Piracy cuts into sales. DLC, Microtransactions, season passes, lootboxes and paid mods bring in more cash...

Piracy cuts into sales. DLC, Microtransactions, season passes, lootboxes and paid mods bring in more cash. It doesn't take a genius to put two and two together.

Autism is defined by people being unaware of the consequences of their actions. Which applies perfectly to pirates, who fail to understand just how much the industry needs sales to keep their precious non-pixelshit video games afloat.

The video game industry works differently from television and music. Games do not have live performances or broadcast royalties. They do not have theatrical releases nor do they make money from televised syndication. And they do not have commercial breaks for advertisers that give them money, unless you count Let's Plays in which case devs don't get the ad money in 99.99999% of cases. Because they're PROMOTIONAL AVENUES.

There's nothing promotional about DLC and microtransactions, all that shit actually fucking affects the product itself unlike what you want to convince yourselves are the normie media equivalents.

If nobody had any problem with piracy, video games, movies, books, comics, etc etc wouldn't fucking exist because there would be no point in their creators making them. I don't give a rats ass if you pirate shit, but don't try to justify it.

I guess I should feel terrible for supporting the industry that provides entertainment I enjoy. Thanks for enlightening me Sup Forums.

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who gives a fuck?
if you can get something for free there's no point in paying for it, and if there was no way to get games for free i would just stop playing vidya altogether

There's 2 perspectives from pirates.



>Yeah its theft, so what? Go fuck yourself

The second option is the only correct one.

>Autism is defined by people being unaware of the consequences of their actions. Which applies perfectly to pirates, who fail to understand just how much the industry needs sales to keep their precious non-pixelshit video games afloat.
it kind of fascinates me how on Sup Forums people always have to contextualize the actions of others on here as being indicative of autism, as if "normal" people aren't pirates or something


how delusional do you have to be to think no one gives a fuck? I don't give a rats ass if you pirate shit, just admit your autism and don't try to justify it.

Except it's objectively not theft. Even according to the law itself.

>I don't care one bit about you pirating
>j-just admit it and don't try to j-justify it right now!!!

Fine, copyright infringement, but the argument is more "is it wrong or isnt it" and the argument that because the original product is only copied it isn't wrong is fucking stupid.

>as if "normal" people aren't pirates or something
I don't even care about this piracy shitflinging, but how delusional do you have to be to think they are?

Those against piracy should really stop trying to paint it as theft. It technically isn't and trying to say that it is does more harm than good. It wouldn't hold up in court, especially when copyright infringement is already recognised by the law and is exactly applicable to piracy.

I buy games I liked
I pirated Dark Souls and bought it afterwards because I wanted to support devs
same with Icewind Dale, Baldurs Gate, Dankest Dungeon and many others
buying game before you even played demo of it is stupid

>DLC, Microtransactions, season passes, lootboxes and paid mods bring in more cash
If a game has any of the things listed in that line, why should I support it?

>if you can get something for free there's no point in paying for it
I bet you pay for food and clothes.

Sure man. I'm an autistic pirate. Now, I'll go claim my autismbux and also continye to pirate shit. Sounds like a win-win, I get more cash, you get the satisfaction that I'm autistic.

Fuck off you publisher whore. Games were much better when they weren't selling 10+ million copies with just a tad bit marketing.

are you actually trying to make the point that only internet people are pirates? because if so it's time to take a step outside

I only pirate things that I don't plan on buying anyway. The only reason to lock yourself into a DRM'd copy of a game (read: steam) is because of the additional benefits granted by that DRM (cloud saves, time played, screenshot management, update handling, etc)
if the game isn't very good or I'm only gonna play it once, those benefits are moot.

You're conflating whether it's wrong with whether it's theft. The fact that because the original product is only copied it isn't theft. It's fucking stupid when you people argue incoherently in a desperate attempt to save face after trying to demonize it as theft. Stop your moral posturing.

It is wrong. Copyright infringement is wrong both legally and morally. But it's not theft.

I can't steal bro, I'm not black. You gotta be slick with that shit

If normies are the pirates then explain why it's normie games that top the sales charts and companies that make games for autists (Looking Glass, Clover) and autistic game genres (arena shooters, RTS, space sims) that keep going under.

capitalism is built on putting your hand in the next mans pocket, i'm gonna get it when i can. i don't feel bad about pirating.

>Piracy cuts into sales.
Can you back that up?

>t. commie

Piracy cuts into sales. DLC, Microtransactions, season passes, lootboxes and paid mods bring in more cash. It doesn't take a genius to put two and two together.

oh, i guess you mean specifically video games, huh. if so then excuse me for being retarded. but normies pirate the shit out of tv and movies

There's no need to pirate video games nowadays anyways.

Steam refund system works flawlessly and you can refund everything you've bought in the last 2 weeks without an effort.

>wall of text
>reddit spacing
>still getting replies

It's called "knowing how the free market works". Again, I thought Sup Forums was supposed to be overwhelmingly pro-capitalism?

There's no point to Steam you dumb nigger. Repacks are much better

>food and clothes are somehow equal to videogames


But it takes evidence to prove it. Take your time.

