why is this allowed?
Why is this allowed?
Terminal Autism
if its not atleast 95% dont take the shot
He wants to be her family man.
He clearly fell in love and didn't want to shoot his waifu.
everyone knows koreans can't see straight
It's a game for children.
how hard is it to implement distance check? why isn't it part of equation?
thats le xcom le baby XD
It's a dice rolling game, not a ballistic physics simulator
Distance is part of the equation. As are many other things.
A shotgun would almost certainly have a 100% hit chance at point blank because shotguns scale better with close range, Assault rifles get close, but don't quite make it.
Also, there could be any number of other factors in play and we don't know because we can't see this to hit values.
So because of that, stuff like OP is allowed?
people think the turn based system means if your rookie walks up to an ayy and sticks the gun barrel through their face that it literally means the alien is staying stock still for them to make the shot
it's an abstract, not realistic in the slightest
They wanted to fuck the snake.
Cause its a game that uses silly calculations to see if it hits or not. If you want a somewhat reasonable explanation the guy is face to face with a 10 foot snek and probably got scared and misfired not unbelievable.
It's actually very realistic. You see how this snakeman moves? She constantly moves her body left and right to confuse predators. Trust me, it works. When I was in Iraq I was tilting my body like that at all times and I've never been wounded despite machine guns and IFVs firing at me for 2 hours straight. Funny how much we can learn from nature, huh?
I'm imagining a fat neckbeard in corpsmen garb moving his body left to right like a belly dancer, avoiding a bullet every time he does so.
I want to fuck that snake.
It's a strategy game with all sorts of abstractions.
Because a lot of fanboys defend bad design. While dice rolling simulation can work, this isn't an example of it. You are to believe the bullet glanced past, didn't penetrate a layer, the enemy moved, or the PC got spooked. But player feedback doesn't exist, and as such player control feels hampered. A small indication as to why you missed would make a big difference.
>He thinks this is bad
>Original XCOM
>Dropship just landed
>Single stray round hits the pointman on his way out the dropship
>real life
>transport tries to land
>nearest hot zone is 4000miles away
>crashing_with_no _surv.jpg
seems to be working fine
because its a visual representation of what is happening under the hood and not an actual 1 to 1 representation.
the maps are really more like a game board than anything else
>play an rng management game
>complain about the rng
You should've played around it.
Grenades are literally there to serve as panic button in case rng shits you up
It's more realistic this way.
>posts a male
this is the only answer
>adding up to 99.7%
Why? Where are the .3%?
No one wins.
There were other candidates I guess.
0.3% that neither wins due to Johnson or Stein winning a vital state making it impossible for either Clinton or Trump to get 270
russian hackers
"Margin of error/other candidate"
In case another party steals it somehow. Its funny I actually saw a video before the elections even happened showing what may happen if the elections and government were more like england or new Zealand and they predicted trump would become prime minister with the libertarians being king maker.
The 1-99% is arbitrary. It doesn't exist. The entire chance is a coin flip. If you cannot see the mathematics that cause the percentage to actually be taken into consideration, it is retarded to say it's an X percentage shot.
It's either IT DEFINETELH WILL HIT, IT MIGHT HIT or IT DEFINITELY WILL NOT HIT. Showing a percentage is completely redundant
Someone's been playing rabbits too long. Go to bed user.
Yeah Trump would've won if the states were equal as he was predicted to win more states overall but Hillary winning the more important states like California, New York and Florida.
Were all states only worth 1 Electoral College vote trump would've easily won
Thanks for explaining.
You are very special.
Because it's an abstraction you fucking moron.
It's not supposed to represent your character literally running up, standing still and shooting like that, it's supposed to represent your character shooting and failing to hit for any of a variety of reasons. Glancing hits, missing because they were running up to the snek while they fired, nerves, whatever.
Not him but whatever keeps you alive
Why even have a graphical representation when it isn't accurate to what's happening
Hell, it was an electoral slaughter regardless. New York and California are each worth as much as 10 other states. Imagine what would happen to the political balance if California actually seceded, like they threatened? 55 guaranteed democratic delegates gone. Sure, the 270 balance would be readjusted, but it would be to the democrat's disadvantage nonetheless.
because it's nicer looking at character models than just lines of code going off
>it's a rookie
>not even 65 base accuracy
>shooting at an enemy, while flanked and maximum closeness achieved, that has a fairly high Dodge stat
>about 84% chance to hit with a hidden -15% chance to hit because Dodge stat
>doesn't hit it
>"why is this allowed"
I dunno, why DID it happen?
Prove me wrong.
Seeing that still kills the whole mood.
This reminds me of when I watched a twitch streamer play long war and had TPKs 5 times in a row
I could hear the frustration in his voice increase so bad as he kept reloading saves
Do you understand what the words "graphical" actually means, and where it comes from?
Or for that matter, the word representation?
The burden of proof lies on you to prove yourself correct first.
You see the snake, albeit delayed, dodge out of the way?
That's what happened. Your rookie was shit and the snake simply moved away from the barrel.
It's a janky turn based game, what you see isn't necessarily 100% what's going on.
Since they were that close, just pretend that a hand-to-hand fighting ensued and it somehow threw your aim off.
This is why I hate modern TBS games: animations exist for almost every little action, so you expect the shit described above to be animated as well, but nope -- it's the same contextual bullshit as with older games.
tl;dr don't treat what you see on screen when playing TBS as something that is actually taking place
Start here.
human nature dictates you choose the higher number
>if a button that says it will kill you 90% of the time but saves you 10% of the time but really is just a 50% chance would you still press it?
user youre human even if you show all the fucking variables youre predictable