This game will be shit Sup Forums said

>This game will be shit Sup Forums said
>Rabbids in MAH MARIO? Fucking shit
>X-Com Mario and Rabbids dont mix and this game will be utter trash

Pic related

Game of the Month again from Nintendo

>Game of the Decade


Explain again why it isn't shit? Keep in mind the Average Metacritic score for PS4 exclusives is well above 90.

u mad bro?

>Nintenbros lap up another BING BING BING WAHOOOO Mario game

In other news, water is wet and the sky is blue.

No one said anything about the PS4 autismo

I think the general assumption that it would be shit largely disappeared other than among obvious shitposters such as once people realised it was xcom.

>Game of the Month again from Nintendo
Not with that 85, even the lowest scoring version of Sonic Mania, the Xbone version, is at the same score. The Switch version BTFOs this shit with its 89.

An 85 Nintendo game is equal to a 100 Sony game.

Stay made nigger.

Not recently.
>TLG 82%
>Horizon 89%
>Lost Legacy 85%

the game is good though, only the rabbids are cringe

>he doesn't know it's made by Ubisoft

No one ever said anything about Sony, and for the record Sony hasn't released anything all that great.

The Rabbids are genuinely amusing in this game.

>and for the record Sony hasn't released anything all that great
christ I'm tired, they haven't released anything all that great recently.

>sony can't make good games
>nintendo can't make bad games
jesus! this board is biased.

refer to

What games does Sony make?

I never thought I would see the day that nintendofags would defend shit like the rabbids
How low has nintendo fallen, feels bad

But this was the game of the month.

did you play it?


>The avarage Metacritic score for Ps4 exclusives in well above 90

Because of Knack its below 85 my autistic friend

>There's another one


English when?


Honestly trying to post spoilers feels pointless since the games will never come out anyways. It's kind of depressing.

>Mario vs Rabbids was someone's passion project
>He even got his dream composer working on the game
What the fuck.

rabbids is still a stupid IP

What people expected:

>Easy babby game
>Rabbids part will just be them screaming all the time
>The Nintendo characters will be bland and boring as usual
>The story will be centered entire in the Rabbids world and be horrible

What people got:

>Oh, you forgot to do one extra option in your turn? Well that's ok cause this game is ea- "enemy rabbid walks over, dash attacks, gets behind 100% cover, and shoots the dashed character, killing them instantly, ruining your entire battle, all because you forgot a option"
>Rabbids barely speak, let alone scream, and some of them are actually given character
>This is the most expressive and smart acting Mario and company have ever been. Mario feels shame when the Rabbids do something that most people would not like.
>Story centers around the uniqueness of a device that can fuse any two objects together, making it less of a typical Mario game, and more of a game that supersedes your expectations all the time

In the end, I feel like Paper Mario would be proud to pass on the torch to this becoming its own series, as it has everything fans of that series liked, and lets face it, after Color Splash, Paper Mario is confirmed dead now.

This game is no Paper Mario and I hate you for comparing it to this trash of a cashgrab.



What people expected:

>Toddlers praising the game

What people got:

>Toddlers praising the game

>What people expected:

>Toddlers praising a badgame

What people got:

>Toddlers praising a good game


>nintendo can't make bad games
M+R is Ubisofts game.
And where did anyone say that?

Good shill.

Did you play the game?

>Game succeeded despite everything.
Color me surprised. I actually didnt think its premise had any foothold. Still not buying it though.

Do I look like somebody from primary school?

He doesn't even play video games.
He just likes spouting buzzwords because he think it makes him fit in among his fellow contrarians on Sup Forums.

I don't know about looking, but you sure argue like one.


>Mario x Rabbids triggers peoples' autismos because of Rabbids
all of this
>Game turns out genuinely good
>Rabbids for once get some POSITIVE attention done by labor of love instead of being thrown again into some random party game that everyone will pass off as forgettable after a while
>There are STILL people getting triggered by Rabbids

Fuck Sup Forums, I'm happy to take those cuddly bastards. I'm not even a big Mario fan desu, but Mario looks like he gained a whole new life with this experiment.

