Talk shit and get banned. That's how the world works sweety. You don't have any other to blame than yourself

Talk shit and get banned. That's how the world works sweety. You don't have any other to blame than yourself.

t. Todd

Other urls found in this thread:


>Talk shit

Bitch shouldn't have had the audacity to think her work was worth more than zero dollars in the first place.
Fuck her.


She sounds hot. Is she hot? Sexy voice anyways.

i bet she is fat but you probably like that.

I got nothin against some chub. Sometimes fun.


>supporting the creation club
Dumb woman. Deserved that.

Facebook photo.
Seems normal enough.

Goofball Hines at it again.

Sp? She still got paid, didn't she? I mean, stores still sell Seinfeld Box Sets even after Kramer was banned from entertainment.

>some SJW bitch gets banned
I used to hate the idea creation club, but after this I have a new level of respect for based Todd.


I actually laughed out loud at the stretch.

this was unavoidable. but dose she still get paid for the mods that still in the shop?

>no screenshot or proof of said ban whatsoever
yeah ok i believe this! i love girls!

>not liking thicc

Sorry, but Bethesda is the GOAT publisher. If Pete Hines ever comes to the U.A.E I'll buy him dinner. Love that man

Basically a hate crime.

I got tired about listening to how she "Got banned! They banned me! I was banned!" Does she ever mention which mod she actually created?

thicc != fat

serves her right for shilling to bethesda. compenies should not have a monopoly over mods.

what accent is that?

i want to fug that accent.

She's Norwegian, and very few Norwegian girls are overweight. Need some of that 'Murica power.

She signed a contract,

>which mod she actually created?
I wonder about this too. All I can see is that she makes Let's Play videos and instructional videos on mods etc.
Does she publish under a different name? She isn't an author on Fallout Nexus.


Sounds like a Slav

I couldn't listen the video, why did she get banned?

>LilleMiir followers
Literally took 5 seconds

Huh. Lookitdat.
Good show.

Wait, Curie makes mods?

She literally can't do anything about them still selling the mod.

They paid her to create it and I guarantee that the contract/whatever states many times that all intellectual properties created for creation club belongs to them.

Also this is easily avoided.
Don't do shit that would get your employer to ban/fire you

I want to smell her pussy
*sniff sniff*

she said she thought Beth's intentions were good, but the hardware bloating issue needs to be fixed immediately

leave it to Sup Forums tards to not even understand independent contracting

>tfw no scandi gamer gf

I'm not gonna argue legal semantics with you faggot.
They were employed by Beth to make mods for CC

Journalists only care because it's a female

your retarded

she sounds very cute.
stupid sexy Norwegians.

i only see microtransactions. where are the mods?

I'm sure you can find a Somali girlfriend somewhere in your country. Traditional Scandinavian women.

i belive you.

>tfw no cute modder gf who knows what fetishes you're into based on the mods you install on Bethesda games and re-enacts them on the bed

For me, it's rape

That's Jennifer Aniston

So basically she thinks she shouldn't receive the same treatment as everyone else because she is a bethdrone and suddenly no longer supports the creation club now that she won't make any more money off it. Oh boo hoo.

She was also defending the file limitations that restrict the creation club to an armor/weapon store that can't ever go beyond that.

Obviously they don't have to take her mod down, they already paid for her services.

Lol :D


>company's intentions are good guise xD

no value judgment on what she said, only that she reportedly said it


She sounds exactly like the female version of Varg vikernes

be excellent to each other

What exactly was she creating for Bethesda?

Has this shit been cracked yet? I ain't paying Todd 10bux for a fucking gun.

>their hearts are in the right place

I really wonder who's in the right here. Really makes you think.

is that the cuck whose wife had 2 kids while he was in jail?

>this bitch

What is it with Bethesda and people too stupid to read their contracts with them?

>2min in, 7m video
>the cunt just keeps repeating "THEY BANNED ME"

they banned her. really thats all she has to say

Let's find out

She probably can't say, though I assume it can be deduced from her mod history.

Did they really ban her? Really? Did she get banned?

Pretty sure she doesn't have mods in creation club, I don't know why people keep saying this.


list the mods she didn't create

seems like a ditzy blonde. guess it's to be expected, she's a woman after all. waifu material though

>remember to put www
How retarded can this cunt be?
Let me guess they banned her because she acted like a retarded cunt she is.


She said it in the video, didn't she?

My god, they BANNED her? Holy shit, it's crazy that she got BANNED, I mean why would they BAN her? It's so funny! BANNING her over nothing, all she did was bring to light a real issue, hardly a reason to be BANNED!




Her voice is incredibly annoying.

Shouldn't you be arguing with feminists on twitter, cretin?

shouldn't you be spamming how much you want to fuck this retarded cunt?

You defended m'lady very well goodsir. *tips fedora*
You earned that tip. now tip back

The amount of sexism in this thread makes me sad

mane where do think you is

everyone here is 14 years old so what do you expect?

Hopefully enough for you to an hero.


>saw the point of the creation club

>t. underage fag/neet

they need to get it out of their system before they spend all day in middle school trembling when talking to girls

I wish I was, user. I wish I was.
>tfw not in school for september first
>tfw will never again get to experience high school love

She just keeps saying she made a post and now she's banned.

try baiting pol you pathetic retard

Women should be gathered in concentration camps and then be assigned to males to be used for sexual pleasure as they see fit.

But that's exactly what happened.

>not wanting to be put in a concentration camp and have women milk your cock daily

was Bethesda ever a good company?

What the fuck do you mean they can't say? They don't have the names of mod authors next to the items they create? If so that's the craziest shit I've ever heard

>M I S O G Y N I S T
>E X T R E M I S M
He did literally nothing wrong. Literally.

>Don't do shit that would get your employer to ban/fire you
In most of the first world that isn't even vaguely equivalent, because they have actual labor laws.

No, the names behind each mod aren't public. We just know certain modders are in the creation club.

Was it even a permanent ban?