Reminder that idiots believe singleplayer no longer matters

Reminder that idiots believe singleplayer no longer matters

oh shit is it time to show off the cherries we picked

>DOOM came out over a year ago and has had multiple sales
>Comparing it to a game that came out last week
Holy shit you are fucking retarded.

Oh boy, quake has already turned into the new battlebreakers. When will the hero type shooters end?

There are retards that say singleplayer doesn't matter? Really? They aren't instantly laughed at over how retarded that is?

>35k players in a week for an early access arena fps
This actually isn't that bad. Also OP, your comparison is bad and you should feel bad about it.

A new, proper Quake SP campaign would have everyone cream themselves. Your hear the same praise for Quake SP as you do MP, Quake 4 might be the only exception

Single player games suck.

It's not just an "early access arena fps." It is Quake. It's got a name.

Doom had multiplayer though

>Bombastic cinematic SP experience sells more than undermarketed, niche, multiplayer only "get raped in the ass by quakedads" simulator

color me fucking surprised

quake 4 is a non canonical non id software game. doesnt have to be mentioned

has the name quake, is not related to quake. hero shooter, not arena, diff hitboxes, microtrans etc etc. not quake.

>takes place during Q2's Stroggos invasion
>Bitterman is mentioned in Marine HQ, "a lone marine who assassinated the Makron and bought us time"

100% canon

>It's another episode of "even though its basically quake its definitely not quake because I haven't played the game"
Thanks mr. quakedad.

Marine HQ? what the fuck are you talking about

doesnt matter when it "takes place" it's fan fiction


There is a chapter that takes place entirely in Marine HQ which acts as a dump of plot exposition for the game. Did you even fucking play the game?

Of course I didn't play the game. You're using part of Quake 4 to justify Quake 4 as canon? LOL, that isn't how it works dude

Quake 4 didn't happen

>but id software says

id software does not control id software's canon which is now over as no original developers have anything to do with it anymore

>doesnt matter when it "takes place" it's fan fiction
>QC has Quake 4 weapon skins and profile icons, acknowledging its existance
>Matthew Kane is one of the most requested Champion

I have no idea where you're getting from that it's "fan fiction", id never discounted its canonicity, quite the opposite really

>New Quake SP
>no, I mean Quake 1, not that strogg-only "woulda been some generic shooter" Quake 2
>Elder god domains, now with non-euclidean portals and material penetration

Basically a HD Arcane Dimensions on crack (and co-op)

>but id software says
Wouldn't you say what they say matters way more than your autistic headcanon?

nothing to do with QC has any influence of quake's canon, which is over.

Bro, literal purple hair girls make these games. They do not decide what's canon in the quake universe, lol.

did you miss the point where none of the founders work there anymore? id software does not control quake canon, *it is over*

D44M is a linear shooter that took everything I like about the series, crushed it into a toothpaste consistency, then whipped it until they can put it in the normalfags icecream posing as something new.

Not only is the OST fucking grating psuedo industrial directed by bafoons, but the game has meat grinder linear maps.


I could have fucking tolerated the game if it had halo/crysis like AI because then it would be a challenge, but it's like playing tf2 with bots. You run around (still slower than doom) and meat shot people with the shotguns. You can try to pad this by switching weapons but you don't have to because enemies LITERALLY BLEED AMMO AND HEALTH HOLY SHIT THERE IS NO URGENCY FOR AMMO OR HEALTH AT ALL BECAUSE ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS DO THE SAME KILL ANIMATION YOUVE DONE 2000 TIMES AND YOURE REPLENISHED. FUCKING KILL ME. PUT A BULLET IN MY BRAIN LIKE YOU DID THIS FRANCHISE. AND FUCK ALL THE UNDERAGE 15 YEAR OLDS WITH THE ANALYTICAL ABILITY OF BLIND TODDLERS WHO PRAISE THE GAME!

