
How the FUCK is this allowed?

Why isn't Sony doing anything about this?

Or Atlus?

Or anyone?

Other urls found in this thread:


What's the problem? Isn't it nice when more people get to play fun games you like?

I agree. We should all file police reports to get this shut down!

Isn't it illegal somehow? I mean they're clearly not ment to be running this software.

They don't own it!

Fuck off PC-fat. Go back to your indies.

Obivous baiting but
>have anal rules restricting people that bought the game from streaming and taking screenshots of the game
>pirates won't have to deal with any of that shit

Not OP, but why do you assume we pirate the game? Blu-ray ripping is completely possible and legal. Emulation isn't a crime.

Persona 5 is a game that promotes pedophilia right? I mean that's allowed on Playstation because Sony is Japanese, but this emulator is made by westerners so pedophilia laws should apply. We could get it shut down based on that.

false flag

>emulators are made from scratch
>this doesn't infringe on the company's property
>purchase the game from a store
>rip it to your computer
I know this is a joke, but I mean come on falseflagger it's quite obvious

>BotW: the definitive version
>P5: the definitive version
will consolecucks ever recover?

Going to ignore OP's bait and use the thread to say I am excited that Fatal Frame uncensored Japanese version is viable now via Cemu.


Do you people actually believe this? On Sup Forums, of all places, where 99% of the populations is completely retarded, you seriously expect someone to be clever enough to pose as the opposite side to discredit them? That's a lot of assumptions.


I'm aware of ripping your own games, people will still pirate it though.

>P5: the definitive version

I will give you BoTW but P5? Come on

Oh woaw, Cemu's coming along so well! I'm always happy to see Cemu being updated.

I for one really can't wait to play Xenoblade in a proper resolution. I even heard they've almost got it working perfectly too, but I'm kinda' holding out for the cutscenes.

Some might, most won't. It's like saying, yeah, someone will sneak a copy under their sweater at Wallmart and get away with it, but a majority will still buy it.

I thought Xenoblade had gotten to 60fps running everything right a while back.

>60 fps patch
>4k+ internal rendering resolution (not just "le upscaled xD")
>ENB, SweetFX, ReShade and custom texture loading

Yeah it has a while to go, but when it's there, there's no question what the superior version will be.

Oh has it? Even better! Last I heard they had the gameplay mostly nailed out but the cutscenes were a choppy mess. I'm totally gonna' go check if I can get it running though.

Nice to see emulators proceeding along so nicely anyway.

Fuck off normie.

Whoops, I said 60fps but should have said 100% native fps.

After beating P5 twice on PS4 I don't even care that this is emulatable now. I wish Atlus would just fucking port their weeaboo shit to Steam already.

>i7 6700
So you can now either pay 2000 dollars to play it on PC, or 200 dollars and play it on PS3? I can't believe you people dawn the title "Master Race" with this logic.

Who has an i7 6700, though?


>Henlo, i am buying 2000 pesos computer to play 1 (uno) game
said fucking nobody


Honestly, for emulation you want as high as you can go and 4GHz is nothing to write home about. Most 2010+ processors can overclock to that pretty easily.

This. I'm actually surprised the specs aren't higher.

>wanting to play worst Persona

Persona 5 is the final frontier (thus far) of Persona games. If the PC nails down this one, it can literally play every Persona game ever released, better than the original console or any remakes ever made.

I don't have much interest in P5.

I do like that it's coming along nicely though, because that means more people will know about this, which probably means more support, and PS3 emulation is interesting.

I saw this exact thread and chain or characters and words for the Nintendo emulator.
Do you really have nothing better to do?

How does the Xbox always manage to dodge emulation like this? There has been 0 interest in emulation the original Xbox, 0 interest in the 360, and I doubt we'll see anything for the one.

All while actually good JRPGs sit and get no love.

Now see this is a good example of how emulators are cool, playing shit that you couldn't play otherwise and not just being such a lazy ass poorfag or platform loyalist that you can't go out and buy a game that is easily available in any store.

