Your last character you played as in your recent game is suddenly your father or mother depending on the gender of your last character you played as.
What is your reaction and how does it play out?
Your last character you played as in your recent game is suddenly your father or mother depending on the gender of your last character you played as.
What is your reaction and how does it play out?
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i have the smegs on my dick ;_;
>dad's a loner in the Zone
Whatever. Guess I'm never meeting him just like in real life
>JC Denton
>John Wick in Payday 2
I'd be happy, but I'd probably also be dead
Ant raft. That's how ant colonies attempt to survive floods.
My dad is one handsome son of a bitch, too bad he gets killed by a nigger when he's older
Angry janny in 3...2...
My Dad is an Operator/Tenno/Warframe.
Odd because he is just a kid.
Beetles > everything else
Fenix (Talandar) from Starcraft
So, I'm the son of a Protoss warrior. Pretty good. Hopefully this extends my lifespan.
Who's that?
Yakuza 1 Kiryu
Guess I'm half Japanese and got kidnapped a ton, seems pretty shitty
>your father is pic related
>your lawdaddy swings his poleaxe and destroys your shit computer and proceeds to tear down your anime posters and grabs your waifu pillow and rips it in half
>he then grabs you by the neck and grips it hard as he drags your fatass out of your now destroyed room and into outside
>he proceeds to drag your ass to the nearest cathedral and bust down the doors
>he grabs you by the shoulders and forcefully shoves you right into one of the benches and forces you to sit the fuck down
>he grabs the biggest fucking bible there is in the whole cathedral and slams the bible right onto your fatass lap
>he stars glaringly at you as he proceeds to pray to god with determination
>you silently cry to yourself
>Maria Renard from SotN
Did Alucard gave her the dick?
Beetles, specifically big ones, are my favorite kind of bug. They're really slow moving and non-threatening and cute.
What the hell is that orange state? Is that the cocoon or something? Why does it come out of the larvae? Isn't it supposed to surround it instead?
>my Terraria character
This is going to be a horrible night...
How long does this process take?
Vito Scaletta from Mafia 2
Didn't you watch the webm? 47 seconds.
>Joker from Persona 5
I'm older than 17, so did he like travel back in time to bang my mom or what?
>Deadly Creatures
>Mercy is mom
Well I guess she'll immortalize me with nanomachines, so that's cool.
Didn't know rhinoceros beetles were part-facehugger
> Deadly Creatures
he had to get inspiration from somwhere.
A common misconception with the emperor scorpion is the effectiveness of its toxins from the stinger, which are actually mild. Bigger scorpions like the Emperor actually prefer to use their claws to catch and crush prey.
Meanwhile, it's the smaller yellowish scorpions you have to watch out for. Their claws are small but they make up for it with their more potent stingers.
>Camel spiders
I don't understand their purpose. I have never seen them win in any bugfight video.
This is embarrassing. At least he can craft cool looking sniper rifles and explosives.
>Venom Snek is my dad
PMC for me on Mother Base with nothing to do
How do they expect the Solifuges to win? Scorpions have a clear advantage.
They're fairly fast and have their fangs.
That just mean you're the long awaited gaseous snake.
post the beetle vs scorpion webms
>Leona from League
She forces me to become a soldier or a fighter and I become a damn good one I guess.
Wtf i hate scorpions now
Wtf i love scorpions now
No i still hate em
Watch out, you're gonna summon the scorpiongirl fucker
Nothing wrong with that.
>paladin character from Inquisitor
I will have a badass father who roams the land to find and burn heretics, while also restoring the law in a apocalyptic land. Only downside is that I have to go to church and can't masturbate anymore or else he will strap me to the torture rack again
is this the new /van/ thread?
>a draenei priestess is my mother
Hot diggity dang, I was never a big fan of incest but I can make it work
This here's mothgirl territory, boy
Even Moths know that Scorpions are the superior girls and thus are naturally attracted to them.
>My dad is now Pheonix Wright
I might actually try talking to him again.
I would never fuck one of these scorpion brutes, we have too much pride to sink that low
My dad is an aged twink turned cyborg. And I barely get to see him. On the bright side, piggyback riding is more fun than any roller coaster.
>Blank guy from Human Fall Flat
No real divergence.
Such are the thoughts of a plebeian, clinging onto false waifus even when they too see the light and realize that scorpions are the supreme waifu.
I agree - how can you say you love a girl if you won't let her eat you and add you to her collective that is without flaw?
>Anti-Scorpionfags now falseflagging
What a sad attempt.
scorpions are an okay waifu choice, but their biggest problem is that you can only hold hands/claws and kiss, they won't do anything else
Where are the fair fights? You know, same weight class, pincers, actual defense capabilities, etc.
jokes on you i'm into both scorpions and vore
these fights are made to show which insect is the best in a 1v1 fight, these aren't there to be fair but find the king of them all
Max Payne would be a pretty cool dad until I get killed to fuel his character development.
>calls other plebs
>dislikes vore
You got my neurons firing indeed.
My dad is Gordon Freeman.
So one day he'll go missing on his way to work and I'll grow up fatherless.
Literally nothing changes.
Not lemmy
I'm okay with this
Wash yourself you dirty french pig
fucking racist, he could be a muslim as well
Where do i find the scorpion vore
Red Prince from Divinity OS2
Now explain to me OP how is it possible for human to have a lizardman father?
>ywn be that comfy
Yeah, that's what he said. French.
>House centipede lives in my room and seems to never go to any other rooms
>has plenty to eat because ants always come in during the summer
>my desk chair sits right along the wall so I'm in the way of his natural path to the other side of the room
>normally walked on the wall to try and hide from me but started using the floor
>slowly gets farther away from the wall
>he climbed on my foot one night but freaked out and ran away as soon as I moved
>a few nights later he crawls on my foot again
>use my other foot to start gently pushing him off and he runs away again
>does this a few more nights
>he now regularly comes to my foot to be gently pet with my toes