I've seen threads about this game and it made me curious enough to look up a review. Found this instead. [Open]

I've seen threads about this game and it made me curious enough to look up a review. Found this instead. youtu.be/_Buwei6ZWqU [Open]
Is this video accurate? If so, why is this game so popular?

Other urls found in this thread:


Well first of all that is from last year and the game has updated a lot since then.

Second of all, no, it's not accurate. The game is in actuality a mitigation game. If you play it as a regular turn based RPG that is hard, you will lose characters and resources. If you play it with all the worst case scenarios in mind, you won't lose a single character even if you are extremely unlucky. RNG can only attack you if you haven't planned for it.

Darkest Dungeon is ultimately not hard, people make runs on the highest difficulty without using torches and without losing characters. It is ultimately tedious. Very tedious. You have to micromanage everything and keep your priorities straight to maximize your success and minimize the time required to get there. Sometimes you have to be willing to retreat, even at a loss, if only to cycle something to give yourself a better shot. Or to feed some characters to the meat grinder to benefit your others with extra money, trinkets, party members, or just some extra weeks of time units to spend on something else. Although you can't sacrifice too many of your little lambs on the hardest settings since it fails your run if you lose too many, which is ultimately just another way to increase the tedium because you can no longer sacrifice sub-optimal characters on resource runs.

He is absolutely right the game is horribly unbalanced and unfair but many people still find it fun
It is one of those addicting games that make you mad and you still can't drop it
The worst is when fanboys defend it to death if you try to criticize it "git gud"

The game is pretty fun for the first few hours, but gets terribly repetitive and grindy later.

shut up and listen to the narrator

Since the characters are not balanced at all, you pretty much just need the right team for each situation.

A shit character will suddenly become good with the correct moveset, skills, quirks, trinkets, and teammate.

Like, people bitch about Occultist all the time since he's one of two primary healers but his heal has a huge bracket starting at zero and can accidentally cause bleed. The other healer seems absolutely superior for most cases on face value but with the right trinkets and party synergies the Occultist's minimum healing increases so you stop healing for 0s and 1s and their big heals get bigger and they stop ever applying bleed on accident and can also act as a great back row nuker, a stunner, or even a debuffer and shuffler if you're into that kind of thing (don't waste your time unless it's a boss weak to that kind of thing).

Ultimately it's all about how you approach the game. Once things start to click you begin to see how to thwart the RNG and how things you thought were shit are actually amazing and how what you thought was working is about to get crit and bled into a broken party and a larger graveyard.

I have played DD only briefly a long time ago, but for me he is speaking truth.

The game varies heavy on RNG and grind. Try it for yourself, if you like grindy games, but I can't play anything where everything is solved by RNG.

I will never forget when I fed my party full of food and then got a hungry check ten seconds later.

>or even a debuffer
How's that the last priority on your list, below stunning? Debuffing bosses down to some crazy -456% damage is the funniest shit ever.

BAD PLAYERS: only ready for favourable situations; when bad situations happen, they lose and blame "rng".
GOOD PLAYERS: ready for bad situations, so when those happen, they still survive.

For example, if your character is weak enough to die to a critical hit, going in HOPING you won't be hit critically and then having half of your party die in a single unlucky encounter is not the fault of "rng". It's your fault for not preparing for the worst, which, at the span of a dungeon and considering savescumming is not normally possible, WILL happen. You MUST be ready for occasional unlucky situations. Your party MUST be able to survive worst-case scenarios. Some players are incapable of that and blame the game.

RNG STILL can fuck you up even when you're "ready". And being ready means slowly grinding out the upgrades for all the characters, and micromanaging every last thing. And when you have to do that for like 90 hours, it's, well, the game just stops being fun and becomes a chore.

Because... like I said... don't do that EXCEPT AGAINST CERTAIN BOSSES. It's completely inefficient in any other situation compared to his other options and you definitely aren't fighting bosses every week in this game. Not because it's hard but because you literally cannot fight bosses every week because of how bosses work in this game. Even if you save up a bunch of bosses you won't be able to sustain them indefinitely.

So it's low priority because you can always just... put the curse back on his bar and put a good trinket on when it comes to boss time.

>RNG STILL can fuck you up even when you're "ready".
No, you imbecile. That means you were not actually ready. You fucking idiot.

>And being ready means slowly grinding out the upgrades for all the characters
What? The game doesn't allow you to grind. Characters simply refuse to go into dungeons below their level. What you have to do is understand the situation (possible go on a mission with a disposable team, which might take you about 5-10 mintues of gameplay time, and you might even return with some treasure) and then create the team best suited for the challenges.

RNG cannot fuck you up if you're truly ready. The worst that can happen is the enemies get a bunch of crits and inflict DoTs and that is absolutely something you can prepare for.

