Why do other boards tell me to go back to Sup Forums like it's an insult? I love Sup Forums

Why do other boards tell me to go back to Sup Forums like it's an insult? I love Sup Forums

Why do people think Sup Forums is the worst board?

Because Sup Forums has the highest traffic. They hate Sup Forums because it's popular, making them meta-contrarians and the biggest hypocrites.

Because tits

>Sup Forums

It just has the most off-topic content, and a lot of other boards try to stay on topic.


Sauce me up please sempai?

Please let it have /ss/



you actual oldfag.

8 more years, hope you're ready :^)




I hope your anus is ready for when you get declared terorrists and the police come at you with military gear.


>that pic

Wew lad

>being an actual redditor

>as an 18 year old who has been on Sup Forums for 5 years now...

That explains everything



Is this Trump general?

holy fucking cringe

Miko Shibori

This is kinda boring honestly

>tfw this thread is just two shitposters who don't care about Trump one way or another just posting screencaps

its an antifa ""raid""

Was there any reason to not vote Trump when I'm a white male?

I just don't see what the Dems have to offer white people.

Trump is a leftist Jew lover. Don't let nu-neo-Sup Forums deceive you.

>Sup Forums is the most popular

wtf I hate Sup Forums now

Remember crazy bikelock man?

I spoke to his mother, she was crying, apparently he literally fled and went into hiding once his name got into the hands of Sup Forums

Honestly we were too forgiving of him. I've never hit an unsuspecting person with a blunt object he'said a little would-be murderer.

>I just don't see what the Dems have to offer white people.
Cultural enrichment.

He's looking at a very long prison sentence right now and his defense is really weak. He's fucked.

Sup Forums is the most popular

Because a schiesty devil woman in charge is better than having Putin-lite in charge.

Just look at your image and this thread you made. That's Sup Forums quality these days.

>Jewish lover

He basically told Israel and Palestine to go ahead and kill each other. He has no particular allegiance to either.

Israel is OK as a containment country, if more Jews migrate to the USA we'll become a bigger target for Islamic Terror

Even if that was true I see nothing Hillary had to offer the white community.