Why do so many gamers hate free market/capitalism?
Why do so many gamers hate free market/capitalism?
He's right tho
unless you're rich you're a retard if you don't hate the free market/capitalism since it doesn't benefit you in the slightest
When I was big into modding Fallout 3, I can say he was categorically 100% fucking wrong.
Why do you make false assumptions like some kind of dumb shit? We hate that we're not getting the game we want. Period.
From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.
Not when it comes to modding. Modders make what they want to make, and they do it because they want to do it. Monetary gain just complicates a process that doesn't need an extra layer of complication.
If a modder wants to make money off of their mods, they can ask for donations, which is what I did during my short time modding for NV and Skyrim.
Money is all he cares about he doesn't care about the modders he just sees how big the modding community is and he wants to make a profit off of it
>Modding community has been doing things out of their hearts for other people without expecting money in change because they are not jews
rly maeks u tink
All money is a matter of belief.
I agree with him. I upvoted him
>Community always wanted Half-Life 3
>Would sell millions of copies
>...but it doesn't automatically print money like digital hats lolololol
Fuck you, Gabe
Isn't saying something should have a price also against free market? From a capitalist perspective not paying for something is an ideal situation.
Is that negative 5k? neat
nobody said all mods should be paid. did you think gaben somehow made free mods illegal?
>Company makes shitty paid mods
>Consumers think this is shitty
>They don't buy mods
>Company loses money and gets rid of service
He's right
>muh gayben xD
He's a businessman and he will bleed you stupid fucks dry if you continue to buy his garbage.
free market seems to dictate doing as little work as possible while charging as much as it can get away with without pissing people off
It's why games are so soulless now.
>they can ask for donations
Your view is so naive.
>lives in a first world country where he has high speed internet and spends his nights shitposting about entertainment like video games on an anime forum
>hates capitalism
because modders don't get equity or profit sharing. they get a penance and the publisher gets rich off their backs.
Thanks for reminding me that the autistic gaming and pcmasterace reddit community literally forgave him the next day after he said that.
>lives in a country where people get diseases, car accidents, and murdered every day
>loves capitalism
oh boy i love this game
>High speed internet
>Implying that we aren't getting rekt by 3rd world shitholes like Korea because Big Brother doesn't have his thumb over data caps
>Gabe still hasn't hired more people to help in the customer support so they dont take 1 month to answer
>Your view is so naive.
Go lay in your bed of food and money Gaben, it's late.
>free market
Never existed in the history of mankind.
>trade me 5 cow hides for 10 wolf pelts
Is not a morality system and without Christian laws and values it creates cancer like the US is now and like the globalist corporations are now.
Notice that there are no medium budget games, and the reason why it is like that.
Except for the part where private industry has lifted literally hundreds of millions of people out of poverty and led to skyrocketing living standards.
Or would you like to go back to eating onion skins in the winter to stave off starvation?
Y'all need Rothbard.
If only Amazon would buy them out like they did Twitch.
>Trump says something harmless
>Make a shitstorm about it because you have nothing else to do in a 1st world country
>Meanwhile people doesn't make a shitstorm about data caps
USA deserves to be cucked desu
under free market capitalism I'd currently be dead and my job taken over by a cheap Syrian because the market doesn't like borders
>Isn't saying something should have a price also against free market?
If a company says something should have a price but the market determines otherwise, the company will lose money, and other alternatives will be found
The whole point of a free market is that products can compete for the customers money, if the customers don't want the product, they don't buy
>medium budget games
What is Nier automata then?
What fairy tale land do you live in where people don't bleed and die like real normal humans?
Shame on you for not being more productive than a third world ape
Virtually all refugees in Western countries are only there because the government pays for them to be there, either directly covering the cost of their transportation or luring them in with enormous piles of welfare.
Most of them are illiterate *in their own language* and are borderline retarded. You could outcompete them easily.
Also, without the state, people are free to discriminate in any way they wish, so employers could refuse to hire people from particular backgrounds with no fear of litigation.
