ITT: post a boss and the others guess what game it is from

ITT: post a boss and the others guess what game it is from

nah. too much work.

Having never encountered that boss in my life, just judging by the artstyle

is that from Rayman?

I was going to say from Beyond Good & Evil while also never having played that game either.


yeah it is BG&E

Prince of Edge: The Edgening Within

My thirst fought was that it's BGM, but I honesty don't remember this boss fight. Where does it happen?

Shit, I gotta replay that game sometime...

a picture would be too obvious so i'm just going to say the name

when Jade wants to rescue Pey'j from the Alpha Section in the factory
green face big hammer guy then wants to fight her but CEO guy appears and sends down a pearl that becomes the boss


When I played D2 for the first time I was rolling a Paladin and I basically maxed Healing aura and used my standard attack to kill things. I made it through Normal just fine, got to Nightmare, made it through Blood Moor/Den of Evil barely and then I just couldn't fucking kill Coldcrow, she had a pack of cold-enchanted friends IIRC and they'd slow me to death and shoot me before I could even get into melee range. That was fun.

Reminds me of Red Faction 2, but not quite.


I literally remember none of that, and I loved that game.

Must have been... many years since I played it last.

That's a good thing, though. The replay will be much more interesting.

Are you excited about the sequel?


peace walker baby


Arcanum, baby.


even in normal coldcrow and her pack was brutal
>slows you
>fast as fuck
>lots of damage
>if you kill her the frost nova will assblast your health globe

yep its Red Faction 2

yes, but I'm a bit afraid it will delayed in favor of AC games and the upcoming Avatar game
