
>only 30-50% of the characters are played

>Lucio is still top pick after 2 years

>Anna, McRee, Tracer and Winston are still top picks after 2 years

Why is the hero balance in Overwatch so terrible, Sup Forums?

When they actually do updates they either nerf the hero in the ground (see mercy) or make him ridiculous op (see dva).


What time frame is this? August?

>Tracer is fucking busted in higher ranks but no ones bitches about her because she isn't relevant below diamond

>"""professional""" meta
>indicative of actual game balance

Since when the fuck is Winston a high pick?
He was a meme before the triple tank meta and is still the worst tank

Game should've probably had loadouts like the other proper shooters.

Oh wait it can't because abilities and the fact that abilities should never be in a shooter.

Since Dive meta became a thing.

Yeah but
>Winston still high pick rate after two years
Only being a high pick recently doesn't count

>after two years

Not to mention stuns should never be in an fps, nothing should take movement or control away from the player in the genre.

yes, it's the latest

winston's always been a top tier pick in koth. the only time he ever dropped in usage was during S3/tank meta. he's been dominating on every mode for 2 seasons straight now though

>Why is the hero balance in Overwatch so terrible, Sup Forums?
because of how the game was designed in that how good a person is at the game is heavily if not mostly influenced by which character is chosen to be played more so than any actual player skill.

So they essentially designed themselves into a corner since no matter what and the meta being so shallow that character choice is the most important then shit will never trully be balanced since no matter there will always be a best team just because they had to go teh faggy assfaggots tier of game design.

But then again the shallowness makes it more welcoming to normies and shitters so they give fuck all since that actually brings them in more bank than a genuinely well and balanced designed game.

Genji isn't played that much? Is it because the pro's can just play mccree and two shot him?

So does she get fucked or not

You already paid for the game, now shut up and buy more crates.

Not enoughe Healer and Tank.

For a long time the meta was 2/2/2, but we've got 4 healer, 5 tank (excluding Roadhog), and 12 DPS.

So certaine character are pick more, because a lack of choice.

You're obviously below gold if you think Winston is bad.

Maybe because winston and dva are in every single game and he cant do shit to those

I haven't played since slightly before sombra was added. Back when I played I hardly ever seen anybody play Winston

Games always need to be balanced according to the highest tier of play.

Everything else is utterly retarded

>Zarya at >5%
What happened ? I remember her being a top pick always.

dive meta = shorter fights = less time to build up charge

>be me
>checking top picks post-doomfist
>orisa in the shitter
>spend a week training outside competetive as orisa training self to be legit good
>start competetive
>20% win rate
>become orisa main
I am the 5%

Thats fair. For the past five or so months of playing I haven't had a single game without winston. Least that I can recall.

Have a friend who 'mains' winston
aka sits in a corner and spins around a lot to get kills
And it works.

Same friend who is going gm mercy main this comp season to prove to me that Mercy is easiest class in ow

Widow only works against shitters and online "competitive" isn't a gauge since rankings are just a grind and you can fucking be shit and still reach Master with enough time

>HotS gets swimsuit outfits
>OW never will

I don't understand.


>havent played for 2 months
>throw all my placements in season 6
>still places me in masters
>raping with Torbjorn and other retarded heroes vs high masters / grandmasters

When did comp become such a joke. I have harder games in quickplay now.

>complain about teammate playing tracer
>get banned for homophobia
I didn't even fucking say shit about the dyke chewing carpet either. I just said they suck.

for a game with sub-30 characters, that's actually really pathetic. This is what balancing and designing around hard counters gets you- a shitty game. I'm going back to TF2.

When I played I used Reinhardt all the time. It seems he isn't used alot? Did they change stuff to him?

probably because you get carried in comp and have to carry in quickplay you mong

>highest level tournament meta in a coordinated team of pro players
>comp shitfest lol random autism with literal whos

And where do you think people in those "comp shitfests" take their inspiration/main from?

They see their favorite "streamer bro x-d"/tierlist and pick accordingly. Thats why you get so much rage in coomp for picking a non-"meta"pick.

That's the point.
These guys can pick "high tiers" according to some lists\streamers but can't apply them for shit in a real match because that requers coordinated team at least.
So, these "tiers" don't really matter in a regular comp.

did you ever play ANY ranked game? not just ow. thats how it works.