>taking so long to realize this
lol, valve as you want to remember them have been dead for over a decade
are you suggesting that not every aspect of society is controlled by whether or not it is capitalist?
capitalism is the problem with everything in the game industry because the economy of gaming is practically democratic due to the nature of digital information and democracy is the death of quality
since pricing a game above sixty bucks is basically unthinkable, and every adult in the western world can afford to spend sixty bucks, and nobody buys a game more than once, then all your design decisions are built around catering to the tastes of the vast majority since that will earn you more cash
it's not like with luxury cars or hobbyist equipment or whatever where each individual product has a certain cost and it thus becomes viable to make both expensive shit for people into it and cheap shit for the casual audience because even if you only sell one single gold-plated rolls royce, you only need to invest in one single copy which you can sell for an overall profit
the reproducibility of digital information makes you pool all your funding into one single product which can then be copied as much as possible, and this makes low-end casual games (which make up a larger slice of the income pie) have enormous levels of content and polish compared with a high-end hardcore game (for a much smaller audience) so those hardcore games are much more crude, limited and primitive, completely unlike the rolls royce
the only way to solve this would be massive governmental funding overseen by a gaming expert, which is about as likely as the mass consumers suddenly becoming hardcore quake pros so good luck with that
of course this sounds like a more dire situation than it really is, there's still lots of great and polished games for the gaming enthusiast, but the major cause of casualization as it exists is still this
The only reason modders haven't asked for money before is because they would get a fucking C&D
Because it's fucking ruining EVERYTHING.
Paid dlc/mods, lootboxes, microtransactions, mediocre cookiecutter AAA games, 60 dollar early access games, asset flip games, pay 2 win, exclusive titles.
All examples of the shittier side of capitalism , because when making money is the only goal it becomes a race to see just how much they can take from you while giving you as little as possible in return.
Not the guy you're replying to, but the fact that people are fallible and limited by biological necessity are things that are universally true, capitalism or not.
>If you are critical of a shitty business practice you hate the free market
>all these commie posts with reddit spacing
I honestly hope that retards like you would be thrown into some soviet gulag to see for yourself how great your dream system is.
You will go back on your knees begging for capitalism to go back.
>based Gabe getting Reddit gold
the difference between a bangladeshi street child and a western blue-collar factory worker is that while the westerner can do a better job, ten bangladeshi will do an even better job than him, and for the same total pay
which is a problem for the westerner who expects a higher standard of living
>Christian laws and values
love this meme
if you choose to buy bad games, dont blame free market. blame your own stupidity
>if you don't suck the dick of capitalism at every single moment you're a socialist
1776 was a mistake
>Lives in a country where if he gets mugged & stabbed walking down the street the hospital will charge him 200,000 dollars to keep him alive & stitch him up.
>Lives in a country where his government would rather let a city full of people get lead poisoning than spend money to fix it's faulty water infrastructure.
Loves capitalism.
Technically you can't blame that shit on the companies in free market capitalism, only the customers that let them get away with it. We aren't talking a necessity like food here, it's fucking video games.
I'm reminded of that image showing all those people who were supposedly going to boycott MW2 currently playing MW2. If they actually had the courage of their convictions they may have got what they wanted but apparently not playing a game they weren't happy with was just too much a sacrifice for those people to make.
Of course capitalism is going to fuck you in the ass when you bend over and spread your cheeks for it. The point is you don't bend over.
the free market on benefits rich elite jews
>>if you don't suck the dick of capitalism at every single moment you're a socialist
where did i say that?
it was implied
This. Indian IT workers are pure garbage but you can hire ten of them for the same price of a western cuck. That's how they came to dominate the job market.
No, because that's reaching into paranoia and nobody gives a damn enough to control so many petty aspects of life
Hating capitalism doesn't automatically mean you like socialism
>high speed internet
>City of retards elect retards to oversee infrastructure
>Infrastructure goes to shit
>Blame capitalism
pointing out the flaws of the free market doesn't make one a socialist, most people on here claiming to be pro-free market also want their borders to be closed off to illegal immigrants
You poor fucks. Now I understand why people want to bomb you.
