Would you rather the Final Fabtasy REmake was a prequel/sequel rather than a remake of the actual original events
Would you rather the Final Fabtasy REmake was a prequel/sequel rather than a remake of the actual original events
I'd rather it was a turn based RPG with ATB.
I'd rather get a new game that isn't shit fäm
I never thought we'd see the game to be honest.
I read a really good article on the subject once and it went in depth as to why it is basically a lose-lose situation for them to make it.
Basically came down to narrative and gameplay progress since it originally came out and the vastly varied opinions within the fanbase as to what's "best" for a remake.
Judging from recent games it will be popcorn worthy shitshow.
I just want more Lightning.
Considering their track record with the compilation, no, I don't want more FF7 sequels and prequels.
We already got both of those and they both sucked.
I'm fine with what we're getting. Episodic is my only complaint.
Shut up and post more Tifas
The whole goddamn internet is full of Tifa you little shit. This is about video games.
>he thinks Sup Forums talks about vidya
I thought summer was over
I'd rather have something new than a remake to avoid disappointments
Considering the compilation's track record: hell no.
Fuck the days of Attack>Cure>repeat
That's what I originally wanted and wondered why everyone had such a boner for the idea of a remake of a game they had probably played thousand times already. But now that so many console generations have passed and the remake seems to be a complete overhaul of the game and something rather fresh, while the spinoffs have been disappointing, I have higher hopes for a remake than I would have for a sequel/prequel.
I just want the narrative not to be rewritten, but I know that's already asking too much. Best I can hope for is making the base game harder, I once did a grindless playthrough of VII and I was overleved before the end of disc 1.
I wouldn't mind it being rewritten if it was written to be closer to the original script. I'm replaying it right now and the translation is pretty rough.
This. As general rule, Squeenix fucks up everything that is intended to expand the universes of the main games. FFIV After Years, all that FFVII crud like Advent Children and Dirge of Cerberus, that beyond-horrible epilogue for FFX where Tidus gets blown up by a bomb that looks like Blitzball...
Even the plot would be better if stuff was more sensibly named. Sephiroth Clones? Yeah, we know what that means by now, but it's really confusing for a first-timer.
Anything that makes Aerith shippers cry some more is fine by me.
I seriously hope that the remake Tifa keeps her large breasts.
All I want is FF7 remake with crisis core gameplay. is that too much to ask for? ;_;
I'm fine with being a remake as long as it plays nothing like any of the games after ffx. I don't care for bad gameplay and story, even if it is more innovative and modern.
I don't care about it being 3d backgrounds, plenty of good looking 2.5d games using prerendered photos of high def assets arranged in 3d space like pillars of eternity (garbage game but poe2 has good graphics), and isometric games of the past. Though characters in 3d is probably much less work and allows more freedom.
I also don't give a shit about bad music, which seems to be the trend for later titles in the series. Having full orchestra is very nice, but most of their newer tracks have weak melodies and rely too much on ambience and trigger events to integrate with the already existing mood instead of defining it.
However a new UI, more visual and audio content, longer game, better balanced, more options and even characters is fine. Obviously graphics need an update, more than a simple polish or scaling, but it really doesn't have to be 4k shit, framerate is more important, gameplay is more important, player agency is way more important.
As they said, a hd remaster is not what it is, it's a remake. Too bad all they have done lately and shown points to it being utter garbage.
They can do way better than that though. CC was supposed to be better, but the psp couldn't hang.
No I don't want anymore retarded DMW bullshit.
What if they decide to actually change the story and make it so that Aerith survives?
>crisis core gameplay
>he didn’t like the epic summon attacks
You don’t like fun do you
I'm not talking about translations. I mean the narrative itself, we all know SE can't keep their hands off, there are bound to be removals, additions, changes and all sorts of things that alter the story making Remake essentially a different game that doesn't express the same things as VII for PS1 does. Something as minor as Barret wearing sunglasses and a black tanktop already changes his character, as silly as it might sound. And it can only escalate from there.
>Everybody hates ff8 so it's safe forever
I really don't mind minor changes like that. As long as the spirit of the thing is the same that's more important to me.
I dropped FF after 12, mostly cause It started to suck and that I had no PS3 for a long while. Guess I did something right.
Suikoden was always the superior story anyway. Konami back then had the balls to do world building more often seen in the west.