Well said, fellow Minions fan. What's your Nintendo friend code?

>being this mad.... and retarded

Already ordering the copy, mister marketer.

>fellow Minions fan
Your a funny guy user.
I don't even care about rabbids as I don't find them annoyingI like the game because believe it or not Ubisoft somehow managed to make a gamefun.

Dude, chill. We, nintendoboys, should be positive and upbeat, much like Minions!

How old are you? Please tell me you're underage. Nobody over 18 should be this retarded.

All games on Nintendo consoles are fun. Because Nintendo don't care about profits, they're all about us, gamers!

Nobody over 18 should play this shit, but here we are.

Please stop, you're being pathetic now.
If you had an argument, you'd be using it. But you aren't, so I assume you don't.

Answer my question.

>n-n-noooo, please stop, mister!

Okay then, keep going. I know you don't have anything else to do with your time. I pity you.

bing bing



Dude, the final boss is a super bowser powered by the megabug glitch. It has a story. And even though you hate it, the playable rabbids have character to them. Its not a cashgrab, its a true blue legit Mario RPG.

spoilers, fuck off

Too bad rabbids aren't like the minions at all in this game. They effectively retconned the rabbids personalities to make them less annoying. Of course, people only know this if they have played the game.

>Ubisoft clearly pumping tons of money into marketing
>Sponsored a bunch of popular streamers and youtubers to play it
>Has a bunch of game awards which really means they just got all their partners who they're paying to give it made up rewards
>Advertising all over the place in popular game stores and in game stores
>This is the same sort of shit Ubisoft usually pulls off all the time and people complain about it
>But now suddenly since it's a Nintendo game all the Nintendo fags are using it as something to rub into people's faces over the internet

It's not a bad game by any means, the gameplay is entertaining enough (Although the story/writing/cutscenes are pretty mixed) but Rabbids are still cancer and this game is overrated simply because of Ubisoft dumping money into making people think it's good.

>inb4 called a sonyfag or something when I'm calling out Ubisoft, not Nintendo

>WOTC gets a higher score
>Nintendo pretend it doesn't exist
>LOL Switch and PC are Bros


>I'm calling out Ubisoft, not Nintendo

Thats fine, since most people like the game for the Nintendo characters. So keep posting, I don't mind.

user we all already knew all this from the early leaks.
This wont change the fact that game game is pretty enjoyable and looks like a good chunk of genuine effort were put into it.

>>WOTC gets a higher score

NuCom the game Ubisoft copied

Rabbids have never triggered me.
I even thought those "...but they can dance" videos they did back then were funny.

Haven't played/bought a single Rabbids game so far, though.

>One fucking butthurt negro is shitposting this entire thread

The last time i was so entertained was when Witcher 3 was released and the autistic person who shitposted the game months before release cried in every thread that every review waas bought

To be fear who thought Ubisoft could do it? They're behind so many bad games and then they create a fantastic X-Com game.

Nintendo Penalty (-20)
Rabbid Penalty (-10)
Ubisoft Bonus (+10)

85+20+10-10 = a real score of 105

I was pretty unimpressed when I saw the reveal, because >rabbid game and >ubisoft
then I saw positive reviews and the game actually looked pretty fun
played through world 1 yesterday, the ally jump mechanic is amazing, the amount of stuff you can do in one turn is fun, and the rabbids are surprisingly not annoying. Rabbid peach getting pissed at the flower for only giving you one coin actually made me laugh. What's wrong with me.
I'm travelling all next week so I know what I'll be playing to pass the time
>inb4 gtfo shill

Game is fun but a bit too easy. At least chapter 1 could be done with the first weapons you got. Only upgraded my secondary weapons after the boss fight and my primary weapons after the bonus stage.

Does anyone actually take Sup Forums seriously? I just come here for laughs.