Nice reading dumbass, he just said id doesn't exist anymore
Which is true, this is the shitty part of the game industry's development where IP and trademarks matter more than the fucking reason they existed in the first place.

>Of course I didn't play the game.

>You're using part of Quake 4 to justify Quake 4 as canon? LOL, that isn't how it works dude

It's a direct continuation to Q2's plot, why would you discount this info, presented to you in an official game called "Quake 4"?

The plot isn't locked down forever just because you say so

>Basically a HD Arcane Dimensions on crack
I'd love this.
But no spiders please.

some serious hot garbage contrarian hipster opinions itt, goddamn

It doesn't matter if it's a continuation of quake 2's plot. It was not made by id. What do you not understand? Honestly?

Quake 4 has "cover shooter" gameplay, it's fucking disgusting, yes, of course I didn't play it. I pirated it deleted it in 30 minutes. There's a fucking reason Doom, Quake, Quake 2 are constnatly talked about and quake 4 is never fucking mentioned except by gears of wars kids who thought it looked similar so went back to play it on their xbox 360

>Bro, literal purple hair girls make these games. They do not decide what's canon in the quake universe, lol.
Who does then? A subhuman autist like you?

Just because you don't like the people working on it now doesn't make it less official or less canon

>Quake 4 has "cover shooter" gameplay
No it fucking doesn't. Plays like a more linear Q2

Holy shit, this is the level of shitposting on Sup Forums now, guy didn't even play the game yet full of opinions about its gameplay and how official things are

It kinda does though, but pleb taste gets worse every year and nobody makes a distinction when it comes to creative works anymore.
The entire industry is engine and retention oriented, not art.

you could make this point a lot better with skyrim. over 10 million owners and has been consistently one of the most played games on steam for almost six years.

Bet you slam all the ladies, my man.

>It is Quake. It's got a name
One that the public hasn't given a fuck about in over a decade and a half. Ask your average CoDbro and they'll just respond "Quake what?"
I bet you'll think Sierra adventure games still have a market, too.
It's ACfag, don't bother.

I was part of the Quake community, so yes, I literally control more of what is Quake canon than some blue haired woman who works at id software. Reality.

I hate MP games now. I want more SP games with maybe some co-op function added as bonus. I'm getting too old for PvP. I don't care anymore about showing off my online power level. I just want an immersive SP game to play for a few hours, enjoy the gameplay and graphics and story and music and the eventual fanservice and just leave it at that. Why is there less and less of this every year? Although I'll admit 2017 was an exception to the rule.

>ur a virgin xd lmao
>on Sup Forums
Fucking leave go back to your containment boards and reddit nobody ever wanted you here and nobody asked for you to be here.

Dude, you can't even control your own autism and mental illness, you don't control shit about the Quake canon

>Quake 4 has "cover shooter" gameplay

Why does SP in FPS games get by and large completely ignored today now though?
You look at some of the most well thought of online FPS games from just a decade ago and they had brilliant singleplayer to go alongside it, meanwhile today you get plenty of games that don't even provide a singeplayer mode.
The massive reduction on games releasing with modding and mapping tools is a huge issue as well.

>I literally control... Quake canon

Too bad games make 50-80% of their sales within first 2 weeks. No way quack will get above 500k before f2p happens.

why is Sup Forums pro-singleplayer? cmon lads its 2017. SP is no longer relevant because now everybody has better tech and fast internets unlike back then

>before f2p happens
I don't think anyone actually really expected that many people to buy it before f2p is released anyway.

Greatness awaits

>This butthurt user who read a quake wiki thinks he's an authority on what makes a quake game
Seriously, His analpain earned these(You)s

yeah, enemies pop in and out of cover and do massive damage, rather than running at you and doing small damage. completely changes the quake formula, level deisgn, and how the player is expected to act and the quality of challenge.

For me it'sI just can't keep up with the 14 year olds who can play the game 10 hours a day for years. I don't have any ambitions of being some online god. I don't care. In so many online games, the only real fun is by winning. Try to combine that with working 40 hours and your patience runs out fairly fast.

