So, what vidya did you play today Sup Forums?
So, what vidya did you play today Sup Forums?
Nothing really.
It's still morning and I'm at work and will be for the next six hours.
But I'm planning to play some Divinity: Original Sin and Chrono Trigger in the evening.
getting the emeralds in Sonic Mania slowly as fuuuuuccck
Someone kill me.
Splatoon 2
I played LoL and PUBG all day because those are literally the only 2 shitty games my friends play, and there's no decent single player games atm other than Sanic.
I'm also going to get my asshole examined because I've been shitting blood, with any luck it'll be cancer and I can die and not have to play these shit games anymore.
For honor, light BDO.
>doc examines your butthole
>"Ah, have you been playing league of legends lately?"
Mass Effecr and like 40 minutes of Overwatch
Divine Divinity Original Sin
It's bullshit so far
>Try to go outside
>Everything is stronger than me
>Enemy ambushes me with 8 monsters
>Die in 2 turns
>Nowhere to go to get levels because they're all shit like that
i can't even progress its stupid
Fallout 2
Hotline Miami
No More Heroes
Touhou Perfect Cherry Blossom
Sonic Mania
I'm playing Half-Life for the first time in my life.
I knew it was good but not this much jfc, it's 5am already.
>not playing anything
>super paper mario
Are you me?
Disgaea hour of darkness, just got into new game+ but I'm having a hard time progressing to post game stuff I justdont know what to do
Played some ps2 games, mainly Ace Combat 5 and Drakengard
>Grow up non-religious, kinda normal, kinda weird family
>Play vidya extensively (But not main priority) growing up
>Come to realisation religion (Christianity) is real/true/right
>Can't break away from Earthly habits to focus and become more Christlike - vidya included
Hard times.
2 placement matches in OW
I'm in the Arctic Ridge; Points Needed 0 / 1000pts. Freezing my buns off because I forgot hot drinks.
5 hours till work.
Arctic ridge point gathering sucks, because the eggs you find them worth shit, so you can't end the quest with just a single egg/meteorite piece and have to deliver it multiple times or crawl around collecting herbs.
World of Warcraft...
It really does especially if you don't need anything from there. Though I am still finding uses for a lot of this stuff. I'm only doing it because I want red checkmarks. I assume that means 100% complete. I'm in 4* atm. I'm kinda taken back by how much content is packed in this cart.
You need the checkmarks on every single village quest, including gathering, to unlock the feather/earring quests.
How do I get good at overwatch? I've never really got into an fps
Titanfall 2
Red Orchestra: Rising Storm
What part are you on? The game forces you to do every quest and do it in order during the first chapter. You can do everything after the first chapter's boss out of order, but there's difficulty spikes and the story wont make much sense.
Shantae Risky DLC
I hated it until I unlocked the canon jump. Then the game whent from a 5 to an 8.
But fuck that health sponge boss
I can't go to Evelyn's secret hideout or whatever it's called, because like 8 undead block the way and I can't deal with them.
I can't go to the abandoned church because level 7 wolves, and I can't go deal with the machine because level 7 orcs. I am level 4
I kinda feel the same about this game, just not as negative.
I only fought some orcs on the beach in the prologue and a few skeletors under the town when I recruited the rogue.
I spent almost 9 hours so far, and it's all been just talking to the NPCs in town and getting loads and loads of new quests, none of which I have progressed yet.
Have you cleared the light house at all? And a bit of the north?
Inquisitor and Diablo 2
I played Dark Souls for 3 hours then got bored after Anor Londo.
I also went to Walmart, saw how hideous I was in the security cam footage while checking out, and locked myself in my apartment for the rest of the day. I think I'd honestly do unforgivable things to not be ugly.
Is this EOMD2? How bad it is?
some of the end is nigh. regretting my time spent with this game (about 12 hours now) but at least i didn't buy it. disappointed with the mechanics and how slow and unreliable the wall clinging mechanic is. the game's enemies are a pain in the ass too. the cartridge games are the only thing i play, they're good fun. but overall this game is like 40% the content of super meat boy, a game by teh same developer that came out 7 years before it.
Dark Souls 2 SotfS
It feels bigger,dumber,slower,"""""prettier""""" and easier.
My grudge with it is that what people had told me were "memes" turns out to be true. For example the world design might be "better" but the way levels connect with each other is pure cancer. I always end up thinking "well thats it,is the game over?" In DaS it felt like i was floating through the levels never thinking that there no new area to access and stuff to do. In DaS2 my brain keeps telling me "HOLLOW KNIGHT REEEEE" Also the combat is shit really. The original might have had that "exploitable" backstabbing in pvp but pve was awesome for the most part unlike in 2 were it feels like a forced way to make the game feel longer.Someone at From thought: "8 enemies in a room ,difficulty extreme amirighte XD" Its infuriating not hard its annoyingly easy
Define "bad". Its ok from what I've played
Ooh. That sounds intriguing as hell. Earrings make enough sense but what does the feather do? & earrings for that matter.
I was just gonna do it anyway. I like grinding to an extent. It's relaxing.
You'll never light up the night, user. None of us will.
There are no heroes left in man.
What's your main on D2?
I was going to play Dragon Quest XI, but I ended up working a lot and then watching Black Mirror.
Serious Sam 3. Been on and off with my buddy every once in a while but we going through it with maximum SERIOUSNESS
I enjoi'd this while doodling a dragon in swap note.
Feathers/earrings are head slot armor pieces that come with a lot of bonus points to certain skills, like critical eye +15 or load up +10.
Also, regarding that comment about content: Gen actually doesn't come with G-rank and HR village content like the Ultimate/G versions of MH games do.
Path of Exile, EosD and PCB
I wanna see him blamm that goat!
That sounds pretty cool.