>and you still can't drop it

Okay, at this point you're just slipping into a blind drone territory if you don't understand how RNG works and why it can and will fuck you up.

>if you don't understand how RNG works and why it can and will fuck you up
What about "being ready for worst-case scenario" don't you understand?

>The game doesn't allow you to grind.
THAT is absolutely untrue though. You realize that grinding applies to more than levels right? You can grind treasure, you can even grind town resources like a fresh batch of recruits waiting at your stagecoach just for going out on a quick quest. Both of which are things you are technically doing if you do what you just recommended they do.

>BAD PLAYER detected

Pretty much this, first post best post. I've been playing it since early access and it really changed a lot. Right now, trust me whoever cries about muh unfair RNG is a moron who has no idea how to play. If you know what you're doing you can easily mitigate 95% of bullshit the game throws at you. Overall it's a great game with god tier atmosphere and visual and audiov design, but it's quite repetitive and grindy as hell

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>You can grind treasure, you can even grind town resources like a fresh batch of recruits waiting at your stagecoach
None of that is too important. What is important is assembling correct teams for correct situations. You thought you had to upgrade everything to win? THat's why you kept losing and grinding and losing again.

There's motherfuckers on a higher plane of existence than us right now who have longplays of them beating the game on the highest difficulty and playing in pitch blackness where enemies crit you more often and they don't lose a single character because they somehow have fun wasting their time away playing cautiously and acquiring resources and trinkets.

Unless you mean being mentally ready to lose your heroes for RNG, and not be ready enough to prevent any possibility of that happening. Because you can't prevent it.

>No, you imbecile. That means you were not actually ready. You fucking idiot.
Not him but you are such a drone
>party member at 75%hp
>big guy attacks them and crits, deals 30+ damage
>death's door
>another mob from the back attacks them
Let me guess, "I wasn't prepared"?

>implying I lose characters

Hey so how's that logic going for you mr assembles "correct" teams without ever cycling his stagecoach until it actually has the correct classes for his current situations?

Dont play it. It's rng the game. It's gives the illusion of choice behind a bunch of dice rolls.

God i can't imagine anyone grinding resources with a low level team. How tedious and pointless. Nothing ventured nothing gained sonny. Get some balls and some basic knowledge.

Shoulda had a high speed character with a guard or had your healer speed buffed or the enemy stunned.

>Because you can't prevent it.
The whole game is about preventing it. This is like saying that you can't prevent a zerg rush.

>Let me guess, "I wasn't prepared"?
Obviously. You had the wrong teamf or the situation. If that particular mission throws things like that regularly, you should have equipped correct trinkets or used characters with better defence. Better yet, you could have used faster characters with debuffs to prevent strong enemies from hitting you too hard. It's 100% your fault. You thought you were playing Final Fantasy or something? The game is not about picking attack and occasionally heal if HP is too low.

>the high speed characters gets crit, bled, and put on death's door
Must mean he wasn't prepared.

ya this nigga gets it

Is your idea of balls killing characters to rush money and resources because you ran out to a mission with a bunch of classes ill suited to it because your fucking stagecoach wasn't upgraded?

Because that sounds like it would take longer and also fail your Stygian mode when you hit 12 deaths. You've got 86 fucking weeks, that's a lot of prep time.


Personal favorites


Rotation in the stagecoach is intelligent. Across a first few weeks (while you're losing teams while learning), you would've gotten every class and healers several times to spare.

The game's about "making the most out of bad situations", not preventing them.
And fyi you actually couldn't prevent a zerg rush at one point, until the spawning pool building time got patched.


You can't get hit if the enemy is stunned because your stunner is fast and has more +stun than the enemy's stun resist buff.

>And fyi
In every current version of Starcraft, Starcraft II and Warcraft III you can always prevent a zerg rush. Never stopped shitty players from whining. Similarly, shitty players always whine about hadouken spam etc.

People who are terrible at the game always blame the game and not themselves. Which is why they're terrible and stay terrible.

You use vestals and occultists instead of dogs and abominations?

What are you, gay?

>if you tolerate its flaws, it can be an okay game

How can you be so apologetic. You're probably a backer or a regretting buyer. Either way, it's sad case when you defend the game this hard for a gameplay loop that throws out at least 75% player skill.

You whining fucks are still missing one thing. The game has a fucking retreat button. If a 1% chance of RNG really fucking you up beyond being ready you get the fuck out of there. Knowing when to back off is a crucial part of the game, it tells you that right in the intro message

>the best way to play the game is to not play it

May as well make that 10 deaths desu.

