Pointless BTFO
Pointless BTFO
>Mentions the shit that is Toukiden
>says Dauntless is even shitter
but also, good. Fuck western developers in general, but especially those who try to copy a formula so closely, fuck it up, and to top it off add cancer to it (F2P model). Dauntless is pure cancer I won't ever need to touch it to know it.
The devs must be panicking like mad with the negative feedback they're getting on top of World being a thing now. Their entire reason for existence was wiped off the map the second World was announced with a PC release on top.
>Destiny2, a huge online action co-op game, also got a PC version and releases about the same time as Dauntless
Fuck me this is hilarious.
is toukiden any good lads
It was doomed from the start. Why anyone would think a F2P model for a monhun clone would work is beyond me.
It's decent. If you want more monhun then give it a shot, but expect to be able to break the game in half with every weapon. Some are better than others at shitting all over everything though.
But there's already a F2P Monster Hunter title...
i knew it was gonna be shit when they confirmed that you could pay money to increase loot drops from missions.
Play MHFU or MHP3rd on PPSSPP (has online too) or just wait for World. No reason to play subpar MonHun clones when you can play the real thing.
Toukiden 2 was 'meh' for the five or so hours I played it. After that I put it down and have never felt like going back. It feels like a Vita game (which it is) and lacks any of the positioning importance and dedication to actions that make me like MH combat. It has more emphasis on characters and stuff, and they're fine, but the basic gameplay is just too simple and easy, it feels very sans-skill.
but its asia only for good reasons.
its horribly p2w and even pay 2 play more than a bit a day.
>Play MHFU
Why would you wish this upon any human being.
The hitboxes make the game shit, it's just bad, it's simply not good.
>shitting on the best monster hunter
you must be confusing mhfu hitboxes with freedom 2 which indeed were shit.
>F2P for a monhun *clone*
reading comprehension
Like MHW then
4/10 made me reply
I would feel bad if it wasnt p2w as fuck
I am wiling to bet the Dauntless team was not to happy when World got announced and is also coming to PC.
Thank God, that games art style is fucking dogshit
Those unimaginative fucks deserve it
They're probably going through what Randy went through when Blizzard cucked him with the scraped together remnants of a failed project.
Randys game most definitely only started development after Overwatch was revealed.
>worse than Toukiden
You can't make this shit up.
People talk shit about the visual design of Dauntless but its better than toukiden, and this goes double for God Eater, I am not anti-anime by any means but it just doesnt work for MonHun clones; God Eater is just so fucking ugly its beyond words.
Toukiden at least had the decency to have somewhat satisfying combat
What? Randy stated on twitter that there was little they could do because they were already deep in development when Overwatch was revealed.
Toukiden had fun combat though, which is rather sad because you dont even need to actually be good at it to win. A game actually managed to make a gunner class fun to play and not just a damage turret.
>believing randy
yeah its totally a coincidence that shortly after Overwatch was revealed five other clones popped up.
Are you saying that Battleborn went through it's entire development in the two years between Overwatch reveal and it's release? Because that's fucking stupid as hell.
What are you smoking Toukiden had really good japanese folklore shit and samurai era designs.
It actually had a real design direction.
you're retarded. Overwatch was revealed in Nov. 2014 and released a year and a half later in May 2016. Battleborn, as shit as it is, is too large scale to have been developed in such a short time. Not to mention the fucking reveal trailer came out two fucking months before Overwatch was revealed.
The way it turned out I believe it was rushed out faster.
What you believe, and the facts are in direct contradiction. Battleborn had a ton of work put in, it just failed to gain any traction because it was a pretty shit game and Overwatch overshadowed it.
Poor game. It never had a chance :[
I understand that is what they were trying to do, I think the execution was a bit lacking though, reminds me of dynasty warriors a lot of the time, which I also play but I expect those games to be dogshit. That being said, this isn't a positive sum game, just because its a little better than some other games doesn't mean dauntless isn't boring as hell.
Some things should never have been in the first place.
Beyond welcoming more games in the genre, Houston also believes Dauntless and Monster Hunter: World are notably different in other respects.
“They’re still predominantly single-player,” Houston explained. “We’re kind of taking more of the Destiny style. We’re focused on the cooperative experience and always online.”
