This is old medicore game that you still can't even play but have to wait half year to even launch on PC. Only thing you win is autism competition.
This is old medicore game that you still can't even play but have to wait half year to even launch on PC. Only thing you win is autism competition.
Other urls found in this thread:
Game is still shit.
Like that time FF13 went to PC.
you're two weeks late to the party.
the game's meh, but I'll prolly get it just so I can have all the DLC for free.
13 was a fine game. Better than 15 and 12.
No one cares. There are at least a dozen other more interesting games Square Enix could have chosen to bring to PC.
>That scene where Gladio cucks Prompto in the Assassin's Creed DLC
Did he deserve it?
>There's a scene where 3 guys talk about the cute blond boy with a camera
n-no homo...?
Woah, so this is the power of FFXV at 4K....
>13 was a fine game. Better than 15 and 12.
how fucking shit can a persons opinion be?
Those graphics are beautiful, I played the PS4 pro high graphics setting and it looked like shit compared to that video. This is what happens when you make use of more powerful hardware.
Sure is bucko.
FFXV on PC is kind of unexpected. Plus it was announced in such an awkward way, i even thought that article was fake.
Now we just need Yakuza on PC and PC is officially the best platform of all times.
4K resolution doesn't magically add a lightning system from this gen which SE are tricking people into thinking.
>FFXV on PC is kind of unexpected.
No it wasn't. Just about every other FF game was ported to PC, why wouldn't this one be?
As always, thanks for beta-testing.
>and PC is officially the best platform of all times.
How? It's on PS4 already along with Persona 5.
Enjoy your scraps.
After playing FF15 on PS4, I must admit I look forward to playing it on PC.
Better resolution, better framerate, perhaps even mods.
Hell they might end up making FF15 a playable game.
I don't understand why people are so upset when PC gets a port. At worst a few more people will get to experience a game you liked. At best they will find a way to improve upon it.
my tv is to shit to see how good it is
>Persona 5
>13 was a fine game. Better than 15 and 12.
I still regret buying that and The Phantom Pain. Heck, I didn't even buy FFXV, and looks like I made the right choice.
I'll probably just buy KH3 and FF7r and then be done with SE forever.
>Hell they might end up making FF15 a playable game.
How increasing resolution will make it good?
Yes? It's really sad that PC can't even play best jRPG this gen and still even don't have FFXV
Thank you based Tabata
But Persona 5 is already on PC.
Mods. Moding more life into the world, and adjusting enemy AI could make for the game a lot better IMO.
Fuck off retard.
While this isn't applicable to FFXV, Dragon's Dogma is a good example. Doesn't even run at an HD resolution and still runs like absolute shit. The PC version is the first playable version of the game.
In related news SE just uploaded this new CGI pic for their TGS 2017 XV showing
Dragon's Dogma was the exception though. But I agree, holy fuck playing that on PS3 and PC were two completely different experiences.
Nope, XV has always been great.
It isn't.
What mods? There are no mods such as this confirmed for it.
>. The PC version is the first playable version of the game.
It was still playable on consoles. Increasing resolution don't make unplayable game playable.
Yeah and it's completely upgraded over the console version
Why does it still look worse than duscae?
That looks really good. I wonder how much of a beast of a rig you'll need to get it running like that though.
I heard a 1080 was "recommended". But what's "recomended"? 1080p, 30fps?
>It isn't.
lol, k
>Persona 5 is already on PC.
No problem friend
Enjoy this turd pcbros.
It's already good, PC makes it better
No, it is. And it runs at a better resolution and FPS than the PS4 could ever dream of.
>I heard a 1080 was "recommended". But what's "recomended"? 1080p, 30fps?
No idea. I think I heard that a 1080 Ti can do 4k 30fps on ultra though.
How's that denial going?
Fuck off NeithOF
>1080 Ti
God damn, that's pretty bleeding edge. If nothing else, it'll be really fun to see how this game ends up performing on different computers.
Oh and the endless shitposting by Sup Forums users surprised they can't play it on their mother's MacBook will be fun too.
Volta will be coming out spring-ish 2018 so I'd imagine this will be like the days of "You need a 780 to max it?" And then 5 months from game release it's irrelevant
It doesn't, it looks completely upgraded.
Episode duscae looked like this
>No, it is
No, it isn't. Show me fully playable walktrough on PC user, not short segments when someone managed to play it few minutes without crashes.
>How's that denial going?
It seems yours is pretty strong.
>Oh and the endless shitposting by Sup Forums users surprised they can't play it on their mother's MacBook will be fun too.
MacBooks literally won't have enough storage to download it. It's like 177GB and the size is pending so it might get even larger.
>It seems yours is pretty strong.
