PC gaming

Why bother with a PS4? Sony exclusives are so fucking shallow, mine is collecting dust.

I kinda wanna play Yakuza 0 tho

PC gamers
>I feel bad for you
Golden Face gamers
>I don't think about you at all

You keep making this thread.
Are you okay irl? You seem really down since you have to fill your life void with shitposting.

I have Yakuza Kiwami, Persona 5 and Bandicoot N.sane trilogy to finish. What are you babbling about?

>mobile poster
gee I wonder who could be behind this thread..

Anyone who plays early access games has no right to call anything “shallow”

>the person who made this chart included Star Citizen as if he actually thought that was a good thing

another mobile poster pretending not to be OP

I supposed I'm like most people with both PS4 and PC and I know this is a bait thread but still, that list is so fucking sad.

>muh early access

Only 5 games on this list are in Early Access, Divinity will release in two weeks, Subnautica and Factorio are almost finished aswell.

PUBG and Rust are fun multiplayer games that have enough content in their current state

kill yourself weeb

>Mobile poster
Check, I'm at work
Sorry, try again user

>Only 5 games on this list are in Early Access

That's 5 too much. Paying for unfinished games is the video game equivalent of literal cuckoldry

Divinity Original Sin 2 is RPG GOTY, Bannerlord has threads every fucking day.
Rising Storm and Red Orchestra 2 are incredible shooters, you have 4x on the list, space sims, classic RPGs, turn based and real time strategy, global strategy games, arena shooters, racing, tactical shooters, management sims.

You'd have to be the most greasy disgusting weeb to not find atleast some games you like on this list

>PC has no games lmao
>OP posts PC games
>those don't count because they're either not finished or I don't like them

Every time, thank god I just play old fighting games on a craptop from now on

>literal cuckoldry
I think that analogy would only apply if other people got to play the full game without paying for it, while you paid for the unfinished game and still don't get to play it. Nice attempt tho.

>Divinity LOL
>generic military garbage
>AoE .. who gives a shit
>Xenonauts fucking yawn
>dolphin game, neat
>cuphead over hyped contra, shit will flop
>shit sci fi game nobody gives a shit about
>Grim Dawn GARBAGE, just play PoE
>20 year old shooter
>another generic shooter, for all i know its the same game from picture 2
>indie trash
>nobody cares about war hammer
>indy weeb shit? fuck that
>the rest is aids

the only game worth a shit in this picture is PoE,


put some effort into your bait, not even going to reward such a shit attempt with a you

thanks 4 bump

lol sea of thieves

Oh shit I didn't know they were making a new X game

Hopefully better than that last turd they put out.

2/10 apply yourself

Why are you at Sup Forums, if you hate games in general? Just to shitpost?

Redpill me on Divinity. I bought it cuz it looked cool, played for 30 minutes and got bored, haven't touched it since. What are some draws to it? Really cool moments? Good characters? Is there a reason to give it another chance?

>Why bother with a PS4?

Forgot to mention, a huge draw to RPG's for me is romance options. Is that a feature at all? Any good ones?

It's got nothing but shit dialogue, an art style that even Blizzard wouldn't touch, and a combat system that's been around for decades. Fuck Divinity.

I didn't ask you retard, I asked the guy that liked Divinity. If I wanted to hear someone who's never played the game shittalk it I would make a thread about it.

>shit sci fi game nobody gives a shit about
the vodyani will see you shortly

I've played it somewhat. If inside 30 mins it didn't hold your attention, its probably not for you. There are no romances, its not a bioware game.

Writing is sub par most of the time, but its not total trash either. I like the combat and the spell combos, sneaking and crafting for dosh

Because PS4 has:
>Y0 and Kiwami
>Gravity rush 2
>Gundam Versus
All of which I want to play, while there's a whole lot of fucking nothing on PC that I'm interested in right now

It's an isometric RPG (duh) with really good combat, lot's of environmental interaction and many spells that interact with one another. Exploration and explotation of the environment to progress are what make it so much fun, If you are mainly looking for an interesting story you will be dissapointed

>xbox games
>unfinished indie games
>FTP Steam shit
>highest player bases are in games nearly or over a decade old
That'll teach those console scrubs!

>third person action games
>third person action games
>third person action games

damn sony is killin it