I hope the market crashes. I really do.

Apples and oranges. The video game industry works differently from television and music. Games do not have live performances or broadcast royalties. They do not have theatrical releases nor do they make money from televised syndication. And they do not have commercial breaks for advertisers that give them money, unless you count Let's Plays in which case devs don't get the ad money in 99.99999% of cases.

There's nothing wrong with pirating tv and movies, but video games are special and pirating them is morally wrong.

>Steam refund system works flawlessly
Tell that to the Sonic Mania preorders

You can technically clothes and food for free. Go on EBT foot stamps, steal it from someone.

You know what's commie? Thinking that it's perfectly okay for you to control what has to run on my property in order to enjoy something I bought. Neck yourself this instant.

Your posts remind me of that one autist being weighed underwater with his sister.

>get busted for software piracy
Literally what you sound like now.

>he thinks he owns the game

Sony built an empire on piracy

It was never your property, you only paid a license to use it. Next time read the terms of service before hitting the agree button, commie.

Agreed, anyone who pirates current releases is a scumbag, plain and simple.

The fact that's so hard for people to understand is just staggering, it's stealing you dipshits.

Piracy is only justified if it;s an old release that is not currently available on Steam or GOG and even then it's usually best to wait and see if it will be considering many of these games will not work on modern OS anyway unless it's a re-release ala GOG.

He's talking about his platform I think, either a PC or console.

The evidence is common sense. The effects are astoundingly obvious. People are paid for their work, and when the work they create has reduced profits that they attribute to piracy, they will either be paid less in the future for their resume shows work on games that weren't successful, or they were promised royalties that are effected. The counter-point here being 'well the pirates wouldn't have bought it regardless', which is a point I'd make but I can't say it for certain and neither can you.
Not only that, but the product itself is effected by piracy. The funds dedicated to anti-piracy are essentially wasted, and could have been used on development or marketing costs.

Your mentality does coincide with autistic traits, as I already stated
>people being unaware of the consequences of their actions


>The video game industry works differently from television and music.

Yeah fucking naw faggot. That sentence alone even alluding to any possible connection just shows how dumb you fucking are.

Vidya is more like books than any other media given that they are both media that requires active participation for the user to continue. Be it a press of a button, scrolling down an ebook, or even turning the actual page from a physical book.

So pretend to be smart by trying to talk down to other nerds but god damn are ya one fag equally as dumb as the pirate proud fags you trying to pretend to have a point about talking down to.

So no empirical evidence to back up your claims. Gotcha.

>it's stealing you dipshits.
Except it's not.

My computer is my property. I might not own the game, but I own where it runs. You fucking faggots normalized installing literal malware because your favorite mega corp has to limit my freedom. But it's ok because your favourite dota 2 trading card game will be produced that way.

Are these made by paid shills? Good thing the retarded mods delete the LOL threads instead but leave this garbage up, multiple threads too, a few years ago I didn't think Sup Forums could get worse but it keeps happening.

You can't stop me LOL fage

If it hasn't crashed by now it isn't going to, I wish idiots would stop saying that, I really do.

Piracy autists everyone.

Nice going, now I don't buy games at all while your bosses suffer to launch new games successfully since the whales get too attached to a single skinnerbox.

Don't worry, future release games will be online multiplayer oriented, so you don't need to pirate it.
Its a win-win for all of us!

>being a neoliberal corporate dicksucker
Time to get into the helicopter friendo

You're a fucking scumbag, plain and simple.

The fact that's so hard for you people to understand is just staggering, it's stealing you dipshits. You're not supposed to do it.

Except it's all semantics, pirating a game online and shop lifting the game from a store is the same fucking difference, you're playing it without paying for it.

Cry more LMAO, while I play every single worthwhile game ever made for free

>Support the industry that expect more and more from me via DLC and Microtransactions
>at the same time they want me to expect less and less from them.

>Games as a service
>no user you can use fraps in that game.
>Games as chapters
>responses like "better than nothing" or "hey at least its something"
>making a sequel and killing the servers of the first one.
>Non dedicated servers
>pay MODs
>Pay journos and media to deceive people.
>Incomplete games.

Yeah no
Fuck you.


Thieving, whiny, beggar little shits.

Do something about it then NIGGER

by your own post, the consequences of piracy is all that shit you just greentexted. I don't know about you, but most of that shit is cancer the game industry could use far less of.

Normies absolutely fucking pirate games, what are you on about? And even when they don't, they pay others to do it for them. The PS' biggest market in parts of europe were niggers selling pirated games for 5 bucks

Piracy has no impact on sales.

Denuvo has effectively killed piracy in the first month or two of a games launch, not only are sales not better after this happening but they are mostly worse than when piracy was happening day 1.

And pirating is only going to make it worse.

Except one is stealing a physical item while the other is downloading a copy. That shit would never hold up in court. Do you want pirates to get away with shit? Why are you acting as though copyright infringement is not as bad as theft? It is, it's just more technically accurate at the same time. Anti-pirates are so fucking retarded in their arguments, holy shit.

