Why haven't you bought War of the Chosen?

Why haven't you bought War of the Chosen?

It fixed literally everything.

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what's new?

Playing Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, Sonic Mania, WoW, and Hearthstone, which is keeping me busy. Will get WotC when it goes on sale or I find myself needing it and willing to pay full price.

Because it is $40.

I pirated it, its pretty good

I ain't buying it, I'm pirating it and putting over my bought XCOM2. After the DLC pass I'm not giving them any money no more.

Don't waste my time isnt updated yet ?
Come on breh

can't say I'd blame you.

I waited until a big sale before I got 2+DLC so it only cost me 50 CAD. I'm pre-ordering only because Firaxis have never fucked me up the ass when it comes to expansions or DLC so far. Also ACG said it's legit.

just enable the beta strike shit or whatever it is called, makes the game bearable

Don't Waste My Time doesn't affect timers, it speeds up the animations in the game so actions don't take forever.

Soldiers carrying downed team members are unbearably slow and things like evacuating take forever.

>the main problem with the game was that there was only one global doomsday timer
>so we went and added three more

Can i get a quick rundown of the guy on the left?

Intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humour. Voiced by Nolan North.

Playing Mario Rabbids now since I'm pretty busy with university starting up again, and you can just pick up the Switch and play for 20 minutes at a time.

I'll get this in a few weeks when things settle down and I have a full weekend to play.

Cause it's a glorified mod.

>pay $40
>start the new "expansion"
>play same campaign again

l m a o

Not really. It added some variety but also a lot of retarded design decisions.

I beg to differ.


Let me see, so I bought the base game for I think discounted 49€ back then at GMG
Now you want me to shell out another 40 (LOL) bucks for DLC just because "it fixed literally everything"

No. I realize 2k has to recoup their losses inflicted by battleborn but come the fuck on. Ill buy this DLC when it's 20 bucks or less during steam sales

Waiting for long war 2 to be updated for it.

Basically this. Buying games on release is a bad investment now, much better to wait for them to get all their DLC and go on sale.

I blame the industry themself for this. I caught myself holding off with certain games because I know they'll get a lot of DLC and buying the "GOTY" edition with everything included is the better deal. Exceptions to this are games I really am passionate about, the ones that I cannot wait to play, but these are very few these times

While I'm impressed with the amount of content added and the performance fixes, I'm just not enjoying it as much as I thought I would.

Maybe it's because there's too much shit to manage now on the strategic layer. Fatigue, soldier bonds, covert ops, faction reputation, chosen, there's so many fucking prompts every time I try to scan a fucking site for some supplies it feels like ages before I can finally get to the next mission.

It's good but not worth 40$. Not by a long shot.

Damn jews.

Got my hands full with Lon War right now.

how much playtime did it add?
did it make the game harder or easyer?
how are the new classes?
how are the new enemies?
worth 40€ or wait for sale?


The new enemies are alright. An advent flamethrower dude. An advent psi soldier. A shadow that creates a copy of one of your troops. None of them are particularly difficult to deal with.

Then there are the chosen which are 3 mini bosses. They are annoying as shit and can screw up an entire mission if they decide to drop in at the wrong time. You can't kill them permanently until you do a very difficult mission for each (I'm talking plasma weapons with elite troops) so you have to contend with these assholes for most of the game.

The new soldier classes are a little bit better than regular soldiers but not by much. One of them falls off hard late game.

Overall I think the early game was made significantly harder, mostly because of the chosen. They will one hit kill low level troops and cause an easy squadwipe if you still have other aliens active.

What does it fix?

Is the perfomance better or not

Everything. Can't you read?

But seriously it fixes a lot of the issues. Loading times for one. It introduces a lot of different types of missions where timers make more sense. Adds more options to deal with avatar buildup.

>Have to buy 'DLC' to fix a game I already own because the devs are incompetent

That's not even considering the fact that it doesn't even fix XCOM 2 itself.

When going into a mission it loads nearly instantly. The voiceover has barely started.

Game still suffers from line of sight bullshit though.

thanks user, i can start playing for realsies now

>line of sight bullshit though.

> (OP)
>Because it is $40.
It may be still around $30 on gmg ( got mine for 28) and Amazon had a big and honored it being sold at $10

Capatcha:avenue central

Enjoying it so far.

My only complains is that i have has 2 crashes in 20 hours so we are likely beta testing before console.

So skip Iron man until patches drop.

Other than that its really good. Mid level is where the biggest challenges are. Like just getting magnetic weapons, hitting an alien base that has a chosen and an alien lord guarding it.

>run one soldier to a new area
>nothing happens
>then run him back to the exact same spot he started from, taking the exact same route
>trigger a pod
Shit like that

Oh yeah I feel you

This. I want a new fucking campaign.
These kind of expansions would make sense if the game was more of a sandbox, but the story driven design kills my mood.

Phoenix Point when?

>Hitting alien bases
>Before getting plasma weapons
With the new faction system, you can stall the avatar project for a good couple of years using just the reduce progress resistance mission

>hitting an alien base that has a chosen and an alien lord guarding it.
You are explicitly told that the place is guarded by a ruler. If you think it's a good idea to assault that, while on top of it the base is located in chosen territory, then you only have yourself to blame m8.