In Dauntless, players are technically able to take on hunts solo. However, the fights are tuned differently for that experience, and some are extremely difficult. Houston says they welcome players to attempt single-player challenges but are “unabashedly” focused on co-op gameplay.
>worst than toukiden
Toukiden's combat has always been better than Monster Hunter. That's literally the reason it exist - to be a face paced MunHun for people who hate how slow MunHun's combat is.
hahahaha these fucking faggots have no idea what they're up against. MonHun's lifeblood is the co-op. The series would have died long ago if it didn't have the option to multi hunt.
Can't wait for those steam player numbers
FUrries still have their nostalgia goggles screwed on so tight it cuts off oxygen to their brain, it seems.
FU is extremely mediocre compared to 4U, get over it.
Epic shitposting user
But... It's an alpha build.
I don't even give a fuck, I hate MH. But this is just retarded.
Dauntless is F2P and MHW is not
Dauntless will do just fine if it turns out to be a decent game, and from the looks of it is.
Just like Paladins.
They just have to properly optimize that game.
Every other game with that style of graphics is absolute garbage performance wise which reduces amount of players.
You really think they can completely revamp the game in two months' time? Because that's what it needs.
The combat feels unsatisfying and slow, the reward system is a gigantic fuckfest, and the graphics and world-building are lazy.
Fuck off. It's an "alpha" in the marketing sense, absolutely nothing about it is actual alpha.
Dauntless is one of those game that will be 2 years in early access, and when it "releases" it will die within 2 months.
MHO works decently, cash shop is mostly cosmetics but it does have retarded xp boosters and loot packs and shit
the most important thing is it still feels like monhun though
closed beta is starting today...
month or two after its OBT, then release probably in december.
cool story bro
The battleborn reveal trailer was almost 6 months before OW one, iirc, so ironically they did not tey to copy overwatch.
>f2p farbage
>not even on steam
>will be full of russians and BRs
its dead on arrival
>“They’re still predominantly single-player,” Houston explained. “We’re kind of taking more of the Destiny style. We’re focused on the cooperative experience and always online.”
was there ever any doubt?
they most likely only put ten hours into the village and decided to copy the game based on that.
>FU is extremely mediocre compared to 4U
>Superior monster roster (apart from, ironically, some of the shit ported from FU like the dromes)
>Fixed hitboxes
>More movement options
>More weapons and improvements to old weapons
>Harder and more content
>Better controls
How exactly is FU better?
shhh, he's basking in his nostalgia, just let him have his moment.
Is it really that hard to make a MH clone good? Why does almost no company realizes the core is the feedback beetween you and the monster? The gameplay itself is very simple and straighforward, the only thing they need is for the game to look and feel good. Animations, VFX, sound, etc... all those things are necessary for it to feel right.
Look at MHW, many attacks generate gusts of wind that move nearby plants, and theres different strenghts of wind depending on the attack. It does not affect the gameplay, but it feels great, same for monster animations and such.
Remember how people complained because they removed the screenshake on CB ultra smash? that's what I'm talking about.
You don't need the most complex and full of shit game ever, just one that feels right to play.
Monster Hunter is a quality series and its not easy to just copy its good core aspects.
It might be easier to fix some of its flaws but that wont help you if you cannot replicate the good aspects.
The animations for the monsters alone most likely break the budget of some shit tier indies or vita devs.
And there's really only a handful of developers out there who managed to make impact of weapons feel just right for their game. Capcom actually made most of those games.
These people are so out of their depth.
I would almost feel bad for them if they weren't so stupid
Yes, I'm completly aware. Then why don't companies realize that? it's like seeing a tiny 5 man dev team and saying "yo let's make an MMO in UE4".
Like no, the manpower and resources for that is too big. You won't succeed if you just try to copy the gameplay but not the feel. That's digging your own grave. And it stupid how many times has this occurred already.
>>Superior monster roster (apart from, ironically, some of the shit ported from FU like the dromes)
Probably superior in quantity, not in quality.
>>Fixed hitboxes
Get over the meme kid, only problem was Plesioth hitbox during it´s tail atack.