Is this your second day on Sup Forums? Every thread is just endlessly remade for shitposting purposes.

The wording might vary a little, but I'm convinced every thread in the catalog is made by the same 3 anons on repeat.

>Why isn't Sony doing anything about this?

Probably because emulation requires more effort than just downloading a file and smacking it into the emulator these days.

I have an i3-6100 at 3.7 GHz, how would I fare?

Not to mention the archiving that comes with it naturally. In 100 years where NES games are even harder to get a hold of and play than they are now, thanks to limited quantity and dying hardware, we'll still be able to play them through emulation.

Console-warriors always cry about emulation, but in reality it's the ultimate tribute. PC is immortalizing their games.

30 fps sounds manageable. Of course it depends on your other hardware too, and your configuration and such. But yeah, with the right settings you could do 30 I bet.

Remember when emulation wasn't infested with rampant console warring?

If it weren't for emulation I wouldn't be able to play Elemental Gimmick Gear today.

>such a lazy ass poorfag or platform loyalist that you can't go out and buy a game that is easily available in any store

In a move that may or may not surprise you, /vint/ revealed that the majority of people posting in CEMU threads were from South America and Eastern Europe

I suspect you (OP) crafted some delicious shitposts when CEMU was running BotW on launch month. How does it feel to have the shoe on the other foot, amigo?

And why the fuck am i not surprised, god dammit

IE 30FPS with dips down to 20.
There's plenty of interest, there's just no available documentation of the hardware.

How about an i5-5200U?

scene doesn't care because it's Microsoft


Idiot. That just means for everyone who pirates P5 on PC, Atlus is losing 10 copies' worth of profit. That's unacceptable! Tell me again how the mustard race isn't killing gaming.

>Atlus is losing 10 copies' worth of profit
Not really because none of these fags were going to buy the game in the first place.

>McDonald's isn't losing money when you steal a hamburger because you weren't going to buy a hamburger

Shit falseflag. If you wanted to discuss the emulator, you could have just made a normal thread about it.

>consoles settle for 720p at 30fps
>PC doesn't
>having standards is bad

PC might be killing it, but you're the ones holding it back.

Let's say no. Doing nothing different than what gets pretty much every other emulator running without any problems.

Why the fuck do you care? Just play your games and be happy that in 10 years when your PS3 is dead/sold/gone and you get the itch to play some of your favorite games you will be able to do it on your PC.

>console gamers care about the GAMEs instead of placebo numbers
>console gamers buy games instead of stealing them
>somehow console gamers are the bad guys

>console gamers don't care about the measurable numbers relating to the performance and fidelity of their games because their IQ can be measured on the Richter Scale
>console gamers buy endless shit and are genuinely surprised when the industry treats them like shit, and they are fed only shit
>somehow PC gamers are the bad guys here

Yes, criminals usually are the bad guys.

Fucking lel!

>their IQ can be measured on the Richter Scale
Fucking lol'ed. That might be the smartes joke I've read on Sup Forums all day. The state of this board.

Yeah, I can't wait to play a bug riddled version of a game because patches aren't distributed outside of PSN.

Because you crybaby, emulation isn't illegal. The roms/iso's are. Legally no corporation can do anything about emulators unless they use their bios to run, which rpcs3 doesn't.

The youngfags here wont remember but Sony a long time ago attacked people that distributed their scph1001.bin which is their ps1's bios for old ps1 emus. THAT was in their right to take down because it was legally theirs. Emulators made from scratch that dontnuse anything sony made, they cant do shit. They have to hold that L.

Not him, but:

The PC market is turning more video game sales than all other consoles combined, and have been doing so for the past decade.

>Isn't it illegal somehow? I mean they're clearly not ment to be running this software.
Emulators aren't illegal, all they do is mimic the hardware of a game console on a software level, the developers own the particular console's hardware configuration and branding but don't own the logic itself performed by the hardware together working as a unit, if they could the world of technology would be a fucking mess of patent insanity and nobody could ever do anything.