If we're just making shit up then I guess PS4 doesn't have Bloodborne either. Why would anybody buy a console with no games?
>someone please spoonfeed me a 60+ hour playthrough of a game or I won't admit I'm wrong on a Croatian cactus-treatment board
>I swear game is really playable on PC and you can play it all except I won't show you and providing evidence of my autistic projection is called "spoonfeeding"
You have autism by any chance?
>I'm incapable of doing any research.
Here, have another one.
I would buy this game if it weren't shit
It's great.
It still plays worse than episode duscae, and that's what really matters.
That looks better FFXV actual.
Also plays better too but Tabata the retard hates gameplay requiring manual inputs.
>ask to show full playtrough of Persona 5 on PC
>have another one
>post Demon's Souls short segment
Duscae had better lighting than the final game
What was the empires motivation for invading? They wanted crystal power, but what were they going to do with it?
That's nice Persona 5 gameplay user. Can't wait to play it on PC and beat final boss. Selling my PS4 now.
I guess people are just having a laugh uploading all these fake videos.
Modding Skyrim couldn't make the game any less shit and that has one of the biggest community for it, why are newfags so retarded thinking modding could make XV any less garbage or make a drastic change?
I mean, DD is a god-tier game that has laughable optimization on consoles.
XV is a joke.
So far you haven't show single guy with fully playable Persona 5 from beggining to end. What's going on user?
That's what I meant. No amount of hardware unleashing can turn FFXV into a great game.
>god-tier game
Now don't lie to yourself, one of the worst open world games around that gets a pass because its combat is better than most
It'll be good with mods. Ps4 babies are trying to discourage people as usual.
Why the fuck can't I post a new thread? Says page is down
The game is built around combat, so that's really all that matters. Who cares if it is a small open world and it doesn't let you go bowling?
They seem to get angry any time another platform can run one of their games with better performance.
>It'll be good with mods
PC friends project as usual to justify their irrelevant platform.
>gameplay is better than any other open world RPG
>this doesn't mean anything, worst open world game ever
>It'll be good with mods.
Yes, just like XIII was good on PC.
Is this what Sony-ggers actually believe?
>get game year later
>not irrelevant
What? Big devs treat PC cucks like third world market.
The platform creates games like this that will inevitability edge out all other games on PS4 and Xbox.
Can't wait for the tears when both companies drop everything to cater to PUBG dick.
No idea. Ardyn is like the emperor he was mindcontroling the whole galaxy to make them do stupid things. That's the extent of the poor writing.
>get superior version in every thinkable way
>not relevant
What? Big devs treat console cucks like the beta-testing grounds.
>includes social, pc free-to-play, pc subscription and premium pc games
>premium pc games
what is that?
What's so amazing about it actually? You also realize this is coming to PC.
>getting turd game year later that console players nearly forgot
>celebrate it like second coming of Christ because so starved for games
>full game is somehow beta testing according to PC cucks
Don't damage control, quests are literally garbage and world is empty as fuck with no good side character NPC's to interact with and brain dead damage sponge bosses. You retards even lied about the pawns being more advanced than they were as if you could train them. One of THE most overrated games off last gen.
No it doesn't, it plays objectively better.
* to consoles
Jesus fucking christ you're blind and retarded.
And you already samefagged it somehow playinh better when the final game plays better in every aspect while looking better and running better
>quests are literally garbage
Most of the quests are pretty good. Are you talking about the noticeboard stuff? Kill 50 goblins? You're supposed to just accept those and then forget about then. You accomplish them automatically just by playing the game and don't even have to turn them in.
>>get superior version in every thinkable way
Wow, they will improve gameplay? Add new content? Characters? Story? Equipment? Physical copy just like consoles? Can I get source on that hot news?
No it didn't, duscae had worse lighting than the final game, the final game completely upgraded the lighting, introduced weather, had better implementation of GI, implemented SSS, had better vegetation, better textures etc.
Nope, XV is fantastic.
It's already great. It's just NeithOF samefagging like usual while also trying to pretend episode duscae was somehow better than the final game.
But I'm not bragging about having FFXV unlike PC cucks. Why you using strawman and why angry capslock shouting?
>and only accepts controllers for input
Are you trying to say I should play it with driving wheel or keyboard?
XV is already good
No, it's really average.
>Are you trying to say I should play it with driving wheel or keyboard?
You're literally braindead. Who plays a FPS with a controller? That'd be like using M&K to play a racing game.
PC cucks have lower standards and enjoy shitty games more than consolefags do. See: DmC, Overwatch, Neptunia, PUBG, FF13, Tales of Zestiria
>contrast and saturation up the ass
>this looks better than the warm natural lighting in Duscae
That's some major shit taste
>midday vs sunset
You need clinical help.
No it's in the top 5 best FFs