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Sup Forums STOP
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oh wow this is real
but it is bad
I played it and it is not fallout anymore, it is bethesda game in postapo
not even 1 funny mission, giant robots again, stupidass plot, no 1 hand leather jacket, power armor is vehicle, game is shit
Stop what Todd?
Not fall for your jewery?
won't do a thing, our game already sold millions, too late now.
>forcibly break existing mods with their new paid mods update
>fuck up people's load orders that take hours to perfect
Lol 5 dollars pls
It hasn't been fallout since fallout 1
>game isn't even Steam exclusive
>still has way more reviews
Todd on suicide watch.
I disagree, I enjoyed FO2 and TicTacs, but that is personal taste anyway
Will you buy Fallout 4 VR for 59,99$ again Sup Forums?
Its going to be so fucking awesome
FO2 did everything 1 did but better.
*pirates it*
heh bethesda just lost money :)
if we get enough piratebros bethesda will be banrkupt
no Todd, it's to late to stop now
I did everything you fucking losers wanted.
I gave you premium exclusive mods.
I gave you VR.
I gave you an MMO.
I gave you a mobile game.
I gave you a card game.
I gave you a great game.
And yet you niggers demand more.
But now you've pushed me to my limit, and awakened the beast inside me. Get prepared kid, because I'm coming for you.
Do it pussy
>Sup Forums STOP
No this is shitty enough that even normalfags will shit on it.
nah go back to the Creation Club, you dork
>3000 out of 60000
Who gives a fuck
Also fallout 4 is the worst souls game
Just go ahead and fucking try faggot.
I will fucking stop every fucking skyrim release on a curb.
Fucking chess club loser.
I haven't played fallout, what's the problen?
play the games (1, 2, 3, new vegas, and 4) and you'll know
words alone can't cover even a tenth of all the hate going on towards the series now
>Bethesda tries to push paid mods bullshit for like the 4th time even though every single time they're met with backlash
Aaaaand fuck off Sup Forums
You are the cancer of the PC gaming.
Is Bethesda trying to be the new EA?
Jesus this is like their third attempt. Nobody wants it and they're STILL trying to sell people on it
Nice job adding it to your cart. Now show the confirmation page :)
>You are the cancer of the PC gaming.
>hurr i'll add it to my cart and not buy it that will sure trigger them
>didnt confirm purchase
Wow user, you are so edgy.
Go ahead and actually buy it. Come one faggot.
>Added to shopping cart
Post the receipt fuccboi
Even my 60 year old dad found this game to be shit, he complained that all you do is run around looking for power cells
What a shitty "game". Why would anyone play this hunk of garbage. Just jack off to some of the good porn that came out of it and ignore it. it's written by someone who doesn't understand the subtleys of writing (because he hasn't read a book since junior year) and expects the music (which is also poorly composed) to hold up the game too.
And before you fucks bring up the argument "can u do better" yeah I worked on an actually good game with a community that isn't full of cancerous fucks. WITH REAL GAMEPLAY.
Do it, cunt.
Purchase confirmation or GTFO
But... there's nothing to pre-order yet.
Do it and I'll stop calling you a faggot!
do it, you have no balls
You're right, but it's never too late to buy Fallout 4.
c'mon. a click doesn't take 10 mins
>but it's never too late to pirate Fallout 4
But I already have Fallout 4, it's a fine generic FPS with lots of walking for when I want to listen to a podcast.
Well you ARE here posting on Sup Forums and is about to (pretend to) spend money on the next level of consumer-exploitation, so yeah I guess you're not wrong.
Did this faggot run off to ask his mom if it was alright to click purchase? Show the fucking receipt already so I can laugh at you.
plus pop-culture-references en masse
kek he wussed out
Why are you guys targeting a game again? First GTA V, then Sonic Mania, now this. I hope Steam removes reviews to teach you faggots a lesson.
now actually buy it, you pussy
Maybe the devs did something to piss off a lot of people and they're making it known. Just something to consider, new perspectives might do you some good.
>introduce paid mods again
>pretend it's not but instead "curated"
>literally almost everyone of them can be found on Nexus for free
>has you LITERALLY DOWNLOAD those paid mods but you can't access it unless you pay credits
100% guarantee Bathesda's gonna make sure free mods won't be able to run on their games.
>fallout 4 came out 22 months ago
time..time STOP
That's not how reviews should be used. Reviews are supposed to be for an overall review of the quality of a game, not "This game has Denuvo so I downvoted it LOL".
i think it's because they dumb loved games down and have terrible business practices.
bethesda is shit and Gta Online is a boring cashgrab
>spam fallout forums for years
>buy the game and make it generic shooter to despise fand
>use it to make scandals and mobile cashgrabs
Todd is the biggest fallout hater.
Fuck off manlet
Buy those funbux, if you're so great.
This. Rockstar shouldn't have caved because all it did was show everyone that slamming reviews gets results.
