>town guards are stronger than you
Town guards are stronger than you
>town guards aren't even remotely as strong as you
>they still fight you despite knowing they can't win
>town guards are some of the strongest characters in the game
>town guards fight some boss alongside you
>die immediately
>town guards fight you
>stronger than boss
>Turns out that the town guards were actually a gang of little monkeys
>You're the town guard
>Guards run into the breach with you
>All die leaving you alone to save the king
Daggerfall thread?
>water draining mechanic activates
>you're left standing there with your little john thomas out and your glasses off
Reading posts like these in karls voice make visiting this board worth it.
Reminds me on a manga where the town guard is stronger than the hero party which is on journey to kill demon king because the king/governor is too afraid monsters would attack the town so he employed the strongest man as a town guard.
>final boss is the man with one face
This was actually really amazing gameplay wise in that neverwinter nights module dance with the rogues. Too bad the late parts of part 1 and part 2 just go boring combat mode over the cool rogue stuff...
In ESO it takes a legit raid group to burn down a town guard who also has his HP hidden unless you run add ons or glitch it so you see it. (12 man raid groups in shit ESO)
>town guards are exactly as strong as you
>guards block entrance
>You can't defeat them, no matter what
You may not pass.
>town guards respawn infinitely until you die or give up
Favorite RGS moments?
Karl Dilkington.