Play Arkham City

>Play Arkham City
>Game forces you to play as Catwoman
>I can't stop thinking about her getting beaten up and gang banged and have to fap
>Write a fap fiction about it hoping it'll help
>It doesn't

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Seriously, she wouldn't even mind sucking all those cocks at first, at most raising an eyebrow, but she'd get into it as she pawed and jerks all those dicks into jizzing all over her

Why would Catwoman cuck batman with random criminals?

So you're gonna post the fanfic or what?

>write a fap fiction

post it

God damn it I don't want to fap again my dick is sore as fuck. Thanks alot OP.

>fapping to words


Cat Woman is literally a hooker during the day, so group fucks are probably standard for her.


uh, no sweetie


Post the fic op.

Post it now!!

>fapping to text


>I can't stop thinking about her getting beaten up and gang banged

I had the same idea, but with Batgirl.

Eat shit fag.
I use images along with text don't judge me.

That's no good - Batgirl would hate it

>breed batgirl
>create soldiers

I mean it's not optimal, I still would prefer images but when you have fetishes like forced feminisation, gender bender and traps, you take what you're given.

so you gonna post the fan fic or wat

You check out those Sonic sissyhog stories?

this is the premise in this story.

Not op but doing his dirty work.

"It was her. The first of the Ten. Ivo had identified ten traits that were necessary for his hybrid offspring to master the world around them, and the database of female heroes and villains in Amazo's head had been sorted according to the traits they possessed. The first woman on the screen in front of him possessed the trait that Ivo had considered most valuable for his offspring to destabilize world governments: she was a master of technology. At the age of just 26, Barbara Gordon was one of the world's greatest hackers, programmers and technologists. In her previous role as Oracle, she had been the most powerful information broker on the planet, coordinating the activities of heroes across the globe. It was that kind of infrastructure-setting that Project Regenesis needed. All the pieces were in place: once the hybrid Ivo was implanted within her womb, it would absorb and copy her knowledge and skills during pregnancy, thus becoming as proficient as her upon birth."

Ugh why do they gotta be so autistic

>never read a good fapfic
I pity you.

When it comes to creating good fap material a little autism is a good thing.

That's what everyone says though

That was only true once

But you only need to suck ten dicks to be a whore



Fap fiction gets no respect - no RESPECT I TELL YOU

One of my stories has 40 kudos on AO3, but 0 comments.

>having no ounce of imagination

. . .

post it

I honestly fap more to lit than to vid...

What makes you think shes got a choice

Pretty sure she could escape anytime she wanted