Dark Souls
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by getting good
Dodge his extremely telegraphed attacks and don't let him charge up. Grass crest, green blossom, power within are all helpful. Don't get greedy. It's enjoyable to learn and becomes very doable once you have.
If you're having trouble with Artorias you're in for fun times ahead.
pussy way of beating him: get a great crossbow and whenever he starts to buff, shoot him in the head with it. it will interrupt him.
>git gud meme
It's a RPG, i know people forget about that when talking about souls games, but you know, you can always try to level up?
Not looking forward to it
Not doing that
I'm level 80, its fucking embarrassing
He got raped by the abyss.
Also he apparently later got a fan club. Instead of copying his legendary great sword/great shield combo, they decide to mimic his fighting style AFTER he shattered his arm and was driven insane. A broken shell of his former self, reduced to such a wretched state that his dearest friends could only desperately hope for his death.
It's either some kind of brutal mockery or a couple of retards going "XD let's copy paste DS1 and BB together that'll sell lmao".
Literally an easy piece of shit. The first dog boss fight and artorias gave me more of an issue.
Even the shitty dodge system from dark souls 1 was good enough to beat him full naked.
His attacks do jack ton of damage and sometimes he might combo without you knowing, but as long as you are careful and get yourself enough time to heal you can take care of him. Also he does nothing but physical damage most of the time so a heavy shield will do the job for tanking.
Fuck this beast.
I'm so mad I can't even properly play anymore
look down and find the circle/B button
when his sword is going to hit you press that button
when sword isn't hit you press r1/rb
repeat until win
if your response is "I'm on M+KB" then get gamepad
Take a break, go to the Painted World and farm Phalanxes.
Do people actually play Souls game with M+KB?
I need to jerk off and come back tomorrow, pick something for me to fap to
i never thought about this before. just when i thought i was done finding things to dislike about ds3.
t. poorfag
I play mouse and keyboard and I'm better because of it. There's just so much more camera control with a mouse than an analog joystick. I have a very specific bind setup that is NOT default and it just works wonderfully. It's all preference really but mouse and keyboard are objectively better at 90% of game genres.
The Abysswatchers fought based on the legend of Artorias, none of them actually knew how he fought or what his style was. That's why the dagger is supposed to resemble a wolf claw, their arsenal is meant to invoke both Sif and Artorias
Reminder that Artorias is left-handed, but his left hand got chewed up by the abyss.
So in this boss fight, he's fucking you up while wielding his sword in his off hand.
did you beat sif yet? just do that
i still haven't beat that motherfucker
without arrows
Dark Souls 2 is rad, gang. Powerstancing is retarded joy
I play with KB only
This is garbage community fanfic that got a nod in Dark Souls 2 and was promptly retconned in DaS3
Where is this retcon?
The only evidence that he was actually left-handed was the moveset you got for equipping it in your left hand in DaS2 which does not exist in DaS3.
Other clues include the pauldron on his armor being crafted for a right-handed swordsman in all the games and the fact he left his shield with Sif in the abyss, making his shield arm more vulnerable, not his sword arm. Even if he two handed it which is uncharacteristic, he would still have lead with his left shoulder. Uncle Arty was always right-handed.
How were players supposed to know to go to Darkroot Garden to kill Sif, equip the ring and then jump off from the stairs in New Londo?
The Red Clansman in New Londo tells you to look for Artorias to traverse the Abyss. You find the very large Ember in New Londo which you bring back to Andre through a conveniently located shortcut to Darkroot Garden who sells the Crest of Artorias.
At least, that's how my first playthrough went.
Fun facts: You don't need the Crest of Artorias to reach Sif and there's a hidden bonfire next to the door you use the crest on.
If not for Artorias of the Abyss, Dark Souls 1 would have almost no satisfying bossfights.
I know about those, I was just explaining the trail of developer breadcrumbs laid for a new player to find Sif. My friend actually went through cat-armadillo hell instead of just buying the crest his first time though.
