Yeah its the bomb.
>Some PCs
They're right, it's more powerful than the average Windows 95 era PC.
More powerful as in generates more heat?
>More powerful than some PCs*
>*walmart-brand $299 intel atom laptops
>It's more powerful
Shit cost more than a r7 1700 + gtx 1080 setup
Well they aren't wrong.
It's definitely more powerful than my prebuilt toaster from 2009. That thing was dated the day I bought it. Fucking piece of shit.
>Low power, low frequency, high core count CPU and mobile graphics running android
What "games" are there on mobile anyways that arent just shit that women would play aside from emulators?
Ports of ancient games.
>more powerful than some PCs
>play trash tier shovelware on it
holy shit
Even my calculator is more powerful than some PCs (from the 70s)
woah multiple apps S E A M L E S S L Y
Powerful enough to run XX on a Switch emulator, maybe.
Don't worry, the next Android update will introduce just enough bloat to make it run exactly like every other phone in the last 10 years.
I've never played mobile shit but I'm assuming the games have to be created for the lowest common denominator in order to reach the largest audience, so whats the point of having a phone like this? I don't see publisher wanting to fuck with their profits by creating a game that'll only run on a fucking Galaxy Note 8. That's like making PC games that only work on Alienware.
>restaurant quality food
>Make smartphones that explode
>Make even more powerful ones
>only 6 gigs
>some PCs
Being more powerful than my old PC that fell flat on its face when trying to run the original Deus Ex at decent settings is hardly a high bar.
I bet $50 that you're a sony nigger
>my phone runs GameCube emulator better than my laptop now
What a time we live in.
Is that a fucking heatpipe? Jesus...
>those touchscreen controls
>that hand posturing
How pathetic.
It may run them but you still suck even if your playing one handed
Probably better than my Dell Dimension from 2002
Playing without physical buttons is just gross
It's a demo station showcasing the phone before it's released
Are phones the future of handhelds? There are some pretty cool controllers for them although this stick placement sucks.
This is why smartphones will not be a viable replacement for dedicated handheld consoles until they start including proper analogue controls.
I'm actually pretty disappointed that the Switch wasn't a phone. If anyone could figure out how to combine a cell phone and a handheld console in an ergonomic manner, it's Nintendo.
>more powerful than some PCs
More powerful than some 2002 Intel prebuilt? Probably. I seriously doubt it's more powerful than anything more than a cheapass netbook or some $150 prebuilt geeksquad shit, and even then it's only more powerful for a half hour til the phone either overheats and goes nuclear or eats through its shitty battery.
Circa 2008 probably.
Switch ripoff
Those controls look like aids though
They had a good idea building the controller that way. Makes sense that other people would start imitating it.
They made the same thing years ago for other phones.
Only good for emulators.
Every other game out there is gatcha bullshit.
It doesn't
Inevitably, yes. It makes no sense to not combine the two into one device.
We're not there yet, though. We need something that's heavily marketed as a gaming phone and is comfortable for gaming, texting, and talking. That means not this shit: I think that what they need to be looking at is stuff that's collapsible. Good analogue controls are a bit bulky for talking on the phone, while comfortable phones are too compact for gaming.
why do PC's have to be so huge? my shit cost $700 and is barely faster than that phone. shits xbox huge tho looks retarded in my bedroom
>some PCs
Should have just said more powerful than Nintendo's Shitbitch to BTFO Nintendownies and make normies buy Samsung instead of Retardendo.
>multiple apps, seamlessly
Maybe we'll see the return of the flip phone? The attachable controller parts idea is decent in theory but no one wants to carry that shit around in their pockets or whatever so it needs to be built in and more ergonomic.
But when your phone can emulate NES, SNES, GBA, DS, GC, PSX etc does it matter that nothing besides waifu and casualshit comes out for phones?
>some PCs
>and all the comsoles
Can confirm. Mobile has the best versions of Dragon Quest 4, Sonic, and Sonic 2.
>We need something that's heavily marketed as a gaming phone and is comfortable for gaming, texting, and talking. That means not this shit
Sony tried
Underrated post.
Because you have a shitty prebuilt for normies.
Gaming rigs need to be that big because they have videocards (the thing that separates gaming rigs from normie PCs), lots of ram, several SSDs and hard drives, etc. You couldn't fit the hardware that's sitting inside my case inside of a laptop.
It's literally more powerful than normalfags modern PCs.
Very impressive, if steam ever comes to it I'm sure it will be able to run CSGO and other games made before 2008
Except there's no standard.
Meme companies unrelated to vidya will start making retarded protocols and layouts, and establish partnerships with shitty companies that have zero relation with PC or console vidya, you'll have to carry a dozen different controllers to play different games tailored for some specific controller and "exclusive" to it, and it'll take 10 years and much of your hard earned bitcoins to come up with a semblance of stability, only to be toppled again by the next meme company.
The future only holds one thing for us: zero unified standards, zero open formats, zero interoperability, and an infinite number of shit that cannot function together. I sometimes think that the world will end with every single piece of hardware, software and service being unable to comunicate with that of any other company, and suddenly the internet will be split in two, then in three, in four, then in an infinite number of parts, dividing humanity in equal parts, until it stops fulfilling its role, and take humanity along in its downfall.
I'm pretty jaded this morning because I've been working with Apple to bring ApplePay in France, and the way it all works, and what it brings, is so fucking retarded it's going to break the entire security and integrity of banking institutions in France and most of Europe, compromise fucking everything, pit everyone against one another, breaks an existing system that just works and is unified, and no one sees the grim end of it all, just because "wow you're saying I can pay with my iPhone? AWESOME!!"
