Is this legal?
Is this legal?
Well there aren't any laws against video games having people playing them.
I would assume the same mouthbreathing retards who play mobas would enjoy this kind of thing so that helps.
why should we care?
give it a year. fps games don't retain players like mobas
>what is CS:GO
a fps game published by valve
your daily saleschart thread? i wish it was
Except it's not an FPS game, unless you go on FPS view only servers, which why this game is popular, it panders to casuals because they can watch through cover without being exposed.
>Daily shilling for the new hot fad game that will be dead in less than 6 months.
I remember when Overwatch was DA BIGGEST GAME EVAR just a few months ago.
These threads should be illegal honestly
i'm sure it will lose popularity once all of those players get banned for shooting a streamer
it still is bruh
Delusion. It's going to be on Xbox soon, that means big shit. That means Microsoft won't let it die, they'll force it out of early access mode, expect big updates before it comes to Xbox. This hasn't even started yet, it will be massive once it hits consoles.
It has a first person only mode now
That's what they said about rainboy six siege :^) and Overwatch is still one of the most popular games in existence
True, but only to some extent
Most FPS' don't retain players because they're constantly being replaced with sequels, while MOBA's simply add more heroes to their base game
>70% gain
>unless you go on FPS view only servers
I remember too when Sup Forums said this would die in 1 month, and now you just proved you changed the date to 6 months :^)
It's getting more popular every week in PCBangs in Korea
What looks worse? PUBG or Fallout 4
For me it went like this.
>I played the beta with a bud, and we liked it.
>he told his friends, I told mine
>they like it and purchase it
This was a chain reaction that only amplified once everyone got out of class for summer.
To put this in perspective, I have 35 friends on steam.
>it will die in a month
>it will die in 3 months
>it will die in 6 months
>it will die in a year
This is like the opposite of tortanic and it's fucking hilarious. Sup Forums eternally BTFO by this game.
Fallout 4.
Only because PUBG can actually handle physics particles at the same time.
>ever future exclusive PC game is gonna follow the same gameplay format as PUBG
welp, pc gaming is dead.
first MOBA games became popular and it basically killed the RTS genre.
now PUBG pretty much kills any sort of shooting game both third and first person.
and PCfags always say consoles are cancer...
really makes you think
>What looks worse? A pile of turd or a spill of vaginal discharge
Why do you retards keep saying this.
FPS games retain players better than mobas, by an order of fucking magnitude. Look at CS, look at the fact that there are still clinging to old shit like Quake 3. They just don't get as many players in the first place.
faggot streamers
Newsflash: they already were, ever since DayZ.
PUBG is the symptom, not the cause.
>PUBG kills single player cinematic quicktime event set piece shooters.
Is this a bad thing?
>im-fucking-plying there has been a single AAA PC exclusive shooter in recent memory, of any kind.
>over 8,000,000 people own and play PUBG
>not one of them could possibly be on Sup Forums right now.
This game will never die. If the devs aren't stupid they'll fill it with cosmetic paid stuff and it will EXPLODE. People love wasting their money on virtual clothes and items; Blizzard and Valve know it very well. Just keep adding some special crates every a few weeks and bam, money cow for 5 years
What do you mean will?
>"ded by the end of the week lol"
>"flavor of the month"
>"N-no one will be playing by the end of summer!"
o i am laffin
How long until valve bans the game competing with its own IPs?
These threads are the equivalent of threads bragging about Call of Duty having a lot of players. Why would anyone on Sup Forums care?
>Game went to early access in March
>Devs said the game would be released in full 6 months later
>Devs later said the game would be out in Q4 2017.
>ESL E-sports event was a disaster
>Showed the world how boring PUBG is as an e-sport.
>Vaulting was teased in May
>Still not in the game
>People expect devs to actually release new content regularly
Yeah this game is downhill fast.
You are absolutely fucking retarded. For every crate and piece of clothing that sells on the market, Valve gets a cut. They fucking LOVE this game.
They'll make their own BR game in about 5 years when it's too late.
Why does everyone hate this game exactly?
From what I've seen, it looks like an okay battle royale game. Personally that's not my thing so I'm not interested but Sup Forums sure goes out of their way to shit on it every chance they get
>Why would anyone on Sup Forums care?
you cared enough to post here.
Seriously. PUBG is fucking sweet, could use improvements but it's a great game without bullshit and fluff. Surprised Sup Forums doesn't like it but I forgot its popular.
>yfw PUBG beats Zelda at GOTY
>without bullshit and fluff
Just wait till they add paid cosmetics like camo outfits.
I am willing to bet hundreds that MS buys rights somewhere down the line.
It's a buggy shooter with dated graphics and crappy animations.
You mention any of this and the fanboys response is "You jus hate it cuz it's popular XD"
>game is downhill fast
This doesn't look like it's going downhill to me m8
Not what I meant. I mean gameplay wise, it's simple, to the point, and very fun/exhilarating. Cosmetics is whatever, I don't mind it.
case in point
For now MS said it's just a timed exclusive and Bluehole can put it on PS4 if they want.
>Cosmetics is whatever,
Wearing a bright red sweater when hiding or having full camo gear is a significant advantage in a game where stealth is king. This isn't some RPG.