>>More movement options
Only reworked animations.
>>More weapons and improvements to old weapons
MH4U= 1414 Weapons
MHFU= over 1500 different ones
Also, quantity =/= quality, i spend all the time with my Elendskraft and then fully upgraded it. I got also some rajang shit but mostly for cosplay, never used seriously.
>>Harder and more content
RC9 content in MHFU was far, far more hard than G-Rank in MH4U. Also there was some coherent points in the first one, you face a dual black diablos, if you were prepared (yama armour and shit) you would not die with 1 hit, if you are not, it´s time to get ready to upgrade.
In MH4U was a boredom to see how a party member was wiped out by a G rank conga with it´s fully upgraded armour.
Plot twist, when you are grinding your shit with the dual golden rajang quests everyone is so dopped that they cannot even react, so it´s fucking easier. GG WP
Fun fact, that relic farming shit was boring.
Another one, frenzy is a lazy and boring mechanic added solely for increase duration and difficulty of monsters.
>>Better controls
Worst actually, psp controls were better.
Need to improve that shitpost of yours m8.
MH has a decade of games to draw inspiration from, they can take the best bits from previous games without changing them too dramatically since it has mostly been on mobile anyway
Investors might be scared of copying something like it because there's no guarantee that it would succeed.
You know a proper Monster Hunter rival wouldnt only need to copy the right parts, it would also need to have its own appeal. Thats a mega hard task.
MH is also polished as shit now. MH1 was actually crap, if something like Toukiden came out back then it couldve maybe hurt MHs impact but now we're past the fourth gen and everything has been improved and polished to hell.
Its just no easy feat. Just like all those who tried to copy things like Devil May Cry. Its not a thing you can just do. There's two developers in the world capable of making a game like that and one of them doesnt have the budget.
>Probably superior in quantity, not in quality.
Not an argument
Objectively true. Hitboxes in 4U are a MUCH better match to the model than in FU.
>More movement options
Explain to me how you could climb ledges and jump off them in FU. Explain how that is "only reworked animations"
>Completely ignoring 2 whole new weapon types, and the existance of relic weapons
>Completely ignoring level 140 guild quests
And yeah, endgame content can be cheesed in 4U. But so can it be cheesed in FU, making your argument void. I'd like to see you fight 140 Garuga.
>Frenzy ... solely for increasing duration and difficulty of monsters
So you agree that 4U monsters are harder?
>Better controls
No claw grip required. Automatically better because it doesn't fucking damage your joints, you fucking mong.
>Not an argument
>Objectively true. Hitboxes in 4U are a MUCH better match to the model than in FU.
This matter was discussed long time ago, you probably knew it ofc.
>>Completely ignoring 2 whole new weapon types, and the existance of relic weapons
>>Completely ignoring level 140 guild quests
Already take account of that, and yes, there are more weapons in MHFU.
>And yeah, endgame content can be cheesed in 4U. But so can it be cheesed in FU, making your argument void. I'd like to see you fight 140 Garuga.
>140 Garuga
Already told you that i rushed constantly the dual golden frenzy rajang, i know that it´s hard to read since you couldn´t even read that fact about weapons but come on kid.
>So you agree that 4U monsters are harder?
Artificial difficulty is the easiest and laziest way to make a game hard, it is fun because it doesn´t turn the game that hard as devs believe, only turn it into a choreography that must be done correctly. So no, is fucking easy.
>No claw grip required.
Nobody ever used claw grip on psp since you had the camera controls way near your finger, stop ashaming yourself and pretending you know shit.
>Artificially difficulty
Anything you ever said can now be officially disregarded. Enjoy being a stuck in the past faggot.
>quoting gamefags
FU fags are literally fucking delusional
plus the developers are sjws that hate white men.
they said so on their own forums
Many 'hunting' games never come close to that charm Monster Hunter has.
I can't put my finger on why that is for some reason but Monster Hunter has this sort of actual sense of danger or something.
You KNOW that you're playing a videogame but it doesn't feel silly or lighthearted.
All other 'hunting' games feel so videogamey (if that makes sense?).
Yeah, gonna need a screenshot or a link, buddy. If you're gonna spout Sup Forums garbage at least back it up.