I feel like this post is worth saving. Cheers.
Also fuck this bigender Earth.
Because reliably delivering several hundred watts of power to components requires PCB space, modularity and accessibility requires more sacrifices on space and reliably dissipating several hundred watts of heat for several hours at a time without the banshee wail of a 1U pizza box means physically large cooling components for even more space requirements.
>"more powerful than some PCs"
>6gb RAM
8gb has been the MINIMUM amount of ram for gaming PC building since 2011.
They didn't mention anything about gaming PCs so they're still right.
Hi. Welcome to this thread on Sup Forums Video Games, a sub board of Sup Forums. In this thread the Thread Topic suggests we discuss how "btfo" PC gamers are because this phone came out.
Now that you are all caught up maybe you can refrain from posting more retarded posts like yours in the future. Have a nice day.
Most PC gamers don't have gaming PCs.
Kinda. The thing is that the controller portion needs to be wider and thicker than the screen, so perhaps after flipping down it also needs to expand outward. Go pick up one of your handhelds. That's what the gaming phone needs to feel like.
They really didn't. I've only ever heard of this in the rare threads about the prospect of gaming phones.
I would say that the Vita should have been designed as a phone, but I don't think that Sony has great minds for innovations in ergonomics. When they tried to get away from their SNES controller ripoff, the results were that laughable boomerang. That's why I'm disappointed that Nintendo just released a handheld that isn't a phone.
HAHAHA, the price for that fucking phone is 1000$, with that amount of money you can build a nice pc, or buy a xbox one x and a switch/ps4 pro.
40$ a month*
Fuckin loved that shitty phone
>I'm pretty jaded this morning because I've been working with Apple to bring ApplePay in France, and the way it all works, and what it brings, is so fucking retarded it's going to break the entire security and integrity of banking institutions in France and most of Europe, compromise fucking everything, pit everyone against one another, breaks an existing system that just works and is unified, and no one sees the grim end of it all, just because "wow you're saying I can pay with my iPhone? AWESOME!!"
""""""""""""""""""""Smart""""""""""""""""""""phones were a mistake.
What video games did you play on it?
>it was built to run multiple apps
What the fuck are you talking about? I pay $40 a month for it. Pretty cheap, much cheaper than a game every month
The switch is dated tech before it even entered the floor.
You deserved so much more, user.
>the only control scheme out of the box is an imprecise version of a mouse that forces you to cover parts of the screen with your fingers
Touchscreens are just shit for anything that resembles a proper game. Until a better control scheme becomes a standard (and not just an optional chink peripheral) mobile gaming is not worth paying attention to.
i can play ds games on my android but anything other than turn based games is too hard to control imo
>"Some PCs"
Because that's not dishonest language at all.
You can build a PC that will technically function for 100 bucks.
when can we emulate win32 app on ARM?
What the Switch could have been.
A bloated and overpriced 800 dollar device with no hardware controls?
I just want to play Skyrim above 240p nintenbro.
>Going from the gamecube controller, the best controller ever made, to this abominable shit.
Most "PC gamers" don't play anything more demanding than League of Legends
Why would you even touch unmodded skyrim in the current year?
me too man. Did you ever root it and use it's native PS1 emu? Shit worked fantastically. Only time I ever got the hokuto no ken game running before epsxe fixed it up on PC.
>you'll have to carry a dozen different controllers to play different games tailored for some specific controller and "exclusive" to it
>The future only holds one thing for us: zero unified standards, zero open formats, zero interoperability, and an infinite number of shit that cannot function together
This sounds like a nice way to kill sales. Retarded """visionaries""" who don't commit to some form of standardization will find themselves getting laughed out of the industry as their tiny dicks shrivel up pretty quickly.
The market for core vidya has actually gone in the opposite direction: If devs are going to spend millions of dollars developing a game (that's what we're talking about here; less Bejeweled, more Legend of Zelda), they want it to be easily accessible for as many people as possible. If, say, Apple decides that they're going to be a pain in the ass for third party devs, they'll learn the same lesson that the once dominate Nintendo learned with N64 vs. PS1.
Then you're in luck, it's in 4k on PC and 1080p on the Switch.
>AMD - Ryzen 7 1700 3.0GHz 8-Core Processor
i stopped right there
It's a bit different now though. Unlike back in those days when devs were screaming for a competitor to dethrone nintendo so they wouldn't be censored and abused, apple told them "go ahead, fuck off to google, enjoy that massively higher piracy rates" and devs stuck to apple like the true battered housewives they are. Not that I blame them, my app on google play had about 100 downloads from the store at 50 cents a pop, and just shy of 2m downloads on app planet before it shut down. Pretty telling stuff.
Getting a bit too Apple there, Samsung
Sup Forums was a saturated normie nest long before 2009 even. 2005-6 had a fraction of the traffic it did by that point.
They wouldn't want to get into hardware manufacturing retard. They'd make games that work on any controller or at the worst work on the company who paid them off's controller. Why would they buy factories and workers to make their own controller nobody would buy because other shit exists?
>implying the ps1 didn't have massively higher piracy rates and still wiped the floor with the N64
>implying piracy is an actual problem and not a bogeyman
$30 from t mobile. Higher down payment though so it evens out.
How many months?
The Vulkan api is a massive boost to mobile gaming.
It maybe a joke on PC thanks to nvidia/microsoft software sabotage but for mobiles you are gonna see the biggest advancement in decades.
24. I don't think I've ever seen a phone plan for any other amount of time. After 12, you can upgrade too.
Yes, my TI 468 is also more powerful than some PC from 1985