What am I in for?

What am I in for?


It only makes sense that the same game would receive the same grade

Boredom after a while. I've played for many, many years.

Nu-males playing as cute nekomimi sluts

FFXI is better than WoW. FFXIV is aight.

Isn't it a general for this game? Probably better of asking there.

what is the model on the bottom left suppose to be again?

2.5 gcd

and boredom. the game is built for casual fags.

Game rike FFXI can never work again.
It's an XIV worrd now baby, yeah!

if you have ADD and can't handle a slower initial leveling experience than WoW you'll hate it

Haha, nice joke user.

Not being able to choose between AST or SCH when you hit level 70 with both



Stop being subservient to a lightbulb.

Clunky, but pretty, slower shitier and more focused on story wow.

I only obey the lich king.
1 best xpac 1 best story line 1best raid 1 best characters 1 best class 1 best dueliest.
Illidindu cuckoldrage btfo.

If I select Practice in raid finder, will it pair me up with shitters like me?

It'll pair you up with an infinite queue.

>grind seals to cap via daily/weekly dungeons or raids
>buy best gear
>new patch comes
>grind seals to cap via same daily/weekly dungeons or raids
>buy best gear
>new patch comes

>people spoon feeding "what am I in for?" tards rather than just linking their lazy ass to the free trial.
They probably aren't even new to the game anyway.

Stop playing my game

remember kids, the only people who win in MMORPG's are people who don't play them

>A level 35 trial is indicative of level 70 gameplay.
I quit this game after I saw Stormblood what more of the same shit and I've been happier since without needing to log in to do DREX, save your money and don't play MMOs.

how do i get good at healer(white mage)?

Most boring gameplay in any mmo ever

This game really needs more than 4 fights per raid tier.

I'll repeat
>"Spoonfeeding what am I in for?" Retards.

Literally the entire fucking game cause the devs are too dumb to come up with anything else

The thing is - it does get more than 4, you get 5 in the de facto raid, 2-3 extreme primals which are for all intents and purposes raid bosses, 4 bosses per 24-man raid and now 1 super savage boss, so 10-12 bosses every tier. The effort is obviously entirely misplaced.

have a cute girl (male) character

Throw more rocks. The number of rocks you throw per fight defines how good you are. The more you try to find new ways to throw more rocks between babysitting spells, the better you will be.

underrated circa 2010
>i-i-it's only beta!
what am i doing with my life

>level roulette about 6 hours ago
>in progress pops up
>I have to know what happened
>go in and it's temple of qarn
>sam, rdm, and a level 36 gld
>they haven't cleared the first boss
>"Great, hopefully you actually want to heal us, the last guy wouldn't cleanse our doom and we kept wiping"
>explain that you have to step on the glowing tiles
>"Yeah well just cast esuna"
>initiate vote abandon and tell these guys they don't have enough time to clear anyway, rdm and gld say ok, sam gas a huge meltdown calling everyone a pussy for giving up and he doesn't want to wait in queue again
>this dumb fuck has already been waiting for an hour in the instance already, could have left, requeued, and gotten carried through a different dungeon already
>tell him as much, vote abandon passes, end up getting shisui after I requeued run goes smooth, sam in that run is an ex drg that died twice to the second boss from seduction
This game holds your hand so much as is, how are people this bad

>need to do savage to buy best gear
>you need to find 7 other people to play content who aren't completely useless
>have fun wiping to the same shit because one retard can't handle his positionals

Gearing up to do savage is so damn pointless since it's the worst you can possibly do in an mmo.

Tavnazia, pre-crystal war

You already have the answer for that, the game holds your hand all the way to max level, and will hold your hand all the way to the next expansion.
Even if you fail miserably and refuses to learn how to clear shit, the game will find a way to "brute force" you to the next level/dungeon (like extremely forgiving mechanics, or nerfing the shit out of everything, so avoiding shit is pretty much pointless).

There might be a good mmo at the end of the miserable and boring and above all looooooong single player main story but I couldn't get through it.

Fuck this game.

It's the only mmo part of this fucking mmo
>I have to network and coordinate with other people to succeed? Wooooooow what is this game

hey at least you can pay $25 to skip the main scenario and get attuned to content. you're still level 1 though. fuckin slanty eyed merchants

Does anyone use Mudfish here?

>game is a simple JRPG with 3 broken AI allies, Japan really should go back to turn-based games but whatever
>suddenly becomes a multiplayer dance dance revolution near the end and now I have to hope that 7 broken AIs will randomly do what they are supposed to
At least Drakengard only expects one player to dance his way to the credit rolls.

The general is unusable, go take a look at it


Actually you need to be 60 to use the main scenario boost through HW or 50 to use it through ARR

No you don't.

t. someone who did it and then bought a level boost right after and then promptly dropped the game

>best raid
>not Karazhan in TBC

Thank you for helping YoshiP to buy a new castle.