I bought it and I'd be really pissed if I'd bought the vanilla version also. Luckily I got it cheap on a Steam sale.
People who got the original at full price basically bought half the game with huge performance issues and if they want the full game now they need to pay again for the fix.

Honestly, this should be illegal.

Godbless creamapi

The gameplay of PP looked like hot garbage.

"little bit better" lol.
Skirmisher can solo missions on a good map without leaving the shadow mode. Templar with full 3 focus and upgraded blades + reaper can kill so much shit in one turn you would cry in vanilla. Skirmishers are ... meh, but still good.

If anything it made the game significantly easier. You can reduce the avatar timer, get intel, loot, PCSs, mods, promotions, everyfuckingthing from the ring covert ops.

Still worth the price if you like Firaxis like I do.. But its still Xcom 2. If I hear "almost Xcom 3 level of content" one more time, I will choke a marketing person.

If 2K wants my money that badly, they should port The Darkness to PC.

Oh i didn't know. i am nearly done my blind play, but covert missions are randomized right? because i did not see avatar reduction missions till mid game

*Reaper. Fuck captcha servers and having to retype shit.

Avatar reduction missions are near-guaranteed once you get all factions to moderate influence.

that's probably my mistake right there. Spread my covert ops evenly.

I'm still in the early game but can you delay the avatar forever? Can you stretch the game out super long?
I fucking love grinding.

>paying for patches

Yes. Just do the coverts ops to locate the chosen strongholds (you dont need to find the entrance) and you will get plenty of -2 to timer missions you can send your people on.

The ring is so OP it should probably be your first building.

im waiting for the winter sale to give it the price it deserves

How the hell did they vastly improve the load times for this expansion but the vanilla game still runs like shit?

Good news. In XCOM(2012) I think I played for 10 in-game years before doing the final mission. Just repeating UFO crashes over and over again.

Reaper is good for sneaking and objectives, sure, but a ranger will accomplish almost the same thing while having shotgun damage and 2 items instead of a glorified pistol and a claymore.

Don't get me wrong I used my reaper to great effect early-mid game because of her "remote detonation" skill or whatever it's called. 12 damage from environmental objects is nothing to laugh at but it's highly situational.

because you're paying for a patch that's not rolled out to the vanilla game

Because all my shit is broken and the only thing I have right now is a phone and a 12 year old laptop.
So either pander to my laptop, Jake, or gib me money to fix my machine.
Also I thought you'd turn SPARKs into terminators what the fuck man you just gave them weapon mods

>you just gave them weapon mods
Which helps significantly to cover for the SPARKs biggest disadvantages.

Are MEC soldiers back yet?

I wish i could farm the lost for more xp.

While ignoring the not biggest disadvantages?

Thats a bit too much, I like to play until I have everything best on every soldier and every reasearch and such done. There was enough time to do that in vanilla 2 already.
I also like to play with one of each class in my squad and always adjust it through mods depending on how many class mods I'm playing with

You can. I've had troops level up from killing the lost.

They do give XP, just significantly lower than the other enemies.

This literally cannot be overstated. The ring is beyond op and should without a doubt be your first building. Then just have covert ops missions running nonstop. Dont ever not be doing some type of covert ops because theyre just so good

Such as?

All I ever wanted for my sparks was better accuracy and bigger clip size.

if i own the base game but never played it, should I buy this expansion before playing it? or is this something that I should get after playing the base?

I forget to buy the xp buff so i could probably have gained a level for my lower ranked soldiers by now.

>playing on ironman
>one bad turn and i lost half of my squad and the other half has 2~3 hp left
>dont feel like playing anymore

So don't play ironman if you can't deal with that?

Ranger doesnt get like 5 chances to get back into concealment, has shit aim at long ranges and most importantly, to detect a Reaper, you have to be within 2 or something fucking ridiculous of him. Sure, ranger is better at fighting in general, but Reaper wins missions.

12 without a claymore kills entire pods early to mid game. With claymore mid to late game. And as I said, it depends on the map, sure, but there is more than enough shit to blow up.

Reaper + dont start the timer until you lose concealment order = easy missions no matter what. I sense big nerfs incoming.

But savescumming makes me feel like a cheating casual

>playing ironman
there's your problem

All I ever wanted for my SPARKs was to find a way to not be cross-eyed with some corrective glasses and not have paper armor. At the very least they could've allowed them to use PCSs or something.

I would honestly say play the base game on easy/normal first. Beat it, then play the expac.

Only reason i say this is because the expac adds a ton of shit. Like theres something always going on especially early game and it might feel super overwhelming and xcom2 already feels overwhelming especially when compared to xcom1

don't save scum individual shots or turns, just save scum in the case of catastrophic failure.

>None of them are particuarly difficult to deal with
Maybe it's the fact i play on beta strike but my near squadwhipe and actual squadwhipe against the purifier and spectre beg to differ

>It fixed literally everything
Really? Did it bring back the TU system instead of the retarder 2 actions per turn?
Fuck off.

