Do you watch your friends from NLSS play PUBG?

Do you watch your friends from NLSS play PUBG?

Also why do DanGheesling and NL suck so much? Our guy MALF and the bisexual furfag LGW are so much better.

>watching people play games
>watching people play PUBG, of all things
>believing streamers are your friends
The absolute state of Sup Forums.

>Also why do DanGheesling and NL suck so much?
NL is functionally blind and is obsessed with the zane, and Dan is actually not a human being, he's some sort of cartoon character given life




this is actually pretty funny

i audibly fucking retched

>furry acceptance
this is how the show dies

>Making your fetish your lifestyle

Dan was the worst thing to ever happened to NL next to Kate

Why do you hate the AYYY LMAO girl?

He doesn't at all you double nigger, he spent years being super coy about it and never speaking about furry shit. It's only lately that people meme about it because Dan found out and Dan is ridiculous.

Fuck off, fur fag.

This thread is literally concentrated cancer, and has legitimately made me feel like absolute shit for my continued pointless obsession with this shit website.

our guys:

only guys on the show with actual comedic timing

then leave? lmao. stop taking the internet so seriously you fucking loser

Josh is actually adorable though, he's like a human golden retriever

>watching anyone else than comfy Boogie


>recording of a stream

isaac is guppy; nice detail

>watching people play games when they aren't amazing speedrunners
literally why
aside from you attempting to fill the void that is your social life and lack of friends

I hope he loses the weight. And y'know, doesn't die.

I watch shit like this when playing autism simulators, like DF, Minecraft or Factorio.

Listen to audio books or podcasts and take in real content and maybe learn something you FUCK.

Stop projecting. I already have a job and listen to podcasts on my commute time.

I don't think you know what that word means bro.

I do, but seem to be awfully concerned about others lack of skill for some reason