Pic related.
>inb4 "you first, OP"
Pic related.
>inb4 "you first, OP"
I liked a lot it but I haven't gone back to it.
as a backer I was upset with the finished product.
Awesome game, more people should play it
This shit is very good, really.
I thought it was good but it could have been great. I was really disappointed they didn't really do anything with the giant robots or have secret bosses/endings for high completion %.
What upset you about it? Broken promises of some kind?
I'm just taking it at face value without any knowledge of the funding campaign, I think its great for what it is.
Dead Cells
one of the rare, legitimately good Early Access games.
still has a heap of issues like 70% of weapons being garbage or devs adding shit like dailies instead of progressing past second boss
B U T C H E R .
OP can't inb4 newfag.
Not after you shilled it daily for fucking ages.
I really like the minimalistic style.
I have never posted about this game on Sup Forums before. Has it occurred to you that there might be more than one person who actually likes it?
*sips pbr*
ehmm uhhh yess, the minimalistic style truly blends well with the perfected gameplay and amazing aesthetic. this is the best game I've played since undertale.
Flinthook. The control scheme may be a bit unitutive, but i think it's fun to figure out what you can do.
this game has already been forgotten
wow what a catchy name totally doesn't sound like indie trash I'll go support it on indiegogo right now
and for good reason.
why are nu male indie devs incapable of making good gameplay? are they all just art school drop outs that have to resort to video games?
Look man, i know your kind. You think hating on everything is "hip" and what all "oldfags" do. But OP asked me to share "pixelart indieshit", and so i did. Your hate is simply unnecesarry.
>support it on indiegogo right now
i wait for the day this meme dies.
no I just hate half assed games made by incompetent devs
This was pretty good, especially if you played some of the other Endless games.
Rain World. It reminds me of Tokyo Jungle.
in what way is it halfassed?
I mean, i understand wanting better gamepad support, but the complexity of the basic movement (aka the hook) does not allow anything better.
Every other aspect of the game (that is music, art, story, game feel) is well done and not halfassed.atleast i dont see any halfassedness after playing it
am I talking to the world famous indie developer of the groundbreaking genre defining game: flinthook?
Then you should play all their other games. Technobabylon, Resonance for exemple, all of the same glorious caliber
This game is shit user.
>world famous
>genre defining
how deep did you need to reach to pull this shit outta your ass?
and nah, i just got the game on a daily deal sale some week ago
>No Vita port even though it can run gamemaker shit easily
>No extension of Arena
>Said to offer a wider array of weapons
>Backers just get a glorified reskin of the Drifter
>Story felt rushed even after looking at lore videos
It's a fun experience but really wasn't work 20$ thankfully got a physical copy for just 9$
I know your kind. you like to come on here and talk shit about the best game ever made, flinthook. just stop bro. you're embarrassing yourself
Thanks user, I'm a sucker for cyberpunk so Technobabylon looks right up my alley.
No, people like him don't have that sort of functioning.
begone, shitposter
GOTY desu
The original pixelshit, Cave Story.
>Huge disconnect from the story and gameplay
>Gameplay itself knows it's bad so half the dungeons force you to back track, taking up more time
>Gameplay itself is just dull
Shit game.
Twin Saga desu
It's legitimately fun, even if I'm stuck playing solo
I liked it but it has zero replay value. Maybe I'll wait a year or two before trying it again but eh.
Very sad to hear this was a decade in the making just because of the art. Like having good visuals can really add to an experience so going the extra mile isn't bad. But there's always a limit.
Bleed 1 and 2. Like the only run and gun games in recent memory that are worth a damn. Last one was what, Contra 4?
Super Meat Boy, duh.
>but it has zero replay value
Many games don't.
I guess. Most of the ones I've played I'm able to go back to eventually. I would say for a game this short you'd want it to be be fairly replayable (like cave story, I play that shit at least once a year).
inb4 undertale clone
>That robot
More like Cave Story clone.
I know its a deliberate reference.
What game is this?
this game was great
If only it wasn't so damn short.
The game is shit, sorry. The gameplay gets stale pretty quick and there's nothing surprising about the game at all. I really wanted to like it, too.
Man if we only have more survival games like this one... instead we got shitty crafting simulators.
shit taste senpai
I only remember few games
>Gods will be watching
>Stardew Valley
>Papers, please
>Lone survivor
>Crypt of the Necrodancer
Fortune Summoners is a really fucking great game.
The combat is so nice, and actually quite challenging.