Does ATB count as turn-based or real time combat?
Does ATB count as turn-based or real time combat?
Real time. Turn based means you go then the enemy goes and is repeated. With ATB you can attack more than once before your opponent gets a chance
real time
>you go then the enemy goes and is repeated
unless the enemy goes first
Everything stops and reaction time does not factor in
It is objectively turn based, you can't attack until it is your turn
As far as i'm concerned its only turn based if you can put the controller down, walk away for an hour then come back and nothing has changed.
That's a pretty good explanation
No comment, but what I would like to do is rant my fucking face off for a moment about HP/MP bars not being present in modern RPGs or their remakes
HOW IN MOTHER'S FUCK do you not include this feature after FF7 existed? Just having fucking numbers HURR DURR 481/723 YEAH FUCKNUTS I SURE AS FUCK KNOW WHAT THAT"S LIKE.
What's important is how those numbers are related. Until you get to about 25% HP or within 2-hits of death, you don't give a shit about the hyper-granular exact numbers. That's where the bars come in. When you get hit, you can see it decrease by some visual fraction and feel out where it might be if you take another similar hit. You can also immediately and viscerally understand how well your defense and healing are coming along as you level up. It all gets lost in the cloud of numbers if you don't have this representation.
The worst part? I fucking constantly see options menus letting you swap out like MP bars for ATBs or ATBs for MP numbers or HP bars for whatever the fuck in remakes of older games (especially Final Fantasy). But FF7 proved it only requires ONE PIXEL HEIGHT to show HP bars effectively. What the goddamn fuck is wrong with you?
>Everything stops
Yeah maybe if you're a casul playing on easy
Fuck off. Name me 250 rpgs that let you choose difficulty.
inb4 he actually does
it has a pause button so real time
It counts as stupid because it's not a good system. Either go turn based or go full real time.
>he can't eyeball 25% or whatever percentage from current hit points compared to maximum hit points
Brainlet, tbqh
Very limited real time
>Turn based means you go then the enemy goes and is repeated.
That's not true at all even in round based games, which is what you are mistakingly thinking of as turn based.
ATB is turn based because no two actions can be performed at once. Even if all the enemies ATB's fill and you input commands for your entire party, every combatant who has selected their action still needs to wait for their turn to act.
Numbers are way more important than a visual representation. Western RPGs of the era really shit me because they just give me a rubbish red bar with no real info unless I open the status screen. Fuck health bars. If you want to have it as a secondary element that's fine, but a numerical value is what matters.
>boss hits you for 2000 damage
>your characters have 1000 HP left
Hmm, I wonder if I should heal up! Retard. Your max health doesn't matter. The only thing that does is your current health and how much the enemy can hit you for.
Not true, max health plays a huge part in your effective mitigation. The more you add to your HP bulk, the more you defense stat is worth, and so forth.
So speed chess isn't turn-based?
>missing the point this hard
Nigger, in battle the only thing that matters is whether you can survive the next hit or not. An HP bar provides nothing of value.
Active doesn't really make the game any harder unless you're literally making an AI powered by a pocket calculator play for you since you have ample time to make decisions while you sit around waiting for your bars to fill up anyway.
Turn-based is usually way better if it actually lets you and requires you to plan ahead and think about actions before you perform them. People always say active ATB is "harder" but the hardest turn-based RPGs are never ATB games.
Your characters are static through most of the battle and you don't move them. It's turn-based.
>Your characters are static through most of the battle and you don't move them.
It IS turn based but what you said has nothing to do with why.
Two actions cannot be done at the same time. Your turn is queued the moment you select an action to perform. It's turn based
Turn based games are outdated as fuck. There's a reason why people lived the ATB system. It is closer to real time than turn based.
ATB is pretty shit though, worse than turn-based for sure since it has all the disadvantages and none of the advantages
So FFX isn't turn based?
You can still get a second turn before an enemy in a non atb game. Is this bait?
>expecting ATB retards to have played any non-ATB games
Generally games with numbers change colors to yellow or red when hitting those percentages, and you get more info about your survivability when you can compare damage numbers to HP numbers rather than a bar that can only offer approximations.
Never understood why people thought having 2 groups staring each other down as their bars fill up was better than standard turn based
Earlier FF games included casting times, so fights were more dynamic than FF7. I don't think that came back until X-2.
>Earlier FF games included casting times,
Only 4. I actually forgot all about that feature, it doesn't really make much of a difference since in 4 your magic users have no possible worthwhile alternative actions so you'll never consider whether it's worth taking the time to cast a spell.
It makes the speed stat useful. I have to wonder if you ever played an rpg before ATB was invented. There's literally nothing wrong with ATB it forces quick thinking, making the right decision given unlimited time is easy, doing it quickly or the enemy gets another turn is more fun.