>gameplay loop that throws out at least 75% player skill
Keep telling yourself that. Of course it's not because you're dumb, right? You're the cleverest. The game's just gotta be fucked. Fucking RNG killing your party with its averages, right? Why can't averages let you WIN every time, right?

You gotta udnerstand that you're talking to whiny children that blame everyone and everything for their failures. They will not retreat and rethink strategies. They just lose parties and whine online about goddamn rng.

It's a good idea implemented in a boring way. I hope they make a sequel to iron out and fix why the game was a chore mid/late-game. But the new DLC was shit so I don't have very high hopes.

You're better off buying some dice and rolling it across the ground. At least irl, you can pick them back up and try it again instead of getting crit and wiped and going "welp, I guess I should have tolerated that RNG more!"

plague doctor is best waifu

The chances of that situation happening the way you painted it to a good team composition with a player that chose moves and gear intelligently is so low that you probably ought to sacrifice that character anyway to salvage what you can of the run with any survivors because they probably had shit quirks and you have twelve chances anyway.

>Backing off and trying again instead of going on a suicide and blaming the game equals not playing it
Jesus, you really are retarded

What's wrong with the dlc?


>oh boy, I best not play the game! That'll definitely keep that bad rng from getting me! Cause thats how you tolerate the game! You run away! It's run away the game! Isn't it fun? If only you didn't have to use RNG to determine "skill"

Remember that time OP posted a webm of a character about to die and they HAD THE CHARACTER GUARD ANOTHER FRONTLINER against enemies who can pretty much only hit the front lines because they thought the shitty dodge buff it gave was worth giving up the 50% chance the enemy wouldn't even target the dying character or just trying to stun the enemy or cure the dying character off death's door with the shitty heal from an antiquarian or plague doctor or something to at least give them another turn to be put back onto death's door or heaven forbid retreat to safety and make another attempt later.

Then they blamed it on RNG.

That's the kind of people we're dealing with here folks. Skillful masters of gaming who seem to think they're simply more unlucky than the people who are successful at the game.

Vampirism spreads too easily and requires a niche item to mitigate. It can also spread quickly throughout your ranks and is just a hassle in general. You need to kill a boss who may or may not show up to find a cure and he usually only has 1-2. You also want to save 'the blood' the item your vampire people need, to give to the curio people littering the dungeon for items.

The dungeon itself is really long and dull and full of irritating enemies. You need to find special doors to go back in at checkpoints and need to kill an enemy that may not show up when you need it to, to even gain entry into it. Despite this, Court enemies show up in other dungeons constantly, displacing original enemies.

The new buildings are just meh and give flat bonuses which is the case with every character getting two items that give a set bonus that doesn't really matter and you probably won't use.

The idea of vampires being mosquitoes was cool though, I liked that. The new character they introduced has good utility as well. tl;dr the dungeon is too long and the vampire stat sucks.

>this guy was bad for the RNG not rolling in his favor in a game designed entirely around RNG rolling in your favor or not

I don't know what you were trying to prove here

That a 20% chance to dodge is worse than a 50% chance to not get targeted you fucking retard?

again: what are you trying to prove? RNG is chance for a reason. You literally cannot get on people for bad decisions in a game where decisions are mostly up to RNG.

-is worse than a 75% chance to stun the attacker, is worse than a 100% chance to heal 1 and bring the dying guy off death's door so they can survive at least one more round.

Basically the player was fucking retarded for willingly putting themselves in the RNG's hands in the first place when there was a sure bet available and even shitty bets that still had better odds than the choice they made.

You must be that guy who lost his man at arms to their own stupidity.

No just a guy who knows a bad game from a good one. And DD is a bad game.

A large amount of gamers just aren't used to DD's level of risk management and thinking ahead, and so they tend to blame the RNG, which could be considered fair, but the fact that it's always there should give you an idea of how to plan around it. So despite it being obvious that enemies can crit your shit, how deaths door and hero attacks just can't be relied on a 100 percent, you can still somehow balance it out by having backup plans when (or before) certain bad things occur in game. The game rewards both long term and short term strategic play and one's ability to easily change the game plan for optimal results. Game can be tedious and grindy, but with radiant mode there is way less of it. Also upgrading the stage coach greatly decreases the amount of grinding needed, and is essentially what you should focus on the most for the town if you dislike the grinding aspect.

>prepare for the worst, hope for the best
>git gud

Guess what. You can use the same argument for any RNG game. It's still a shitty substitute for gameplay.

You posted your youtube here yesterday, stop shilling your shit content channel

Uh huh. Sure.

Man I don't know why you wasted two turns on such low odds dude it was practically handing you victory.

And you're better off giding gud faggot

Whoops! My character is now hungry after walking once after I already fed them. I guess I should have expected that! Oh what, I got crit on the first round? Man, I should have expected that! My attack missed and the enemy kills me next turn? I guess I should have gotten good there!