I figure by the time I clear whatever end game content is available in this game, MHWorld should be just around the corner or so. Is there anything particularly difficult/fun in Gen?
Nah, I don't even got it on my map, I did go a bit north, but again there were like 7 enemies but this time I won somehow
Well, Gen is really easy in general, especially if abuse the so-called Adept style, which is ironically the most noob friendly.
But all MH games feature some difficult endgame content. In Gen it's high-level deviant monsters and HR hypers. DLC quests add some extra multipliers on top of that too, so shit like the hyper silver rathalos Fire Emblem DLC quest is pretty tough.
If you're soloing everything, Gen might actually last you all the way until World. Although if you're not too invested in your Gen playthrough, I'd recommend 4U over it, especially if you're new to MH and playing it in preparation for World. Since World is based more on 4U, and Gen isn't exactly representative of more traditional MH gameplay and is somewhat of its own thing.
I've been going through a bunch of games I just got in the mail. Finished Resident Evil 7 last night and am deciding what to play between Gravity Rush 2, Horizon Zero Dawn and Valkyria Revolution. Also waiting for Yakuza Kiwami in the mail.
Play Kat's game!
I'm playing it right now user! She looks cute in her tiny shorts.
I played Tri before this but that was after the Wii had ended it's online capabilities. I logged a couple hundred hours between an s&s bro and bowgun grill tho. I loved that game. Moga was great.
Gen is p'ez with these Arts. Aerial style with a SA is taking down everything with relative ease - a few frustrating moments with like, Nargacuga being fast as shit. Took me 19 mins or so. Tetsucabra was a little rough the first go too. At this point I've got the cats out and everything. I'm just going to enjoy the ride with this one. I'm excited for deviants. I'd play 4U but I can't afford it anytime soon. I like dem physical copies. Are you playing a MH atm?
Not really. I've done pretty much everything I wanted and more in both 4U and Gen. But I still do launch Gen sometimes to play with a streamer on weekends. Especially since MHW reveal got me all hyped up about hunting again.
that image makes me wish kat was real
But she is real, user!
In your heart.
Nothing yet : )
What the fuck is this shit, why the fuck are there 7 enemy groups EVERYWHERE?
And undead archers who shoot you 3 (THREE) fucking times and do 100 damage total, that's retarded, they're the same level as I am
Should I play Rime or Pyre this weekend?
stellaris and I barely beat a jap at go.
Nothing yet
Got into day trading on /biz/, all you have to do is buy shitcoins when you see Pepes rubbing their hands and sell when the pink wojaks show up.
Diablo 3, I finished all the quests for Season 17 as my Crusader on Hardcore mode. I also got $4k in college grant money so I bought the Necromancer DLC; it's a pretty OP class so far.
Battlefield 1
Fuck off back to where you belong.
don't tell them about our sekrit bitbean club
>playing games
Dishonored 2
I just got past the part where you have to deal with Delilah in the observatory. I did this while coming up on a RC high and while having a mental breakdown over what to do with my life I accidentally got the stealth option where the witch is just disabled, and now I'm very fucking confused on what Emily even did. Everything feels like a train wreck.
These threads are like when psychiatrists play games with damaged kids to make them talk about their feelings. Everyone here does the same thing, Is it just desperation? Or do you guys seriously have no one to talk to?
I played some Black Ops 1.
I forgot how much I liked it, compared to some of the later shitfest CODs. It's junk food for the brain but at least it's not incomprehensible trash like BO3's story was.
Fallout NV
Thinking whether or not I should continue/complete Dreamfall Chapters. The premise, music, atmosphere sounds interesting but when I get down to it it's just plain boring. On the other hand already put 8-10 hours into it, and it would be a waste if I didn't finish it. Or I could just continue with my backlog.
Morning and the power's back on, so I didn't get to play anything yesterday cause we got the sloppy seconds of Texas' rain.
stuck working a 12 hour shift for the third day in a row
got in a fight with gf
have a bunch of chores to do when I get home tonight because there is literally no time
just want to get drunk
BO2 was also enjoayble, the bo1 tie-in parts. Futuristic missions were cancer.
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl pretty comfy morning all in all
Practice and most importantly think.
Test new strategies out and don't have the expectation that one skill you improve will make your game better, when you get enough skills under your belt that time will come.
League if Legends
I shoulda played Elite Dangerous with my bro.. but I didn't.
Getting cross faded as the kids say, may involve games and rich chigga
How can you help someone so that they stop wanting to cut themselves?
my best friend's doing it as a way to 'punish himself' because he's lost all self worth, and he gets obsessive negative thoughts due to his OCD that he was recently diagnosed with
he's in a psych ward now so he doesn't have knives but that doesn't stop him from scratching with his nails. This is the second time he's been there in as many months - since he's been there before he's lost the hope of getting better and isn't open to trying anything, unlike last time.
He can't start to get better until he actually wants to try - so how do you get someone who's in this position to change their mindset?
Fistul of frags
I had the same problem, the truth is there is no structure to what you need to do. Basically you need to grind any way you can/prefer.
Electroconvulsive therapy
Thermorectal therapy
I played some tf2 and some of the games i got from the last 2k humble bundlr. Replaying mafia 2 and Spec Ops: the line has been pretty fun.
Today i got a job interviee and i hope everything goes smoothly. Being jobless is kind of shit and I'm not a burger to live the neet life
I really appreciate this being posted.
Final Fantasy 12, I've been trying to grind as high as possible, what level should you be by the time you're at the Lhusu Mines in bhujeerba?
Warframe and Sonic Mania today. Been playing a lot of 20XX this past week, too.
Fuck off, it's not my fault the magic of playing games is all gone
MGSV and USF4.
They're fun.
Tropico 5
Medieval 2: Lands to Conquer Mod
demon gaze