.
Location and or actually being recognizable
Nobody gives a shit about your imaginary friends and their hot opinions.
They both aged like shit.
Hopefully he never goes full Greg Wilmot, and demands everything on the channel that he appears in get taken down.
I haven't looked at the devastation to Jirard's channels yet. I can't bear to see it, pun not intended.
Fuck high school it's just a waste of time tbqh. Just specialize in something and make moolah.
Arin has always been cleaner and more reserved than other Newgrounds animators. When he came on the scene it was sort of a breath of fresh air since he tried to be far less edgier than everyone else.
Yeah piss jokes used to be tame
fuck off
>have watched Grumps for the past few years
>they keep going on tours in the US
>"Eh, I doubt they'll ever come here. Would be neat though."
>they actually are coming here now
>they're coming to an event that's like a fucking 30 minute train ride away too
I'm almost tempted even though I have no reason to go.
But then I realize it's just them playing video games so why the fuck would I?
Still, neat.
Dan isn't funny or entertaining at all. At least it was somewhat funny with Jon. Danny is brutal.
How to spot a "I hate things other people like" post
he never created anything of worth though
>Big Daddy Nintendo doesn't know who these clowns are
>Game Grumps is partnered with Nintendo, getting free shit and promoting games all the time
>Arin invited to the NWC
>has done Yacht Club commercials before for Shovel Knight because they're fans of each others work