Shovel Knight Amiibo
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>this is actually a legit trailer put out by nintendo
I didn't know I needed this until now
>Nintendo uploaded this shill
imagine a parent who knows nothing about e-celebs walking into a kids room whos watching this, its literally a fat white dude looking ready to fuck his toys
>A manchild in a commercial for manchildren
Nothing wrong with this.
It's not a Nintendo commercial without a nu-male masturbating over plastic children's toys.
At least they didn't try to pretend those outgoing fashion model-looking people would be interested in this shit, like they do for most of their ads.
What the fuck
Hello acfag.
Is that Egoraptor? Jesus he looks like shit.
>the top comments on the video
>obvious marketers with hundreds of upboats
They did this before didn't they? I am not surprised seeing them doing it again.
shouldn't you be spamming your barney memes you autistic faggot
don't summon that fucker, you fucking idiot
>edited by matt watson
>matt watson officially worked for nintendo
Good for matt. good boy
Man, animals truly hate Asuka
>no fun allowed
God you cunts are so critical these days
>Nothing wrong with this.
>no fun allowed
Don't you find it funny how nintendo was forced to put this video on their official YouTube channel, why be so negative about this
It was her turn, bros!
wtf I hate nintendo now
>youtuber cancer
>b-but it's ok when shitendo does it
Kill yourself.
I think it's fine. Not gonna buy them but it's not like that's the first time they made a trailer for Amiibos and while I don't find it particularly funny, I don't think it's that bad either.
Naming their Fatal Fram trailer something like "Extremely Spoopy Trailer" was much worse in my opinion.
This is yacht clubs and gamegrumps doing
It's an AD you fucking idiot, meant to SELL A PRODUCT, so they USE OTHER THINGS THAT ARE POPULAR TO SELL THE ITEM.
>"Extremely Spoopy Trailer"
>it's a real thing
Hey, never say never
He got old
Literally every other company would get the worst shit for doing that.
>"You want that skin/character for this game? Sorry fucker, buy our shitty figurine first."
>Not to mention Amiibo is deliberately made scarce by Nintendo to increase demand.
I hope someone will drop nuke on Nintendo HQ
They are literally worse than Ubishit and EA combined.
At least Nintendo knows their audience.
I was reminded by it when I met up with friends who were disappointed by their Wii U and I recommended that game to them, so I wanted to show them a trailer.
I love Fatal Frame and a new one for the Switch would be a system seller for me (like V was what made me get a Wii U) but man, that trailer still makes me cringe.
To be fair with Fatal Frame there's a precedent, it's like americans really don't know how to advertise the property
The first game tried to cash in on the early 2000s trend of horror movies being based on "real" ghost stories, the American version used the tag here and there despite being completely made up info
So now here comes the latest game, and not only NoA doesn't offer a physical edition unlike Europe and even Australia, with that spoopy shit I'm guessing they tried to cash in on the trend started with modern youtubers, with horror games basically being treated only as meme material
Jesus Christ that cover. I know the first Project Zero cover art isn't exactly a thing of beauty either, but that's just from an another dimension of bad.
That might be the case. I'm European myself, so I didn't get confronted with that "based on a true story" nonsense.
To be fair, we only got a limited physical edition with a whole bunch of stuff added. I definitely don't mind it but I still think it's a little weird to make the only retail version a special edition. I definitely wouldn't have bought it if I didn't know the other games in the series.
Nobody gives Skylanders or Disney infinity shit, it's only bad when Nintendo does it
who gives a shit? its retarded
i dont see sony or microsoft using le game trumps to sell their games
wow you must be REAL fun at parties huh?
Oh i know, but it's better than nothing for the fans. But Australia got the better deal, as far as i know they had a normal retail version
Is the girl upside down (is it a girl?) even a character? I haven't finished the game, i might even think they used a western looking character to hide the fact that the game is so japanese
Eu can also go full retard
It's always okay to use celebs in commercials. It's a fucking norm
>The first game tried to cash in on the early 2000s trend of horror movies being based on "real" ghost stories, the American version used the tag here and there despite being completely made up info
The Americans did not make that up, the Japs did. The mansion in the game really exists and is purportedly haunted and that played a heavy role in the marketing of the game in Japan.
Who's the girl?
Cunts like years late to the manbun thing.
It's not a character. Maybe it's supposed to be the head of one of the beheaded priests that appear late in the game. Not even the ghosts in the background look like any enemy from the game.
Legitimately one of the worst game covers I know of.
>You'll jump, laugh and cry...perfect fun!
Yeah, I don't exactly want a horror game to make me laugh.
I mean, Yacht Club already used grumps for marketing during the demo back when they were actually good.
>Is the girl upside down (is it a girl?) even a character?
It's one of the people the brother was looking for. It's a guy.
>i might even think they used a western looking character to hide the fact that the game is so japanese
Maybe. Tecmo actually changed the character model of the Miku in the game to look older and less Asian for the western release.
Shield Knight and Mona when?
I'd like to think that it was submitted as a joke and everyone just ran with it
Oh, yes we can.
Wew, didn't know that. Honestly these debacles made me kinda paranoid about localized games, i know these changes are minimal and barely affect the overall experience, but who knows how many times I've witnessed something in a jap game that wasn't actually intended by the devs
I mean, i'm guessing the Wii cover was due to the family-friendly fame of the console, but what the heck is up with the other
I didn't say the Japs made up the "based on a true story" part, I just said they played up the connection to existing legends and that mansion. The Americans did not completely pull it out of their ass, they just took it a little further.
Besides, "Based on a true story" is kind of an ongoing joke in America horror media. It's slapped on a lot of things with the understanding everyone knows it isn't.
Now that the series is co-owned by Nintendo, there's at least the possibility of Fatal Frame Amiibos. Sure, that won't ever happen because they couldn't sell it to the kids but at least it would be some merch. I'd definitely buy a figure or two of some of the (boss) ghosts.
So they shill shilling knight now because he's in an exclusive game for shitch? Lamao. Will hotline miame have one of those too?
>i'm guessing the Wii cover was due to the family-friendly fame of the console
Nah. That cover reeks of having the intern quickly download something from a stock image site at the last minute. The probably had a decent cover and discovered at the 11th hour they'd be violating someone's copyright by using it or something. Or maybe their internal designer quit and the couldn't find a replacement in time. Who knows?
In 2008 I was moving interstate. A friend gave me a goodbye present. It was a cd which he burned a bunch of flash games and vids onto. A few of them were Egoraptor's Awesome series. Really liked them despite their crudeness.
Fast forward to today and the same guy is now technically a nintendo mascot.
Fuck you Eric.
>technically a nintendo mascot
Being in an ad for a third-party title's Amiibos isn't what I would consider a mascot
Paris Hilton wasn't a mascot and she toted around a Gamecube like a fucking purse
What are you so triggered about?
Nice, the Shovel Knight one was great, so I'm looking forward to these too.
So, is this what Arin's gonna do when the Youtube Gold Mine dries up? Voice acting and D-List acting work?
fucking finally
Now we have an ideaof the charcters that will come to sma5h
Maybe he should start fucking animating
literally muh e-celeb, get a life punk
>get a life
End yours first cunt