>standing up against racism aimed at white men is now Sup Forums
jesus christ this isn´t tumblr you know
>obnoxiously free-to-play
do you mean the thread in which they talked about marketing and one person asked why they didn´t feature any white men in any of their trailers?
yeah. I never thought that a developer would be so open about not liking white men.
that reaction from them was pretty extreme considering such a mild question
Blindly screaming about SJW boogiemen is.
Look, we get it it nintenbro, you are incredibly mad about losing Monster Hunter. It's been two months, let it go already. No amount of bitching and whining is bringing Monhun back. Deal with it.
4Ufags are babbies who couldn't even time charges
how does it feel knowing you support the games that murdered the best weapon type
ACTUAL alpha builds aren't released to the public in any way, shape or form considering they are unplayable and/or unrecognizable as anything even close to the final product.
Whenever a dev tells you you're playing their "Alpha" it's a lie, just a marketing term that is meaningless because there's literally no definition of what a publicly available "alpha" is. On the same token most "Betas" aren't a Beta version either, at best they are a stress test that doubles as an unpaid public QA team to fix bugs. If we were using terminology from 2 decades ago nearly all current "Betas" would be called a Demo.
Dauntless in its current form is a release. Not an alpha, not a beta, not even early access. Just a closed release, the only reason I don't call it a "final release" (even though it IS in the way we interpret that) is because there won't ever be a clearly defined cut-off date, the game will simply transition from """""alpha""""" to """"Release!"""" from one day to the next eventually, such is the nature of F2P P2W games. Same thing happened to Warframe, it was a """beta""" for years even though it already had a cash-shop and one day their marketing team simply decided to move on from that fake label and say it "finally came out!", even though there's literally no difference between the two, both got huge UI revamps, huge core changes, both have constant bugs and problems, and now they are starting to build open-world maps.
Don't get fooled by PR terminology. Just look at the developer's history and their pace of progress. It doesn't matter what they call their product, it simply is what it is and there will never be a sudden explosion of quality/content/bug-fixes
>sjw boogiemen
fuck off. back to tumblr
>anything but GS for babbies
>will be full of russians and BRs
To be fair that will be true on MHW's PC version too.
>complaining about sjw boogieman while us seeing the evil Sup Forums boogieman behind every post
is the irony really lost on you or are you just retarded?
This very true.
t. I worked for ubisoft and the "beta" we released to public weren't real beta at all.
terms like alpah or beta have lost all meaning for almost 8 years now
it are meaningless terms used by devs to show off their product before the actual release while excusing away in problems that people might have with the game.
they might call publicly what they have shown an alpha but in reality it is already almost the finished product and want see much changes
did you ever have any interactions with sjws crap while working there?
it seems to have gotten pretty bad lately
Any idea how much World will cost on steam?
50-60 most likely
lol dead on arrival
can't wait to pirate it
Actually i didn´t used anything besides charged blade in MH4U, was broken as hell, probably followed by GS, but that´s for normies in the new ones, in MHFU was fucking hard to use it like a boss. Can´t find one that was made back in the old good days, rajang armour and eternal eradicator upgrade.
that's alright, 4th gen ruined your weapon too
>in MHFU was fucking hard to use it like a boss
Nah fuck off, im not insecure enough to talk only in one forum full of weebs and betas like (you).
>Pirate it
>Can't play multiplayer
>Miss out on most of the fun of MH
Nope. Still the best weapon with the best gameplay.
>Nobody ever used claw grip on psp
u fucking wot? You're saying no player ever moves their character and rotates the camera at the same time in FU?
You mean, in the office directly?
Not really, but contrary to popular belief all the SJW talk is much, much less from the devs and much more a communication course from the management, just to look nice to the public.
The only thing is,you can post whatever you see fit on the company intranet, so there was regularly some SJW/feminism debate over there, and I saw some feminists getting wrecked hard.
It's much more nuanced inside the company.
>Miss out on most of the fun of MH
This is the same kinda bullshit like dark souls being shit without multiplayer.
IE not at all.
The fun of MH is skill progression and gear progression, not hoping the long sword retard doesn't stagger you together with the hammer retard.