But, you need a PS3 yourself to actually run the emulator though, you need to dump a genuine PS3 bios for the emulator to use, the bios is actually covered by copyright and can't be freely distributed. Furthermore the games themselves are also copy protected, you need to own the games yourself too and copying them to disk image files yourself to use them legally (and even that is arguable honestly).

So no the software is perfectly legal, dumping the bios off your own PS3 is perfectly legal and as far as I know copying your own disks to disk image files is also legal.

>PC gamers are good boys who dindu nuffin
>yet somehow publishers have to rely on anti-piracy software like Denuvo to make profit because PC gamers are all thieves

Technically ISOs/ROMs aren't illegal either. Ripping your game isn't illegal. Uploading it privately online isn't illegal.

The only combination of actions that are illegal is downloading the file if you don't already own the game.

No (btw food analogy), there is no such thing as a lost sale because you can't assume people are going to buy your thing and we're talking about digital content here and not some solid object. Just because they don't want to buy it doesn't mean you're losing sales, and if they find a copy which cost nothing to make because it's just a digital copy it's even more true.

>stealing is okay because I say so
lol @ mustard racers

You don't need a ps3.
You can legally download the ps3 update file straight from Sony, because they're so nice.

>System.out.println(String s)™

Sup Forums was right all along.

>this is stealing because I say so
lol @ (You)

you know, you wouldn't have to try to justify stealing if you didn't steal in the first place :)


One day user. One day.

>will be

Its good, but no one will care any more.

I didn't know that, that's pretty cool.

They don't, it's idiot shareholders who force them to use malware like Denuvo.

I haven't stolen anything, so I have nothing to justify.

You stole my heart user.

>wanting to prevent thieves from stealing your things makes you an idiot
>calling the software that helps starving developers put food on the table malware
can PCfats sink any lower trying to justify theft?

I don't understand this argument or the "but I already played it xD" argument I see here and there.

Do you seriously never play older games or replay shit you've already played?

I saw this aaaaall the time when BOTW ran on Cemu. Tons of Nintenbros who were lining up with "I already played that a week ago!!!!".

>Fuck off PC-fat. Go back to your indies.
why you mad though

We should get married. Then we can spend the rest of our lives shitposting IRL.

i agree op, shut it down.

when will pcbros learn

where my (you)'s at

Sony-ggers user. Sony-ggers.

>never ever they said

>last ten years
>ps3 no gaems
>emulator arrives
>oh boy i can't wait to play all these fantastic playstation 3 titles

No, I don't justify theft. But Denuvo is scummy software made by a scummy company. It has WAY more access to your system than it needs to.

It's an appropriate way to stop pirates then since you have way more access to games than you should :)

>continues justifying

How else will it know if you're stealing devs' software user?

and PS3 would be a 300 paperweight after P5

>Please select all roads until there are none left.
>spend 5 minutes clicking roads as they continue to appear
>finally there are no roads left, hit submit
>Please try again.

Captchas were a mistake.

>click on all vehicles
>click on a road sign
>captcha lets you through
who /absolutemadman/ here?

If they look adult it's not immoral.

>not turning on old captcha

You're both loons.

I'm not justifying piracy, I'm condemning Denuvo. There's a big difference. But you're just baiting, so I'm not going to bother any further.

Just know that the best way to decrease piracy is by giving paying customers a big advantage over pirates, rather than giving pirates a big advantage over paying customers because the pirates don't have shitty DRM slowing down their system.

I use it on my desktop, but when I'm shitposting on my tablet nu-captcha is a lot more convenient despite being shit.

You do realize that the servers for PS3 game patches won't be up forever anyway, right?

>I-I totally know you're just baiting so I'm gonna shut up now
>proceeds to keep talking to justify his point
you're a retard