Something like Dark Souls where I can just lose myself in a different world is what I seek the most of games now. Also you think SP is no longer relevant, guess how many millions of copies Red Dead 2 will sell because of the Rockstar SP experience?

Should of made it battle royale like playerunknown's battlegrounds desu. No one gives a fuck about moba fpses anymore.

I'm the literal authority on quake who comes to this site period. End of story.

instead of respecting the fact that you have someone around who was deep into the community, it's just met with everyone thinking i'm some 17 year old like you. don't you have a waifu hero shooter to play? :3

daily reminder single player will be pretty much extinct by the end of this decade

Actually yes. PUBG in quake 1 proper gothic maps would be great.

please tell me you are kidding

Absolutely not, enemies rush you and you're expected to move all around them. You WILL have to strafejump to deal with Gladiators on General difficulty

Just leave this fucking thread, you're literally wrong on every level and haven't even played the game

Quake 4 was a good game, campaign was a bit weak but the MP was still solid, and it added my favorite new element to Q3-style movement, the crouch slide (which is back in QC, in an enhanced version, for Slash)

>complains about the OST
glad I don't have to read the rest of your post

explain where are the remaining 950 thousands of quack champions copies then

*distant LG fire*
*distant bonging*


multiplayer games will always have higher concurrent player counts than single player games, this image and the sentiment behind it are meaningless

as long as new releases like darkwood happen, from people who love games, sp will survive.

btw darkwood devs are dank and the game is dank and a lot of you would probably like it if youre into horror

I know right? You HUH around fuck huge map for 30 minutes to find a RL just to get killed in less than 30 seconds. Shit, now I wanna play more ARMA 3!

>tfw i enjoyed all the DOOM games, with D44M being my favorite so far.
>Enjoyed only Quake 1 and Quake 4.

Unreal Tournament is the better arena shooter anyway. Quake community is litteraly the posterboy for elitist faggots killing their own games because nobody wants to play with them. They had a good SP canon with both the Strogg and Cthulu Mythos and they're not even doing anything with it.

>Unreal Tournament is the better arena shooter anyway.

its funny how i used to play multiplayer only games back then like Guild wars, UT2004, Diablo 2 and now with too much responsibilities at hand single player games are the only way to go and once a week a few hours of co-op with my old buddies

The best thing about quake 1 was Malice total conversion mod. Vanilla Q1 is only enjoyable for first polished episode, like all Id shareware games.

we don't want you to "play our games". The quake community is over. You really don't get it

it was from a time when you wouldn't have been on the internet because you're a normie. it was from a time when video games were played by gamers, not every male person by default. games were still made fun of during the quake era.

you can't ever bring that back, not even a smidgeon of it.

Mick Gordon is talented but D44M's OST is mediocre compared to Killer Instinct

They probably asked him to make is less melodic and more ambient. KI's was made to be bombastic, they're all character "theme songs" meant to be cool in a cheesy way if necessary

And even the best of us have fallen. Decided to make playing it their careers and now play OW for money. RIP

quit samefagging you piece of human fucking filth

>Being THIS autistic

NuDOOM is a good game. Deal with it.

it's generic buttrock.

at least it's better than quake2's angsty late 90s buttrock.

what the fuck are you doing in this thread then?
quack is literally designed for normies

It also had singleplayer.

So is Street Fighter but normies don't play it.

setting people straight.

>tfw you will never win a q2 ctf clan match while your best member is getting a blowjob for the first time on valentine's day

>enjoying quake 4
>in any way
>at all
Just kys your're self my dude.

>Quake 2 is a quake game
>A game that massively deviated from the quake formula is quake
Now watch as he backtracks and cherrypicks

yeah i know you faggots are going to bitching at me, but i bought D44M rather than pirate it, just for the multiplayer mode even its shit

d44m multiplayer was universally regarded as dreck before and after the launch
those 2 millions sold on PC alone are exclusively merit of its campaign

Gen Z was a mistake.

i dont get the post
doom is a singleplayer only game while quake is a multiplayer only game


Well, D44M sold more than half a million with first week while Quack sold around 50 thousands. Same franchise, same company. Power of the MP-only.

