Was it really that bad?

Was it really that bad?

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The only people that ever gave it praise, were game reviewers. Yes, it was shit.

i dont know, i never played it. stopped giving a shit about this IP after the abortion that was dmc3


No I agree, every single devil game after dmc 2 was shit. DmC was just a raped version of the serious set out to mock dante/dmc fans.


post tits
Just painfully mediocre.

>Was it really that bad?


It was something nobody asked for and it unsurprisingly turned out to be mediocre.

>dmc 2 dante

I liked it, somewhat. If it wasn't a DMC game it wouldn't have got as much hate as it did.

It's even worse than what you think.

Combat-wise it's worse than DMC3 and 4, for sure, but it's an okay game and still the best western developed hack and slash game to date

People hate on it because Tameem was a retard with his statements about the fanbase, etc and because they didn't like the edgy tone of the game.

Overall with the DE in mind, I'd even say it's a good game worth a couple of playthroughs, the environments were neat.

>and still the best western developed hack and slash game to date

God of War exists

The environments were neat visually but a complete bore gameplay and design wise. Worse than even DMC1. It's maybe worth a single playthrough if you can get it for cheap, don't really give a shit about the money, and can put up with egregiously bad writing and annoying characters.

In terms of production quality maybe, but not the gameplay overall.
GoW3 had some neat ideas especially with the Nemesis Whip, but it's still not as fluid and full of mechanics as DmC was.

DmC was fluid and full of mechanics?

I actually enjoyed it. The gameplay that is. Plot, the characters and everything else non-gameplay related was ridiculously bad.

Wasn't it?
As I said, it's clearly not as good as DMC3 and 4, but you can't say it has less fluidity and mechanics than DMC 1 and 2.

Sure it has shitty balance and enemies design is mostly trash, but if you take it just as a plain hack and slasher, it's fun to play.
Especially when it comes to Virgin's Downfall, the combat there was far better than vanilla game

Not great, still worth a playthrough though. If it were its own series, I would think a sequel would have been entertained.

Noisia segment of the OST was good. More producers like them should consider doing game OSTs.

>As I said, it's clearly not as good as DMC3 and 4

or 1
or 2

>still worth a playthrough though
no thanks.

>Noisia segment of the OST was good.
the wubstep was not good.

eh, meant to quote OP

>or 1
I fucking love 1, but the gameplay in its core is repetitive. Only the great enemy variety saves it.

>or 2
Now that's just a plain shitposting


The combat didn't have the depth of the previous titles, but it was fun to play through.

I cared enough about the plot to get a little sad every time I think about the game's reception killing any sequel potential.

>cannot make distinction between subgenres

literally only 2 tracks can be considered wub on the OST and even then, they were good considering they were experimenting with the subgenre. Sorry if you cannot into this music.

But they could have marketed the game without trying to piss on the original Devil May Cry series when it was uncalled for.

No. Its really good. Yes the scoring is forgiving. No back tracking. NG+ changes enemy placment and behavior. I know i will get flake, but Dante finaly had a charater not a gimmick.

>Now that's just a plain shitposting

says the guy trying to defend DmC

I know DMC4 was worse.

>but Dante finaly had a charater

and it was shit.

He was edgy for the sake of being edgy. Look at the "wet chunks" scene

Sounds like Dante from the Devil May Cry series.

original Dante does nothing that edgy

>>cannot make distinction between subgenres
it's still shitty wubs

Cause he was a 19 yo edgelord and this was him getting over that. Now Vergil went full edge.



Just mediocre, at least it was better than 2. Which wasn't hard anyway.

>was him getting over that

footage from the end of the game shows Donte as an edgy immature 19 year old edgelord

Great music
Great graphics
Gameplay was fun
It should NOT have been a Devil May Cry game.

That said, I got it for $10 on Steam and do not regret it. It was actually a really cool game.

>Great music
>Great graphics
>Gameplay was fun

Squirrel semen hahahaa
Not in a million years xdddd
Que te jodan!!

>not a single FUCK YOU

it was good fun, but if you had played the first one, you would have realized they butchered the story and modernized it to pander to the current generation of gamers, which is to be expected.

>Great music
In comparison to 3's & 4's nu-metal garbage it was fantastic


that is more appealing music than the wubstep

wubstep was mostly contained to the bossfights and that nightclub level though

>he forgets Devils Never Cry
>he forgets all Vergil's boss themes
>he forgets never surrender full version
>he forgets Echidna's boss theme
None of the DmC songs can even compare

Vergil boss fight is ok and the intro to Devils Never Cry.
Rest is absolute gerbage, stop pretending nu metal was ever good

>Rest is absolute gerbage

I detect shit tastes

>stop pretending nu metal was ever good
I never said it was, just those particular songs that DmC has no equivalent of.
Also nothing in dmc3/4 is tasteless as the mundus spawn boss fight.

Donte was awful character, but gameplay was okay and fun - so it wasn't that fucking bad.

Noone likes mundus spawn boss fight music anyway, what's your point?

But there isn't really any reason to pick it up instead of 3 or 4 if you are looking for an action game.

Point is that DmC's OST ain't that great either.

Oh, I agree, I was just saying it was great in comparison which isn't saying much anyway.

FUCK YOU *punches bouncer*

I think I got all the meems covered


for you

Castlevania LOS has much better combat.

Is that game (or the sequel) good?

Great art direction
Alright everything else, but flawed
Shitty devs

Beats DMC2, that's for damn sure. People also overrate DMC3 and act like it wasn't also flawed.

The game was okay. Still, I undestand the complaints about fans of the series. It was much worse than 1 and 3 by large margin.

And no-so-large than 4 - levels in 4 was ridiculosly bad, jungle ones were fucking awful, so vast, so tedious. And after this you need to go trough them as Dante - and while Dante is full of new tricks, there is still long shitty levels to beat. And if you want dat S rank, you will suffer even more. Bosses and challenging fights and likeable characters are all fun, but when you need to suffer twice trough same levels, no cheeky Uncle dante will save you from boredom. Also, camera was ASS a lot of times.

>hating on Bob

Best character (well, only good character, but still). And best section.

Not bad of aslasher game, but a horrible Devil May Cry.

The original is a more rounded game although it has camera issued. You'll be attacked from off-screen enemies half of the time.
The sequel has better combat, better bosses, solved its camera issues and has better history. The problem? For some stupid reason they went open world with endless loading screens and added some stupid stealth sequences that will make you drop the gamepad and stop playing .
I still recommend them. Forget that it's a Castlevania game, it's a GoW clone with good story, visuals, combat and music. You'll like it.

I agree with you on the DMC4 levels, they're just very tedious, I always feel reluctant to play them when I remember what I'd have to go through and just play some bloody palace instead

Yep it was a fucking disaster. Fuck off tameme.

The only good thing that came out of this piece of shit were the memes

>that pic

Oh Jesus