This is your new overwatch hero. Say something nice about her!

This is your new overwatch hero. Say something nice about her!

Other urls found in this thread:

m-f tranny wth a bull dick?

>another brown woman


Straya already has two heroes, both with the exact same aesthetic. She won't be playable.

Yaaassss queen slay

>assuming xirxs gender
Back the fuck off?

>hearts on pubic hair
wtf how does that even work? ar they pins?

it's just a drawing, and junkrats hair is on fire all the time so I'm sure they could figure something out

more of a pig than i thought

>Thicc brownie
Ah, my latest fetish.

>it's another gay tranny nigger

Am I being bull shitted?

There's art of the queen?

>that hair
>ripping off Paladins' Kinessa
Stay classy, Blizzshit

she's just tanned like junkrat


Roadhog is from New Zealand.

>"""""ripping off""""

wait wait wait.
all this shitposting is trigggering my autism.
is this really a new hero?like a leak or something


So is there coloured artwork or is tumblr just defaulting to brown?

Very progressive

Same thing.

>another diversity char

It's a poster of the Queen found in Junkertown, pretty sure we know nothing beyond it.

From a game that's been said to rip off at that.
Seriously how can people even defend paladins.

>thoroughly designed
aww FUCK blizzard release a GU ALREADY DAMMIT

they default her to brown because they're retards

hopefully she's white for once


Yeah Tumblr is just defaulting to brown. All we got is a poster of her in Red. She could be as pale as junkrar or a little tan like Roadhog for all we know.

Be she uses an Axe and thats all I need to be interested.

So what kinda psychopath is the queen? Is she just straight up Fem Junkrat or is she somewhat sane in comparisons to the Junkers she lords over?

Would be nice, we've hit the diversity quota with Roadhog already.

She's sane enough to throw Junkrat and Roadhog out of Junkertown

All the tumblrites want another big black lipped Abo because fuck big chested white Aussies and cis hets.

I hope she is a foul mouthed straight chick just to piss them off, and I also hope she is really racist against robots.

She isn't brown. It's ashes like on Junkrat.

lmao, good one.

what is even going on with overwatch? didn't they just completely change dva and mercy? wtf?

I find it funny for all the diversity shilling Blizzard does, most people hail the fuck out of Mercy and Dva. And Widow is technically white, so that makes it even funnier.

> I also hope she is really racist against robots.
Literally the first rule of her fucking establishment.

We know barely anything from a poster, all we know for sure is she isnt dark brown

I'm willing to bet money that Blizzard isn't going to add even a single white character, if only because of how rabid the tumblr fanbase is and how anyone asking for more white representation will just be derided by 90% of the playerbase as racist.

Did you not even watch the trailer for Junkertown? There's a pit of twitching omnic parts

Looks like a tranny, hell I wouldn't put it past them if that actually was the case.

How much you bet she'll be a bad guy just because she doesn't want walking metal death droids waltzing about eh?

Uhh yas queen?

I fucking hope it's not another brown-black hero. Sombra, Orisa, Doomfist. Enough.

They way blizzard is trying to justify the gameplay changes to mercy is just hilariously stupid, so what if the mercy players found a tactic that works in their favor by letting the enemy team waste abilities and trade deaths as mercy's team dies on the point for an easy rez, you don't think people will find even more tactics that can possibly be seen as more toxic this time around.

You're judging based off tumblr fanart.

well since she's from blizzards australia she'll be a fucking abo

>all this triggering

it's gonna be Zarya all over again. Once the lewds roll out, this shit will be an afterthought

australia has always been abo you uncultured cretin

Nah Aussies are strictly neutral towards everyone but omnics as they have to survive the Irradiated wasteland they live in.

Unlike Zarya the queen has her big funbags on display which is already a good sign honestly.

>tfw there are ZERO good Zarya lewds

Why do you people care about forced diversity in this game? Yeah, it's there, but so what? Females in Blizzard games are still just fapbait for their virgin customers (i.e. posters in this thread).

What are you talking about Zayra was specifically made to pander to butthurt tumblrinas. Most people therefore don't care for her other than musclefags.

Is this true? Looks more like satire now than anything.

That sounds helluva toxic.

What surprises me is that they apparently didn't know people would do this. What else would you use a mass res mechanic for, if not to wear down the enemy through attrition? What else are you supposed to use it for?

Mass Res "Die on the point I'm hiding" was not fun for either side. No one wants to give up and die when they could have won a fight through better play if they had an actual 6th team member instead of a fucking Mercy hiding in a cupboard. Its not fun defending the bitch constantly and its not fun playing hunt the cunt whenever the enemy team has one.

Which was every fucking game because its brain dead easy to play and makes climbing easy as fuck. It really did surprise me that they chose to completely re-work the character rather than fix the SR system instead.

My main problem with new Mercy is that it rewards being a pocket even more you have one res that you can toss out so it might as well be that McCree or Pharah your pocketing at the time. Her Ult was a massive fucking blast though but its already being nerfed into the ground because no fun allowed.

>shilling using stale thread starter memes


Very unlikely, none of the anti omnic heroes are shown as "bad".
Most are even considered good guys.



Mungo Man were the inhabitants before the abos arrived and killed them all.

I think they expected Mercy players to fight together with their team and when people began to fall the Res would bring them back into the fight. Instead it was instantly min-maxed and made even worse when they made the decision to make her invincible while she was doing it.

>tumblr pandering

In looks maybe, and really just the hair. Personality wise she is the least tumblr female in the cast, seeing as she's racist as fuck.

No, you annoying manime weeb.

Fucking tmblr fucking up everything since forever.
The original concept-art is good, but this. Fucking dyks. Shit. Fuck.

>The original concept-art is good
go to bed old man

>Not Rabbid Peach

*Sigh*, Blizzdrones...

Rabbid Peach has no Hips to speak of and literally has nothing on it's crotch.

Also pillow talk is nothing but screaming.

>posting all this tumblr art to make her look like shit

Fuck you fags.

>>Also pillow talk is nothing but screaming.

An other melee character?

>another fucking sidecut bulldyke
wake me up when we get a white male or titty monster

>Titty Monster
Are you blind to the beautiful Aussie mounds she is rocking.

Also, she hates robots, and better goddamn well be straight.

She is a titty monster

Looks like a proper mohawk.

Is that a sidecut or is the hair long, but pulled back to make the ponytail?

That's what decides whether she's shit tier or great tier.

But of course its another female. Doomfist is the only male we've gotten so far.

Tumblr doesn't play Overwatch, they just drool over the characters.

both sides are shaved and it goes down the back of her neck mullet style

Fucking hell went wrong with Overwatch?

More porn.

Shit tier, then.
Should've done it like Mistral.

whats the point of this comparison

Africa happened.

Good design pre-launch, shit designs post-launch

What did xer mean by this?

>Guys we need to make a new hero for Overwatch!
>What are your suggestions?
>Black Woman!
>Hmmm... How about Zarya but Black?



Completely different characters, you're comparing apples to oranges

I'm expecting Aunty Entity from Thunder Dome here. Warrior Queen, cruel to her enemies, but fair to her allies.

Fucking end yourself RIGHT NOW

>all the tumblr fanart of her being brown is going to force them to make her that way

Widow is a shitty sniper who plays horribly
Orisa can actually be good and has more depth than the snail sniper

She's not black you moron



No I'm comparing something good to a literal turd design.