>you can only talk about games the way the devs want
This kind of thinking is a dangerous lead-in to horrid exploitation, and I'm glad people are voicing their opinions on these sneaky tactics. It's not like many don't review the game separately anyways.
>bethesda is finally getting shit on for being a shit developer
All is right in the world
are you trying to deceive me?
So when a company does something to piss all of its fans off via their purchased product, the fans are in the wrong now?
The embarrassing thing here is you have to buy a game to leave a review on steam. These people paid the developers money just to shitpost. You sure showed them!
Where the fuck did I say that? If anything I'm talking about the piss poor review system that steam has.
I'm all for people protesting business decisions but like that user said, that's not what reviews are for.
They are removing content from a game.
If the game has been cut content, then old reviews do not reflect the current state of the game.
Its as simple as that.
Eh, guess i'll give it a shitty review as well. Thanks for reminding me.
Stopping mods isn't removing content.
>reviews should not be used to reflect the current state of the game
what a bitchboy
>Stopping mods isn't removing content.
I hope you are trolling.
>when his height starts with "4"
Go back to your Mickey Mouse Clubhouse shit, big guy.
>the point
>your head
This is the last (You) you're getting from me, if you can even read this.
>stopping users to do things they could previously do is not cutting content
What did he mean by this?
How is it removing content? It's not stuff that was put in the game by the developers. Modding is a luxury, and most of the times leads to cheaters that ruin a games online aspects.
Don't give him what he wants. Of course he his. where do you think you are
How are they stopping mods?
>5500 CC credit pack
>only 3000 CC worth of items on CC
So you're just throwing money at Bethesda now?
>Modding is a luxury
Top kek
What content is being removed? It sure sounds like you faggots are pissing on the wrong fire here.
>Make FPS
>Can play with mouse+keyboard or controller
>"We removed controller support because FPSs are meant to be played with a keyboard and mouse!"
>People who like to play with controllers suddenly can't play the way they want, yet they are not entitled to state their opinion on the matter
I even consider controller fags retarded and a cancer, yet they would be in the right to protest if they REMOVED support to controllers.
It's a store. You're doing a product review. You are the one doing reviews wrong, imbecile.
How is "IT HAS DENUVO SO I DON'T LIKE IT" a vaild product review for someone who bought a product? How does that show purchasing the product would be like?
When did they remove controller support?
We worked hard in the fucking game you have no right to dish it, even if we include changes later to milf off players. There are wages to pay!
But its also a kilgram!
RWR is kinda shitty too tho
nice idea but not much more
>I did everything you fucking losers wanted.
All we wanted was a well made RPG, Todd, everything else came to be just because of you're desire to mindlessly follow what's selling in the industry because you like money more than games you fucking faggot. You guys can make a good game, I know you can, but you literally just refuse to so you can appeal to everyone and also because you and you're team are just simply lazy talentless fucking assholes you only hired because they're your friends. You have more resources to make possibly the greatest WRPG of all time than anyone else in the industry but you just refuse to out of lazyness and greed. Fuck you, fuck you so goddamn hard, Todd.
A review of the entire product can be about anything regarding the product. GTAV fucked up mods for a while and that's a part of the entire product, new players may wish to purchase the game for exactly that but won't be able to do so if mods are no longer possible. Sonic Mania had a problem where the game couldn't be played offline and that's also a part of the product. People may not like the need to online at all times to play a game they otherwise like, so reflecting that in the review is justified. Now, FO4 put out an update that added paid mods while fucking up free mods and that's also a part of the product. It's completely justified to put a negative review since those are specifically made so that users can give their feedback regarding the product. Mods, updates, DRM, these are all still part of the product and complaining about them is justified.
It tells you you're buying a game bundled with malware. What's next, complaining about poor optimization or bugs is verboten? Get a grip, you inbred hippie.
A massive chunk of the interest in Bethesda games comes from the modding community surrounding them. When a new update rolls out that might completely fuck up the modding scene it makes sense for user reviews to inform new customers of this issue. Whether or not new customers are concerned about these changes is still up to them.
confirm your purchase or don't, if you don't you're just a false flagging little bitch, if you do you lose eurobux and give the current worst company in the industry your money. what did you hope to achieve with this post?
Not him but that would be all well and good if people actually addressed the issues in their reviews but if you go to the FO4 page, the majority of reviews are "Fuck you bethesda" and "lol paid mods".
These aren't justified reviews. They're not informative.
Which are few and far in between, and don't deter from the experience one bit.
Neither were the positive reviews. Seriously if you want popular democracy you got to roll with the fact that the majority of people will be mouthbreathing normies.
Right? Who needs informative and straight to the point reviews, I'm on Steam to read fedoras run damage control, treat companies as their friends, wank about how uncultured they are and celebrate how the latest Bethesda game is the best thing ever.
Alright, so how long we have until Nexus is shut down due to Bethesda's kikery?
that is correct