More people means more choices. Doesn't matter if they're better or worse than you (though high-skill immigration is actually worse for native people than low-skill) but that means it's an employer's market. If 100 people apply to a job with 10 positions and they're all equally capable for the job the first one to take a lower salary will get the job, which then normalizes and everyone has to start working for that wage.
what is it with burgers and this black and white thinking.
>you're either with us or with the terrorists
>Gabe is an lolbertarian.
Welp. Gonna have to delete Steam and go back to pirating.
He's kinda right.
The only way to get donations on the internet is too be friend simulator for pathetic people with money.
When they don't know the modder more personally, these people will not donate to him, even if he's more deserving of it than 100 e-celebrity trash doing the same shit.
I think the modder of SkyUI got 100 dollars in 5 years. Your e-celebrity is getting 10 000 dolars per month.
America is full of Anakin tier retards.
You ever hear of standards? Go google it. Both us and the industry used to have them.
They are trying to create a new fun game to play but don't want to create an entirely new game engine, assets, animations, effects, sound, UI and controls.
When they actually succeed in making a fun game, they're supposed to go make it a reality so they can sell it. I don't believe its all about being a decent person, modding that is
Private industry would have killed hundreds of millions if it weren't for government stepping in and regulating it.
>capitalists trying to take credit for the work of scientists / engineers
Lad, one of these days you will read about the history of economics and learn about imperialism, aggressive protectionism and social programs.
there are many good games retard. buying substandard games is your own fault/choice
Shitty games are most times the product of someone who thinks they can half ass together a low effort hackjob and profit off of it. This wouldn't exist if it weren't for capitalism.
Gas the bourgies class war now
gas the bourgies aristocracy now
Yeah, under communism all the games would be shitty since no one would expect to receive any profit off them.
>Implying Tetris isn't the best game known to man
classcucks are delusional
I don't get why people romanticize this quote.
It literally means "work as hard as you can but you're still getting paid the same."
Honestly not sure how people can romanticize communism in the first place, unless you think being poor is morally good or something.
>simplify a countries government, emitting certain details, and claim it's communism
>people that say it isn't are raving lunatics who are never pleased
>There is only communism and capitalism, no compromise or middle ground exists
How about I list all the good games capitalism gave us and you list all the good games communism gave us and we see whose list is longer?
While I agreed there are flaws, I just can't think of a better alternative than the mixture we have in America(with probably smaller gov)
He has a point. Most people who invented useful shit throughout history did not become super rich or even rich. If you think the internet is some achievement of free enterprise, it wouldn't exist without the state and taxpayer money through military research.
Even if it wasn't the magical white rabbit of "true" Communism it should be self evident that at this point with enough countries bankrupted from their attempt and millions of people's lives ruined that it isn't worth attempting any more.
After all what makes you think the Communist attempt you're aiming for will turn out any better than every other?
I kek'd.
The modding community was functioning perfectly fine before old fucks like Gabe and Todd decided to stick their grubby Jewish hands in it. Why can't they just leave it alone?
Scientist and Engineers who only got the education, funding and resources to accomplish their research thanks to Capitalist wealth enabling them to focus on it instead of spending all day farming wheat because the central planner said so.
>Why can't they just leave it alone?
Money, capitalism.
Communism is fucking trash too, this is not. I know that. But we need to fix what's wrong with capitalism and create something new. Or it will hold us back indefinitely.
I thought he died before I clicked on the thumbnail.
oh god I thought he was one of those thumbs from the thumb movies that Steve Odekirk did
>you can ONLY be a commie soviet state or an ancap roadless paradise
This time again?
Capitalism needs to go. We need a system where the rich have 90% of their income taxed and distributed to the public in some sort of way.
Prove me wrong.
if you have nothing of import to add then just shut the fuck up