How the fuck is Quake for normies when OW exists. That piece of shit churned out by Blizzard is aimed at the most common denominator to get the most amount of sales.

Because Quack is literally made with OW audience in mind, hence the abilities and waifus

go ahead and explain what the massive deviations are

>u-uhh the setting and

yeah gg

>So what if you dont want to play with us!
>Its not like we wanted you to anyway faggot!
>Why are our servers shutting down?

Yeah. Exactly. You killed your own community because nobody besides the exceptionally autistic could stand your insufferable personalities. Normies? Autists? Doesn't matter. You guys were the LoL community of your day and I was perfectly happy staying the fuck away and playing UT99.

You killed your own community and took peoples respect in Arena FPS with it.

Quake still has great SP potential, but its idiotic "community" refuses to learn.

>Same franchise

>Doom, a full release
>Quake Champions, a game just out of beta, now in early access so players don't have to deal with the fucking bethesda launcher anymore

I'd really like a Quake single player game again with the first game's theme/setting as well, but your argument is retarded.

How about shitscans, and shitcan excessories
You could have a nailgun, or you can have a random spread recoiling piece of shit SMG

>>Why are our servers shutting down?
>Yeah. Exactly. You killed your own...

user i stopped playing quake games in 2006. it's been over.

little secret from an old man: it's possible to move on from games and communities and things change with time and life goes on

>casuals admitting they suck


the smg was considered fucking awesome at the time, there hadn't been anything that felt like that in fps games

i think if they could go back they'd have replaced it with something more interesting though

holy shit. you don't have to be this intimidated by PUBG. i feel embarrassed for you. don't even deny that your main culprit is PUBG

Also, QC is free. You don't have to buy it on steam.

>Q3A already had plenty of characters that you could play
>They now just expanded on that
>Having the different movement styles from the different Quakes in one game so everyone can use their preferred system

I don't really like the abilities either, but at least it's just one ability.

Aside from the abilities it's still quake.

>Aside from the abilities it's still quake.

ice cream rule. also has grievous concerns like no modding no mapping and different hitbox sizes.

not. quake. people who are saying it's "still quake" *weren't part of what quake fucking was, fuck off*

Get cancer.

The hitbox thing really pisses me off
For some reason they think high accuracy hitboxes would be a good idea like CS, but there's blocky hitboxes for a reason. I really wouldn't be surprised if the complicated hitboxes are causing a shit ton of issues for the netcode, and Beth are being too stubborn to drop them.

>Actually yes. PUBG in quake 1 proper gothic maps would be great.
Oh, that's just precious. The "Quake" community.

>I really wouldn't be surprised if the complicated hitboxes are causing a shit ton of issues for the netcode

i would, since that doesnt even make logical sense. that's not really an issue here desu, it's the hitboxes themselves

I'm pretty sure the splash damage being wildly inconsistent can have something to do with complicated hitboxes. Where exactly from the point of origin does a splash radius figure damage? It could easily be in the case of e.g. Anarki, his hoverboard isn't counting and his leg is *up here somewhere* so the distance between impact and hitbox is exaggerated.
If there wasn't any interpolation or lag going on, it might seem a bit fair, but considering direct rockets can miss very easily by slipping through an armpit on the server's end, you get duds because the math is far too complicated and they had to split the collision detection between both clients and servers.

It's all extremely unnecessary and overly complicated when the servers can't even handle the 144Hz from clients on what may well be a shitty 50Hz server.

>I'm pretty sure the splash damage being wildly inconsistent can have something to do with complicated hitboxes.

if splash damage is inconsistent it's just a network lag problem or some software design problem. it has nothing to do with hitboxes being more complex. issues like this were sorted out before they were ever issues.