Kings Honor

so raid finder is completely useless if I want to clear something for the first time?

>treating people you play with as AI
You should just not play MMOs

Why would I not use Cure I? Why would I not take into account lilies to line up cooldowns? This guide is dumb.

>Why would I not use Cure I?
It implies WHM is swimming in MP so using Cure is pointless because the only purpose of that spell is MP efficiency
>Why would I not take into account lilies to line up cooldowns?
That was made before lilies became 100% gain on every skill that gives them
>This guide is dumb.
It's a joke

With infinite MP like WHM has theres no reason to use Cure I over Cure II since light spot healing doesnt help and Cure II guarantees a lily unlike Cure I.

>Why would I not use Cure I?
>he heals immediately when his tank takes any damage like a good little slut

WHM is swimming in MP. You could probably spam Cure II on gcd an entire encounter and not go oom now.

OMG THAT IS FUCKING AWESOME, the guy that did that is fucking amazing

It's only usable for the first week after the content is released, then everyone moves to party finder and post "farm party know mechanics wipe kick" so they can be carried by better players.
Community will probably drop it permanently at some point. The western community, at least, I don't know how popular it is in Japan.

free kupo nuts

You can totally clear stuff in RF in Japan.
In the West it only works on EX primals because people don't trust strangers. Which is unsurprising given how little respect players in the West have for each other's time, just look at this post.

Holy Mol y, free kupo nuts and smoked fish from Isari? Naughts and crosses, it's like uhm ala me namedays all came at once, Tataru!

A big pile of garbage you'll get bored of days into a content patch.

This is a high level shitpost.

>One decimal difference review scores

Where are the Australian servers

Its almost as if meta score is based off of dozen reviews and you are only comparing two individual reviews.

>What am I in for?

200 hours of great world building, some fun play styles, A LOT of great music, fantastic boss fights and a consistent story line that only gets better the more it goes on.

But then falls flat at max level which an MMO shouldn't do.


AST/SCH best comp

I would like to do this!

good joke

>almost never talk, barely can say {Hello!}, probably using a macro for that
>love to throw themselves into death puddles, often ignore mechanics since they are supposed to be handled by actual players
>in combat they rarely can do more than story NPCs like Lyse, sometimes AI breaks and can only do 1-2-3 for the rest of the fight
>randomly chosen glamour pieces that sometimes don't even make sense
>game itself have little to no active involvement between jobs, support skills are rarely used by "people" because they have little to no use most of the time (plus "don't need this shit to beat that shit" mentality)
>you never see them again after the boss is defeated, probably will disappear before the boss death animation ends
Maybe if they acted like human beings I would believe they actually are human beings. Just like how I would believe that XIV is a MMO if it actually played like one for more than 10% of the time.

about to do the final steps of faith what should i expect

Good music

You'd probably fall asleep midway because of how fucking bland and boring she is. Would probably clench fer fist too

if you get giant flashing orange arrows on you pop sprint and run in a circle around the arena

I'm going to clench her hand tightly


It's really amazing how they managed to make a midlander so ugly ingame. Hell, you just need to use default face 5 and you already have a decent face.
And she looks like a fucking harpy (not the japanese variant) in the opening CG. It's like they they are trying their best to fuck her face up.


Why is M'Naago so chipper?

I want Minfilia back as our blonde cum dump

It's just really slow, everything about the game is slow, and it's weird. Why is the GCD so slow?

Which is more fun to play though?

>wants objective answer on a subjective question

I know SCH is shittier than AST, but I love playing it more. I've logged more hours into AST and leveled it up to 70 first as well

I've slotted 50% crit, 50% det for healer, is that okay?

Play both you lazy cunt.

Way too much det. Are you retarded and don't know how melding even works?

Should I level MNK or BRD to 70 next?

If you want fun leveling progress sure play it, but the end game is very shit. The raid this tier is so trash it's boring af

Yeah I honestly have no idea what I'm doing. What are the parameters I'm looking for?

Welcome home!
Oh my~, I can smell perfume on your clothes (n*´ω`*n)
And it's not mine either~ (n*´ω`*n)

[ Who have you been together with, I wonder? ]

Man I'd sniff that any of the day of the week


>doesn't end with either a 404 or the thread being put on autosage

>Get a glimpse of what’s to come in the next patch with Patch 4.1 Preview Part 1. In the second half of the show, we invite game designer, writer, and CEO of Algebra Factory, Inc. Yasumi Matsuno to discuss the upcoming alliance raid—Return to Ivalice!
>Preview Part 1
>Part 1
This is intolerable. I need a 4.1 launch date so I can schedule my grinding and leveling.

damn thats pretty cool...

good thing private servers are a thing. joined one two months ago and have been playing it every day

Gotta know what night to stay up late to get a Kugane house right