W-what if companies just made good games that were worth their price tag..

have you noticed the influx of anti-piracy threads on Sup Forums?

You don't get to complain about semantics when your argument is semantics. Pirating a game online is not the same as shoplifting from the store, that's a false equivalence.

>you're playing it without paying for it.
By your logic listening to music without paying for it is stealing and watching a show or a movie without paying for it is stealing. "You got thing for free so you stole it" is not an argument.


>pay to pray gaem with shitty invasive corporate malware that destroys your hard drive and will kill the game eventually
>OR wait a few months at most and play it with better performance and no barriers to usage
What a hard choice!
Denuvo = guaranteed PC pirate.

Denuvo and general console wars faggotry made it more topical (because in the end these days piracy is only associated with PC for some dumb reason)

Yeah that's my point. Piracy is directly responsible for all of those things.

You would still pirate it anyway and make up some excuse to justify it. You pirates are never satisfied, pcfags don't deserve games.

This. If game is not on GoG, I'll pirate it or not play it. That simple.

>Piracy cuts into sales. DLC, Micro transactions, season passes, loot boxes and paid mods bring in more cash. It doesn't take a genius to put two and two together.
But i guess it does take a genius to know that correlation does not imply causation. Im on your side for piracy, but if you think game companies aren't doing anything/everything possible for the maximum amount of your money you are completely retarded. They are a business first and always

>>"You got thing for free so you stole it" is not an argument.

Unless of course you got that thing for free through illegal methods, you are retarded.


Piracy absolutely has an impact on sales. What a lot of people don't realize is that if denuvo fails the next anti-piracy drm that comes out to replace it will be much, much worse and more intrusive.
Why do publishers treat PC so differently that consoles? Lets look at some numbers first:
PC active users: 125M as of 2 years ago
PS4 owners: ~60M
Xboner owners: ~30M
Going by that it's 125M PC to 90M Consoles. But of those 125M, only about 50-60% have a PC on par with PS4, so for current gen games PC numbers are a bit higher than PS4 numbers alone:

The witcher devs have said the best way to combat piracy is to release a good game.
I bet a lot of people would agree that the witcher is a primarily PC game, but despite that, 70% of sales of TW3 were on consoles, and 30% were on PC.

Current gen consoles can't be pirated. PC can. Even with bigger numbers of Steam users, and even with PC owners with a PC with specs on par with or better than PS4 being higher than the total number of PS4 owners to date, in some cases the Xbone versions of games sell more than the Steam ones. Publishers see that and attribute that big difference as the availability of piracy for why the gap is so large.

The only way to fix this is to buy more games on PC, and get the numbers better towards making PC and consoles 1:1, or very close to. Until then, they'll continue to write off the platform and shove drm in your face because there should be no reason why PC sales have such a gap compared to console sales when they have the larger number of owners.

>you're playing it without paying for it.
>play a demo, it's stealing
>play a game at a friend's house, it's stealing
>get a game for free, it's stealing
Because apparently the only requisite for an act to be 'theft' is for you to enjoy it without paying for it.

>Sup Forums is the lone board on all of Sup Forums that discredits file sharing and defends drm
>and they still want us to believe that Sup Forums isn't actually overrun with drm shills

So take it in the ass and pay for it or just skip all the kikery. Tough choice, OP. Very tough choice.

>next anti-piracy drm that comes out to replace it will be much, much worse and more intrusive.
Which will also get broken and removed so people who aren't disgusting dicksuckers like whoever originally wrote this shillpasta can enjoy the games anyway.

Theres no better price tag than free, user.
Just making good product is not enough to quarantee people not pirating it.

Trips dont lie. I rarely pirate anymore. But if i do its just to see if it will work on my machine. Demos should be a industry standard again.

>pcfags don't deserve games.
True colors are showing OP. Might want to pull back a little, you're showing off your shitposting side a little too much.

>if you got it for free illegally its stealing

No, you are retarded.

Am I wrong or has there literally not been a "AAA" release that was PC exclusive in ten years? That game being Crysis.

So why are people still arguing in favor of piracy a decade later? It should be fucking obvious why it's the wrong choice.

That's probably why Valve never bothered to continue Half-Life as well, they couldn't go the method of PC first and console later.

I don't believe it was always this way

Again, correlation =/= causation. How do you fucking know whether Witcher sold more on console because of piracy or because it was simply more appealing there to the general public?

thank god for all these brave souls defending the DLC pushers, bless you

So if I paid someone to pirate it for me, it's fine? Good to know.

Have you seen all the crying over Sonic Mania? And that's a $20 game.

How are you taking it up the ass by paying for it? Nobody is forcing you to pay for games you don't like. If you value a product enough to aquire it, you should pay for it.

>>playing a demo, not illegal
>>playing at a friend's house, not illegal
>>going on a shady website and pirating it...ILLEGAL

Are you really that dense?

Sup Forums has never advocated piracy.

DRM inherently makes a game not worth paying for 2bh. If I get Mania at all I'll get it on a console and then pirate a PC copy. Also
>Denuvo cracked ten hours after release
LMAO is this why you're shilling so hard?