Templars >Skirmishers >>>> Reapers

Templars are way too fun, especially when one can get Bladestorm. Their skills revolving around reversing position with your squadmates/ enemies is good.

Skirmishers have some crazy skills and mobility.

Reapers are only good as scouts or for starting ambushes, though Banish with the final upgrade it gets can nuke a pod from quite some distance away.

>that pic
But kebab religion orders them not to hit women in the face. Hiting guts and stuff is an ok but not the face.

i really need to use my templar and skirmisher more but reapers are too useful for my play style.

Must be. Purifier is a wasted space in a non-modifier game and I am happy to see him in any pod. Literally 2 damage at worst if my medic isnt dead.

Spectre is a cunt, but unless he runs off somewhere really far, I havent had problems with him either.

Then again, I dont play on legendary anymore since I just dont have time, so that might also be a factor.

But that's just it. Reaper's good for missions with difficult timers. That's their thing and why you bring one.

But if you assault a blacksite or have a retaliation mission, I would never bring one because her firepower is shit and her damaging abilities unreliable.

Reapers are meh past early game though, even with claymore upgrade. Like the other user said, they pretty much have a glorified pistol for a weapon and this is a big issue in late game as you face tanky ayys. I dont know why youd compare a reaper to a ranger btw, but i will say that the only thing ive been using my reaper for past mid game is just scouting. Also while they wont typically get caught, if they do, which does happen quite a bit to me, it activates so many pods its a huge risk.

Your ranking reflects their combat prowess, sure. But I have 5 other dudes to kill shit on my team. But only one Reaper can walk into the objective, do it, walk back and not even sweat.

Is it just me who was disappointed that Templars get no into mission, well neither do Skirmishers, not really, and there are no "story" missions that go deeper into their motivations?

Dunno, seems like a waste to me.

Fucking how?

The purifier needs probably two turns before it's close enough to deal damage and it's pathetic damage at that. In fact sometimes it seems to deal no damage at all (cover, maybe?)

The shadow does literally no damage on its first action. It will just dash to one of your guys and incap him and create a shadow clone. If you kill the shadow your soldier insta revives and still gets 2 actions like normal.

I want it but it sounds like the Chosen ruin the game so I might just leave it until I'm less casual. No need to drop another 40 bucks for another dick up the ass.
I also just bought the PS4 version a few weeks ago since the PC version ran like shit and always crashed on the final mission when there were like 50 aliens on map

You can solo a blacksite with a reaper. Walk to the X-4 point, make sure nothing is around, plant it, reenter shadow, evac. Could have done it several times, but hey, not killing shit means no points and no promotions. But its certainly an option if you get fucked on a previous mission.

I am comparing it to a ranger because a dude I was replying to compared them.

And scouting is he most important thing in this game if you dont want to trigger 5 pods and cry because you dashed one space too far. So yeah, you are right, not a powerhouse, but I prefer to take one with me to fight smart, not hard.

Templar is weak as fuck unless you get bladestorm. Then you just sit in the middle of a pod with parry up and rack in the kills. No bladestorm though, might as well bring in a different class. I thought skirmisher was super weak but the pull ability alone getting you some easy kills is amazing. You can get easy an skulljack due to this as well. They get better late game since you have more firepower.

Chosen ruin the game by giving you literally godtier weapons if thats what you mean.

i have no idea if my templar will get lucky on skill rolls. How easy/hard is it to get a new one so it can get bladestorm?

>you dont want to trigger 5 pods
But that's what you will likely do if you place an X4 charge or do a similar action. And those missions still require you to kill every enemy on the map so you will make it harder on yourself.

>easy/hard is it to get a new one
Covert missions. So really easy, but RNG dependent.

Not sure if you can get them from scanning events with soldier reward.

Need to have high faction rep with them and pray to rng gods that you can do a covert ops to get one. So its actually pretty difficult due to this. I dont know why they made it random instead of always being up after youre high on faction rep but thats how it is. Without bladestorm on a templar im not sure you want one on your team, might as well use a ranger at that point because the volt ability is garbage, sure you have parry i guess but with a ranger you can just shotgun from range and not be in a terrible position. Not to mention you dont need to gain focus to actually hit hard with a ranger.

Fairly sure you dont have to kill anything to counter a dark event for example, you just need to do the main objective and exfil, even if there is a "kill all" objective on the mission. Killing all the shit is there just to recover bodies and other loot and is not mandatory if you dont have the manpower to do it properly.

And since there is no timer on blacksites, you can sit there for few rounds and have them move away. Hell you can even trigger them, it doesnt really matter, all you need is to move somewhere where you are not flanked and activate Shadow again.

I been playing poe, darkest dungeon, sonic, sfv, gg and ffxiv. So many games have gotten good updates recently in short in time, planing a iron man run on wotc after I complete some games

her first face expresion reminds me of B^U

>It's a lost horde mission
>The chosen shows up

>It's a retaliation mission
>The chosen shows up

As it stands I'm developing a serious case of Zaeed massani coming out of the early game.

I did have a fucking amazing mission where I had full map oversight due to a sitrep, and managed to destroy the target without even going out of cover.