ITT: subtle vidya clothing

ITT: subtle vidya clothing

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ive not met a single person who guessed this, someone thought this was an actual school i went to.

you are lucky because its cringe as hell

I would actually be interested in legitimately subtle vidya clothing, and yet these threads are always ironic jokes. Do I need to start an "obvious vidya clothing" thread?

its just a shirt man

Wearing this right now on the bus.

>hes wearing the shirt hes on



Have this as my work shirt

people probably think its weeb shit which is even worse

I wear a Brand of Sacrifice T-shirt to uni, everyone probably just thinks it's a logo for some metal band

that's not subtle


people dont have a clue this is about my Fallout NV character lmao

Sorry, how about this?

Only a couple of people have recognised it so far and they're all my degenerate friends


I am the resident "weeaboo paedophile" at work anyway, I don't really mind anymore.

are you implying that gamers have ADHD

why is the crown upside-down?

How do your co-workers know you're a weeb, have you ever heard of concealing your power level

Just chugged a bottle of dew, I'm going insane.

I'd recognize it and I'd turn 360 degrees and walk away.

I'm not a faggot but I'd admire and compliment that.

Can I get the stencil or is it an actual tshirt being sold?

same lamnao lama\ lmao

I got it on redbubble, you might be able to get it elsewhere but I haven't seen it

I do know, just been discussing all kinds of shit with my mates and they caught on.
No one really minds there really, everyone is quite chill.

He said clothing.

show us the rest, cutie

Redbubble is pretty cool. Mind linking my good sir?

Woah dude calm down now
This person's got a bunch more stuff, might get a couple
Don't be a bender, user