What's the Sup Forumserdict

What's the Sup Forumserdict


It brought back life to the MMORPG genre. Fantastic patch. I pity the bitter nostalgiafags who are too stuck up to even try it


The 2 heroes I play (Arms, MM) are unplayable without a specific """legendary""". Can I target these now? CBA to grind casino for months just to have my spec playable

>+20 cents

Is it worth it to resub? Stopped before EN dropped with 850ilvl. Played Priest and DK, did they bring back the passive 20% speed for DKs?

No DK are still pretty immobile but they are top tier tanks and both DPS specs aren't bad since Frost just got buffed a bit.
There is a Vendor introduced with 7.2 that sells epic quality tokens for specific slots that allow you to "target" a legendary (just got brewmaster bracers from the new one on Argus) it costs farm-able resources from Argus zones.

I play on Ascension.

So it's basically the Diablo 2 gambler NPC? That's not good enough

Legendary RNG is the worst part of Legion and it's also something Blizzard has refused to budge on for this expansion. Judging from the outcry though I doubt we will get this system ever again.

This is what WoW has come to.

Come on, is this patch any good? Is Argus good at all or is it another Broken Shore fiasco?

It's okay. I'll reserve judgement for the raid and the 3rd zone, since the first two fell very, very samey.
The gear and catch-up mechanics are convenient, even moreso than the previous ones.

They don't need the 20% speed, melee basically don't do mechanics these days. Mobility is a cancer that prevents people from understanding and solving problems in a raid strategy.

Illidan did nothing wrong.

It's better than Broken Shore but timegating is still unwelcome. Feels a bit more like Timeless Isle where randomly wandering around is rewarding vs Broken Shore feeling so static and small.

the verdict is some people are going to enjoy it, a bunch of people are going to shit on it without playing it, a lot of people will shitpost about it from both sides, and every other post will be someone calling someone else a shill
welcome to WoW threads on Sup Forums

>tfw no Sup Forums group to run Mythic+ with

It's demon themed timeless. bits of exploration rewarding you and rares, but also with world quests instead of just only rares and exploration. If you didn't like timeless isle you're not gonna like this.

It's Shit.

>story quests to unlock world quests
>world quests are kill X rare spawn mob
>nothing else to do except fight other people for chests

great content ;)

Too bad people would cry huge tears if they brought back the Censer or something like the Cloak only rare boss although I have a teleporter to a unique rare mob that I got from farming those demon eyes

Most of Sup Forums that plays never raids or does any content of the like, you want to do m+ with these mongoloids?


God forbid Blizzard do something that would hurt the feelings of their average casualismus maximus autists. I hate the fact that Blizzard only ever listens to these scumbags that treat the game like a singleplayer experience.

Nothing wrong me

How do you manage to sound exactly like blizzard? Is it that cringy for the horde ot the absence of points why I should buy this game?

I think they have done a decent job of corraling the retards to their own activities while still providing enjoyable activities for people who want a challenge. I'm not a mythic raider just because haven't hunted for a guild for it but I love Mythic+ on the higher keystones.

The amount of crying about Argus is huge though, people already damning blizzard for not allowing flying on Argus and having a zone that isn't just a wide open field with no mobs that could inconvenience them and lootboxes everywhere.

Did you know that they even complained about professions requiring dungeon/raid content to reach their maximum potential?

I'm sad their complaining about LFR not dropping tier in WoD convinced them to add LFR Tier in Legion.
I could almost just say "fuck it" and never do LFR but the chance for trinkets/tier/legendaries means gouging my eyes on LFR KJ is worth the investment.

Of course they did. It's why a lot of the bitching about pandering to casuals isn't particularly well founded any more. A lot of the content is there to give you a taste, in an attempt to make you want more.

>guild members gets a 945 TF tier helm from LFR
>realize I have to start doing LFR too now for that one in a million chance at a good TF

My main man Towelliee says it's the best expansion so I'm gonna go with that.

When are they going to add the skulls to the map for Argus rares?

They've started to do little things here and there to add challenges for people that aren't complete retards. For example they added the mage tower class challenge for everyone which can be done at like 880 ilvl for most classes assuming you can play your class even somewhat proficiently, and every casual under the sun has been losing their minds since the birth of broken shore about how it's unfair and not beatable unless you have a specific ilvl and surprisingly blizzard hasn't changed or nerfed it. This new dev team has made a lot of mistakes, but they're trying.

There is PLENTY of bullshit about the challenges that has nothing to do with personal skill.