>threads are spammed for weeks
>finally post in one of them asking what the point of them is
Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to present to you "grasping at straws". I don't understand why this game gets all this hate in it's still developing stages. Can you people really be THIS jaded? I know it's Sup Forums but come the fuck on.
lmao compare the amount of people playing Dota All-Star with CS 1.6
to be fair dota is mostly propped up by china. If PUBG manages to break into that market if it hasn't already it'll easily surpass Dota.
>It's a great game without bullshit
If you conveniently don't count the game being heavily RNG based as bullshit, then yeah, sure.
CS will never die desu
Ironically full bright pink ones are the most expensive
There should be.
So, what will kill video games first?
Assfaggots or Streamerbait shit?
Is this the first tps/fps that has captured both the eastern and western audience? Chinks play their own CS copy
Ok mr.1984
>Implying PUBG is not buggy and the devs are adding new content at a good pace
Stay ma
You have access to darker colors from the get go and you can find them in the maps. Even still the maps are so big, it usually doesn't come down to camo, just if they were lucky enough to see you or not.
Crossfire is the most popular FPS in Asia, it has like 60 million players I think.
>every day same shitty stat bait threads
>every day same shitty replies defending this shit
>heavily RNG based
How so?
Finding items and where the circles on the map appear, you mean?
>tfw been playing games for over 20 years
>I'm having fun with overwatch and PUBG
keep crying bitch niggas
Gabe should take PUBG off of Steam. They're just freeloading the servers at this point...
>waah why do I have to scavenge for items
This isn't bullshit. It's fun and exciting.
you will enjoy australia and germany then
CS:GO is a gambling game like texas hold em. Not an FPS
Yes, and additionally the complete luck of the draw as to whether or not you get seen when moving or if the other remaining people get into fights and get left for you to mop up etc.
Every game I've ever won has had good luck involved. Not saying there isn't skill and good decision making involved, but there is a very high amount of luck involved in the game.
It's bullshit when you get unlucky and you don't find a fucking backpack until about 3 minutes in and there was a bunch of loot you needed that you couldn't take.
>implying PUBG won't be
>Adding loot crates during early access with more on the way.
I mean, you can't really complain about the RNG. It's kind of the nature of the game. Why in the fuck would the items always be in the same place when you scavenge for them in a fucking Battle Royale type game? That would make the game stale and uninteresting. Especially when people know where all the good items would drop, they would immediately make a B-line for the best things. In any other game I would agree but in this case, the RNG is aimed to make it "fair" for everyone. You people will find anything to wine about.
>It's bullshit when you get unlucky and you don't find a fucking backpack until about 3 minutes in
Would you rather parachute in with full equipment and infinite medkits?
Sup Forums seems ok with this garbage, is it okay to like lol and dota2 now?
FIFA generals soon
Funny that even CSGO managed to stay above PUBG for a while since then.
Sup Forums argues about LoL and Dota most days
>It's kind of the nature of the game
Precisely, it is one of the inherent flaws of making the game this way. Is it fun to be scavenging and fun something good or your favourite gear? It is not fun, and very bullshit, when you get unlucky and totally shafted on the gear and supplies leaving you at a very distinct disadvantage.
It's not like I'm going to cry if I don't get a tricked out Groza and AWM with level 3 everything and 8 med kits. I'm just saying that it is the total opposite of fun to get screwed by bad loot, since its something completely out of your control.
No, but I don't think its good game design to not be able to even carry a basic loadout with low amounts of supplies because the RNG shafted you. I think everyone starting with just a level 1 backpack wouldn't be a bad proposition since most people will find one anyway and it'll save the miserable experience for the unlucky ~5%
third person is shit
Oops, I meant to say:
Is it fun to be scavenging and find something good or your favourite gear? Sure.
It's all shills.
Don't believe any of them
>is it okay to like lol and dota2 now?
It used to be that Sup Forums had so many fucking LoL threads that general threads were made and /vg/ was created so as to not flood the board.
Stop trying to fit in so hard, Sup Forums has had a MASSIVE moba following.
PUBG is flavor of the month. It took a very heavy dip during the Destiny 2 beta.
I can get it for $15. Is it worth it? Looking for a multiplayer game to sink into. I don't have or use twitch so not sure what's going on there
So make a decision and pick what you really need. Shit user you have to make some tough calls/ go without at times, God forbid. More challenge makes it more interesting.
Challenge from playing skilled, equally equipped opponents: good
Challenge from being put at a disadvantage due to RNG: bad
I remember when Sup Forums had Dota 1 threads ffs, but now its taboo because it became too popular
If that isnt proof of how pathetic Sup Forumsirgins are then i dont know what is
Do you have friends that play it?
That's what happens when you take too many painkillers
the devs aren't stupid, they're going to release the game ASAP while they still have a positive reputation to avoid refunds. i'm guessing they went to iron out as much as they can before officially releasing it.
it's about as good as it's going to be for the remainder of the year, as long as playerunknown keeps his mouth shut.
the odd dozen contrarian poorfags who refund it will be irrelevant.
>I play current gen open world games with a hard drive