What went so god damn wrong?
What went so god damn wrong?
What videogame is this from?
that faggot adding an additional image at the bottom when it doesnt belong at all
If it was about video games, it would be at page 10 with no replies
Gaiafags became redditards and exacted revenge by ruining Sup Forums
Post the other one
Thank me later.
People don't like games.
They only like winning. Being a sophophiliac would make this annoying as well.
Threads like this don't help OP
Retards took the "we hate video games" thing seriously, newfags then proceeded to blame every boogeyman imaginable for the board going to shit. Every fucking thread now is
>medieval fantasy setting
>character: "Jesus Christ!"
Like anything.
Normalfags and the mainstream.
>normalfags ruined everything
i love this picture, really gives me feels.
as for you OP - fuck off for not being vidya related, stop being the cancer portrayed behind the lady.
source plz
I've only ever seen that happen in porn games
what manga was this originally from?
wasn't it about this girl's NEET brother or something?
I've made 4 vidya threads withing the last 10 hours, all of them have archived with no replies.
Eternal september was experienced here at different points. Lurking before posting slowly not followed, idiots flooding in posting shit, other idiots seeing it and thinking the behavior is the norm. Slowly old users driven out or ostracized.
I wonder what the modern Sup Forums girl would say
This isn't really accurate though. 2011 Sup Forums was really depressed. Post 2012 Sup Forums was pretty smug until Sup Forums ruined the site.
>What went so god damn wrong?
Sup Forums
notice how she stopped smiling when pepe appeared
Ironic memesters who hate everything combined with reddit tourism killed this place.
I want to hug Chizuru-chan!
>People actually followed the lurking before posting meme
bullshit no one followed it and if you did you are an actual joke
Why is Wojak posted today when it should be a dead meme? All the other cancerous images that spawned that year died.
Is it because Sup Forums hates OC?
Do they just find it easier to give a crying Wojak a new hat? I think I might have answered my own question.
I miss the innocent smugness of 2011.
Pepe has been around since 2004, normies took hold of it and drove it into the ground
it feels very bad saying "Jesus Christ!" in a dnd session, it's just a habit and it happens sometimes but if feelsbadman
The only 'OC' Sup Forums creates is cancerous console war images in ms paint and reposted vidya webms.
Sup Forums is afraid of OC because memes have become commercialized.
Wojak and Pepe stick around because people get unreasonably angry about them which causes trolls to post it to get them butthurt.
Did she win yet?
>Site with rebellious attitude becomes popular
>Site wit rebellious attitude becomes the norm, rebelling against nothing
its the circle of Liiiiiiife
I did it for a while back when I started visiting in late 2006. I had no idea how a lot of shit worked and watched the different jokes and humor on boards. I saw anons get shit on for being dumb so I wanted to make sure I didn't act like an idiot. It seems acting like an idiot is okay now.
We grew up
>I saw anons get shit on for being dumb
Those are called (You)s now user, you want as many as possible.
after 10 years on Sup Forums im ready for sites again where people have usernames and just get banned for being terrible
10 years ago: 50% decently capable people, 50% people who just post "Sup Forums" shit
today: 5% decently capable people 95% garbage and phoneposters
>(you)s got taken away and fixed the problem
>everyone complained about them, so moot2 brought them back
you know you can just leave and join a cancer forum whenever you want, right?
really most of Sup Forumss problems would be solved if per-thread poster IDs were enacted (like Sup Forums did)
you can tell who's new
Here you have it guys
Not that user, but I tried iqdb, saucenao, google, and tineye and I have found damn near nothing. What did you search to get to it?
That inevitably devolves into a popularity content where the person with the most posts and the coolest avatar and "mod" status earns all of the attention. Join a discord if you want to suck someone's cock.
Growing up, responsibility, bitterness towards the world around
there arent any good forums on the internet
unfortunately Sup Forums allows you to escape one thing on boards other than Sup Forums and that is mods who think being a mod is something deserving of pride.
all internet forum mods on any forum anywhere, all have narcissistc personality disorder 100% of the time and this makes said forums unusable
It's not like Reddit's post quality is better. It's just that the internet is swamped with people who shouldn't be online (phone posters)
Sup Forums peaked at Shazbowl
>reddit spacing
Did it ever get at THAT part?
I read the manga when the animu ended, but nothing really happened, it only got revealed to the reader.
Um sweetie you're not helping
There's nothing wrong with shiggy diggy and greentexting, it's still here constantly
It should've stopped there though, ironic meme culture sucks
>8ch meme designed specifically to get dumb ass Sup Forums newfags to whine about a space.
thats not reddit spacing
this is
reddit spacing
when the retards from other sites
keep making lots
of different lines
one singular line is not
a reddit line
Practice saying "By the gods!" or something instead and you'll melt right into it.
Didn't we have this at one point? It was great for thread quality, where did it go?
>reddit spacing meme
Reddit this, reddit that, why the obsession, bro?
What the fuck is Wojack?
Who dis?
>Not being proud that we lived to see Project Mayhem succeed.
I'll never not be proud of President Trump.
t. reddit
did Sup Forums have that?
I remember Sup Forums got them and when it was suggested that Sup Forums got the same all the shitposters bitched loudly enough that it was rejected
t. No argument.
>Oh my Gods!
complaining about reddit is a bannable offense now
Shit posters also got upset when (you)'s were removed when for the longest time boards did fine without them.
why is it so hard for you people to NOT reply
>tfw no gf
friendly reminder that posts consisting solely of things like "t. reddit" "you have to go back" "reddit spacing" etc fall under Sup Forums's "No garbage outside of Sup Forums" rule and posting such replies is a bannable offense
You mad?
you grew up
>ever EVER saying "kys" even ironically
It's the most faggot thing to say, especially when you know where it came from.
Not to mention it's gramatically wrong. It would be "ky" with no "s" in the end.
>Muh reddit spacing meme
Newsflash newfag, it doesn't exist!
Sup Forums used it first!
Would a gf really make your current situation better though?
It's Sup Forums.
What else are we gonna do.
Talk about games?
I have literally never played a video game.
the only good meme as of late is the bear and it's not even from here and also mutated from the old meme
Depends on the girl
This guy gets it.
Mario is pretty good.
>Sup Forums invented frogposting
Is that the one on the computer?
Not that guy though:
>Have no gf or love interest
>No motivation to do anything or improve
>Have a gf or love interest
>Suddenly, I have a reason to work hard
nobody cares
you forgot to mention that Sup Forums got rid of it.
IDs undermine the anonimity
they only work on boards with low traffic
like /biz/
or in boards with retarded people like /soc/
They don't work in high traffic boards.
The nature of Sup Forums inherently attracts shitposting because discussing video games is legitimately stupid.