The Ret Paladin one, for example, depends ENTIRELY on RNG to determine whether you win or lose. If the boss decides not to use her abilities in exactly the right order, you lose, period, end of story. Nothing you can do about it.

>some people are going to enjoy it, a bunch of people are going to shit on it without playing it, a lot of people will shitpost about it from both sides, and every other post will be someone calling someone else a shill

Isn't that every thread on Sup Forums though?

>Just got Sightless Eye toy
>Nothing aggros ever now
damn this was worth the farm.

where do you get that?

I haven't done the pally one. Which one is it? I've done all of the melee dps ones at 880 cept for ret and feral and I didn't have any issue with them once you know the fights.

>Find a shrine of the all-seer (I found one in spirit crucible in antorus wastes)
>Deals 90% of your health in damage so make sure you are topped off
>60m buff where you take 100% bonus damage and you take on an eredar appearance but get a chance at intact demon eyes as a drop
>farm 500 eyes
>go to a cave in the fel pools to find the All-Seer turn in (he has like 6 turn in quests)
>25 turn in gives you flasks to give you the buff in case you need to take a break/can't find another shrine
>500 *non-daily* one gave me a teleporter
>use teleporter in the wastes
>takes you to a rare spawn
>has a chance to drop sightless eye toy
Toy itself is a 10m duration 5m cooldown that lowers your aggro radius to practically nothing while in Argus.

oh so that's what that dude is for, I only had about 10 eyes so I couldn't turn in any and see what he gave. thank you

The dumber and sadder fact was every single fucking person who played and tested it said it was a fucking stupid idea. There was not a single soul alive who legitimately thought random legendaries were going to be a good idea.

Legion is the springboard for just World of Diablo as the next MMO.

It's the Halls of Valor one.

Legiondaries stink of some corporate Suit saying "Yes these gambling boxes in this other game work well. Do that".

That one is easy as fuck. You can Repentance Sigryn permanently. It's literally the easiest one.

What MM leggo is so necessary that it makes the spec "unplayable"?

So, are you ready for the clusterfuck that the Netherlight Crucible is going to be?

So now not only must your relics have a good WF/TF and good first trait, but now they must also have a good secondary trait and good randomly picked talents. Oh, and to check your second trait you have to put the relic in the crucible, thus making it soulbound. That's right, no more trading relics. I know it's not available yet, but Blizzard have done nothing in regards to changing it at all, even though EVERYBODY on the forums said it was a terrible idea and simply added more unnecessary RNG to an already RNG heavy expansion.

You should know by now that they have a few axioms they design expansions around and that they absolutely can't budge on, if only because so much work has been invested already.

MMOs change course very slowly and have production pipelines stretching years. It's why garrisons were panned in WoD but the garrison/follower 'tech' still shows up in Legion. Given how entrenched systems like legendaries/titanforging are into the game, they're not going to be just changed or turned off - they'll just play it off and stall until the next expansion distracts people with the new shiny thing.

Haven't play wow since wrath, is it worth it buying all space, level up and quit when I get to raiding (not doing that shit again) or the game still boring as fuck (haven't made any changed to basic gameplay)?

>no more trading relics
I mean 99% of the time the relics are BoP anyway

The only change this will bring is that people will be less willing to trade relics if they're at the same ilvl as theirs, rather than just higher ilvls.

I fucking hate how warforged/titanforged items are handled in Legion. Why not just keep it as it was during the end of MoP and throughout WoD? Just have only warforged and make it give 6 or 8 extra ilevels and that's it. Enough with these insane ilevel upgrades.

Legion has some of the best 5-man content since Cataclysm in the form of mythic + dungeons.
In terms of questing it's just below Warlords of Draenor, if you can forgive the retarded plot

its not worth playing without friends

because casuals like doing a heroic/lfr/WQ and getting a 940 item and pretending they are on-par with Mythic raiders.
I would argue that classes have defined niches now for better or worse and are generally pretty simple/easy to get into but the meat of the game is now in encounter design as far as mechanics go. I agree with this poster Bring friends or find friends quickly.

I logged in for the first time in months, realised I never got any good legendary gear on my mage, did the time gated story shit and uninstalled.
Same old shit.

i will resub once they announce the nzoth expansion

>do everything in 7.3 PTR
>live patch comes out
>lol timegating

They all quit wow, meh not worth if all I was planning to quest through the rest of the xpacs if the only way to have fun with it is through friends.