>in every current version
Nice reading comprehension

Please dont compare a RNG game to a game with consistent results to decisions.

>proceeds to crit the ever loving shit out of the boss



While i agree with most of the points of the anons defending the game, i must say that you do grind a lot in this game and no one can deny it.
Thats why i just play on radiant mode with corpses turned off, it actually fucks me the same amount of time it helps me.

Also the guy on the video mentioned some cool ideas for the game.

>It's still a shitty substitute for gameplay
It is a niche game and there are players who like games like this for their challenges (heavy RNG) and the moments where you are prepared for the worst and the absolutely best that could happen, happens, which is an intense rush of adrenaline.

Best example of what I mean (jump to 16:20)

>radiant mode
More like Reddit mode you fuckin pussy
Seriously you need a baby mode for the game?

Why have you made me listen to this fucking guy? Have of the video is unnecessary background and corollary and he doesnt even have the decency to front load it. This video should be ten minutes long.

Well, is it accurate? Is the game good?

>just beat the Baron without anyone hitting death's door
>now everyone is cured from that fucking curse
feels great, man

Is that shit about a character not doing the darkest dungeon twice true? That sounds tedious as fuck, thank god I dropped the game.

It's true for a vanilla run with the intended mechanics, but there's an in-game option to disable it.

It sounds like a terrible design decision. I understand the high difficulty of the game, but that just comes across as a way to artificially increase playtime, especially given the fact that the game requires a max level party to even stand a chance there.

Radiant or Darksst?

I think that people don't understand that this game is about working around consequences just as much as it's about preventing them from happening in the first place.
Bad things will happen by design. Part of the fun, and part of the personal story that the game will weave, is trying to salvage things when it all goes to hell. If you see bad things happening as a fail state rather than a trial to overcome then the game is probably not going to be fun for you. It's for people who enjoy things like Nuzlockes and Ironmans, or find satisfaction rather than tedium in clawing their way to victory despite stacked odds.
If everything was safe and predictable, the frightened, hopeless nature of DD's narrative would not be nearly as effective nor fitting.

Planning to mitigate bad RNG is fine; the problem is that rng can be so bad as to overwhelm all but absolutely perfect planning.

What's a good starting position for jester? It always feels like he takes too long to set up his finale to be worth it and is meanwhile taking away some of the effectiveness of my frontline.
Would position 2, 1 dirk and 1 finale be good enough for like an average fight?

That's when you retreat. There's no shame in living to fight another day

A good position for the Jester is on the bench.
I like them but I never got them to work well enough to justify bringing them over anyone else in such a high-stakes game. If I was worried about stress I'd bring a Houndmaster in zones that bleed or Crusader in those that don't.

If you're running a combat jester it's best to pair him with the other shuffler(s). And if you have a full shuffling setup it doesn't matter much which position they are in. Unless some of them have stricter rules on their shuffling abilities, which don't let them use it in position 3, for example.
Running a single combat jester in a standard non-shuffling party isn't worth it imo.

"So bad" means that someone is killed outright. It may be rare, but if it can happen at all it speaks to systemic problem that will absolutely fuck mid-tier planners with enough frequency to cause legitimate complaints - and this is discounting the low-tier planners who get fucked constantly and complain constantly.

>mfw someone told me to use a torch on book piles for treasure
>mfw I believed them

You should've just looked up curio interactions on the wiki. It only makes the game more enjoyable.

RNG can fuck you no matter what if you get severely unlucky. Even if everyone is acting first with disables, a couple of lucky crits on one unit with a DoT is potential death.

If you start feeding them they will demand more food eventually, that´s why normies should learn to don´t heal their party members with food.
Now gtfo noob, and when you´ve learned how to play the goddam game, come back.

>A lot of people, including myself finished the game with no problem
>People do successful hard mode runs, no torch runs, etc

It's the double hunger roll that's the source of that complaint. Healing via food is negligible.

People routinely work out how to circumvent flaws in otherwise good games. That doesnt make complaining about the flaws by those who can't be assed to circumvent them unreasonable.

I'd normally agree with you for sure but this game in particular is all about understanding risk, planning for it, circumventing it, or coping with the consequences. If you can't be assed to try then the game is probably not a good fit for you.

If I value Reynauld and Dismas's lives, should I take them to the Shrieker fight?

No. Don't take them to anything they can't retreat from.

played through whole game without losing much. Game sucks, hard to feel attached to any character, hard to give a fuck too much. Sort of repetitive. Ending is useless. Overall its fun sometimes, and can be interesting to strategize a bit, but its just unsatisfying, thats its biggest problem imo