>Artorias the Abysswalker mentioned constantly as "traversing the abyss"
>Ingward talks about him if you have the Lordvessel, and you need to talk to him to open up the path to 4 Kangs
>Alvina tells you that his grave is in the forest
>Crest of Artorias directly states his grave contains treasures
>if you still manage to get to get to 4 Kongs without the ring you get a prompt saying you were taken by the abyss, implying you need an alternative method
playing DS2 in the jester set while powerstancing a lightning and fire zwei was the most enjoyable thing I've done in a souls game
Quelaag, Ornstein and Smough, Sif and Gwyn were pretty good but yeah the rest not so much. The same is true of Bloodborne where the DLC bosses save for the base game having mostly terrible ones.
>It's all preference really but mouse and keyboard are objectively better at 90% of game genres.
Yeah, this is definitely one genre in the 10% you goon.
camera control is not important enough in souls games to justify using a KB+M
Quelaag and Sif were too easy but they did look very cool and were fun to fight.
I recommend watching jeffanddavidshow if you're having trouble with bosses in dark souls, they're a bit meh on commentary but their guides are really good
Yeah they're not overly challenging but I really like the Quelaag fight in particular, one of my favorites from the series. She's got the lava attack which makes you take in your surroundings, she has the long range sword attack so you can't just run in an face tank her and she has the AoE blast and leg stomp so you can't hug her sides. It's a pretty dynamic fight all things considered.
My biggest disappointment is that the Nito and Seath fights suck given how important they are to the game's universe. The Kalameet fight is how you do a dragon boss fight.
bump for comfy DaS thread
The creation of levels was a mistake, and has never, and will never EVER serve any purpose that isn't entirely artificial, and psychological
I think they did an alright job with Nito, giving him the classic summoner's Achilles' heel of himself being a weak shit, but he definitely would have been improved if they made him less about his skellies and more about his own power
The Seath fight is a trainwreck though, especially with how much they built him up to be a holy terror
I've always thought that Sif was a hard fight, but that's probably because I always go straight to him after moonlight butterfly and get one shot by any of his sword attacks
DaS1 has the issue of a lot of bosses being better on paper than they are in game, which makes for great lore/atmosphere but feels lackluster in combat, which is fine
It's good to see that they really improved in the later games
Kalameet is way harder.
Dragon Crest ring
Logan's catalyst
Crystal Soul Spear
Crystal Homing Soulmass
Black Knight Halberd +5
Thank god
That's exactly why they're useful in modern gaming. If you're designing an open, interconnected world it's a great way to keep your new non-retard players from say; wandering into a graveyard filled with skeletons.
If you are having trouble with him you are really going to HATE Kalameet and Manus.
I wanted to see the Nito we saw in the opening cinematic where he was a bringer of disease and death, I know his attacks can cause poison but I think he should've had more magic spells to him. The fight was really just getting him in the loop of attacking with his sword, then you get some damage in, he kneels over telegraphing his scream, you run away and then repeat that until he's dead.
Agreed on Seath, it's just bad. If you have enough Curse resistance you can safely just face tank him by hugging his front side.
Also regarding Sif, can't you actually do him as the first boss if you have the Master Key? Firelink -> New Londo -> Valley of Drakes -> elevator to Dark Root -> kill the Hydra -> Sif. Or am I missing something?
DS3 is objectively better with M+KB
Yeah, you can fight Sif first, don't even need to kill the Hydra if you've picked up enough soul drops on the way to be able to afford the crest
Master Key lets you do a ton of super fucky stuff, which is simultaneously good and bad game design as it lets you decide your own path, but also makes a lot of the harder/frustrating levels (depths, first half of blight town) irrelevant
I think for an action adventure game like this non linearity only adds to the game as long as it's naturally integrated which I think Dark Souls does fine, the player is naturally coaxed towards Undead Burg since they'll get slaughtered pretty fast if they try to go to New Londo or the Catacombs.
It adds a lot of replayability to the game, like I almost start my game off with going to kill Pinwheel to get the Rite of Kindling as early as I can. You can make Four Kings the penultimate boss or the second boss. The map design from Firelink to Sen's Fortress is just masterfully done and I always wondered why they didn't keep that sort of interconnected world for the sequels.