Well if you want to just quest then who cares.

its good but its timegated so classic blizzard

i meant to say when its actually playable/prepatch, is that leak legit tho ?

It's as legit as it's possible to be this early and we already know Magni is an old gods bitch from the il'gynoth boss fight.

>wow model viewer of magni holding a goofy hammer

Looks fake as fug m9.

If you have issues with leggos by now you are literally not playing the game.

or I'm a returning player who quit around 7.1 and it's not like they have a legendary catch-up system. I got my first two but both are kinda trash. Guess I'm just out of luck.

WoW has been dead since patch 4.1/10

I'm not playing the game because I have legendary issues





Then you're utter trash.

The "legendary catch up system" is to do ANY CONTENT AT ALL

Mythic 0 spam was a prime way of getting legendaries before, still is. Lower M+ keys are fine too. If you actually spent any time at all playing the game, you'll get a legendary.

holyshit you're a fucking real deal shill. The game is completely broken. Cancel your subs that ll make them at least think about bringing out legacy servers until then this world of warcraft is a dead end for broken humans trundling alone in their own virtual hamster wheels KEEP SPINNING ITLL GET BACK TO THE GLORY IF WE JUST KEEP SPINNING.

Not sure of the content is worth buying all those xpacs if it is more of the same old shit.

Back to your shitty moba, faggot.

and what I'm saying is if you have bad rng then what? I'd rather farm content that gives me actual gear upgrades like higher m+ keys/raiding than keep doing trivial content for the sake of building bad luck protection/fishing for a legendary.

How is it a good system to do something that offers zero upgrades except for the small chance of a legendary/titanforged drop?

>make them at least think about bringing out legacy servers

Yes, I'm sure they'll make legacy servers so those whopping 3000 people interested in them can finally see how shit old WoW truly was.

leak wasn't blurry enough, i fixed it

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you pleb. Bet you didnt even play cata.


There we go, now it's legit.

"bad RNG" only goes so far before it becomes an excuse. I quit the game after EN, switched mains, don't have a guild, and only touched HC.

you're objectively wrong, do you have any real friends outside of your guild? Huge numbers of people would instantaneously sub if they had legacy servers. It's a fact, the private servers wouldn't get the attention and continuous remakes that they do if people didn't want to play the old versions, of course for free helps.

But seriously thinking that legacy servers wouldn't get a minimum a million subscriptions within the first month of release is just further proof that you're not in it for a good game, you're just addicted. Admit it, I did and I stop wasting hours on this expanded cata trash.

legit or not im 99% sure the next expac is nzoth

/played on that toon, my good man?

I really like Argus so far. Much better than broken shore/timeless isle/tenan jungle

Yeah, this time the tileset is worse.




Time /played is irrelevant. I could sit in dala 12 hours a day for months and never get a legendary.

>Vanilla was good meme

All around me are familiar faces, worn out places, worn out faces

The new deal is redemption arcs/balance between light and void so corruption is old and busted news.

only interesting thing left in this game is the story if you're really that desperate

I really like the skybox, the music, the legion architecture in the second zone and the "light" stuff.

1. I'm not subbed to wew.
2. I would be slightly interested in official vanilla servers.
3. I don't care if people play on private servers either.

But you nostfags or whatever digital gypsey group you're now a part of are annoying as shit. Do you even recognize the irony in saying others are just grinding on a hamster wheel when you're asking to play old fucking content?

There's a reason why your generals end up looking like AOL chatrooms. Disgusting creatures.

No doubt of course, but I think that's also driving people to make more fake leaks. They're not as far fetched as what people thought Legion would actually be. But the quality is just as low.

>legion is good meme

>612 hours played
>why u not have legendaries? so easy lol

I'm not sure how or what pally's do to manage, but I know that's one of the easier ones for every class that has to do it.

I also like the "stay a while and listen" conversations on the ship

Sorry pal, you'd be hard pressed to find more than 10k people blinded enough by nostalgia that they'd subscribe to a legacy server.

Fun fact: Vanilla WoW was unbalanced, broken dogshit. That handful of people only want to experience it again because it left a mark on their youth, and would quit instantly once the realization sets in.
>"Wow... this is actually pretty bad, how did I enjoy this?"

It's like people crying for arena FPS to come back. They keep crying and crying, but when an arena FPS comes out they don't play it, so it dies instantly. Rinse and repeat.

>World of Warcraft 3.2 and post 3.2

Same amount of time I have on my resto shaman, all I do is mythic raid two times a week though and some worldquests here and there.

>tfw no beta orbiter