you can't even prove me wrong.
You can't even prove me wrong
Other urls found in this thread:
>old fe fans
>welcome newcomers
fuck that shit I hate most newcomers for this franchise. I'd sooner play another game with Roy or Micaiah as the lead roles, and fucking hate those two.
both are autistic
>>plays FE for the challenge
i dont like the series because when a character dies in battle, they're still alive for the story...walking with the group and shit
FE was literally always about the "waifus" but fates/awakening fans are massive faggots, yes
>Stories are linear visual novels with static portraits that the lazy director just makes the artist mirror for direction
>Gameplay consists of lite strategy and RNG level ups
I don't get it, where is the "Strategy Role-Playing"? All you can do is choose which characterless units to use and you're actively rewarded for using LESS units because the EXP output and RNG growths are unbalanced. God forbid you increase the difficulty to IntSys' patented Retard Mode and then all you can do is play each map one way and pray for growths.
There quite literally is no strategy unless you gimp yourself in some vague effort to role-play as a tactician in charge of an elite baker's dozen of animu archetypes that teleport across a vague war effort and slay an ancient evil in Every. Single. Fucking. Game.
there is strategy, but no real roleplaying.
Fire Emblem elitests are the absolute worst. They throw a hissy fit if you don't share their opinion or if you say one single good thing about a 3DS title.
>Love old FEs
>Hate Awakening
>But love Conquest
Stupid ass story aside, Conquest was a legit great game. I hope the next one takes the same structure as it. Does anyone have that pic with Azura and Corrin explaining their dumb plan after the fact?
Im sorry but High Def Growth Characters and Arena completely breaks the game. The games use Rock, Paper, Scissors which it doesnt go beyond having shallow depth, only being overcome with high Crit which in the older ones Swordmasters were the only ones.
So old FE fans even care about Warriors? I know I don't
FF:Tactic>everything else you weeb faggots adore
So what would you prefer? That every single scene has a variation for every character and every combination of multiple characters that might die on a playthrough? That means 3 variations for any interaction between 2 characters, 6 variations for 3 characters, and 13 variations for 4 characters. And then you'd need some extra variations on top of that depending on whether the character died before or after doing anything that might be relevant for the continuity of the plot.
I guess you could say that giving a game over whenever any character dies would solve it, but since you already have the option to reload when that happens, it's kinda autistic to demand that you should be forced to take that option.
The pictures seemed reversed. People with lives to the point that actually have enough money to buy suits & maintain steady grooming are more likely to be into Nu-Fire Emblem because it's much more casual friendly. It's usually the nerds who are into the more challenging shit because they don't have lives so they play vidya gaems in place of having an actual job.
left is also gay, soooo....?
>Playing FE for the challenge
>Playing FE for the waifus
Why are you playing these games for either of the things it doesn't do especially well? The answer is that FE doesn't do many things especially well, there is no standout aspect of the games that they're always lauded for except for maybe the music, and honestly I don't think the music is anything special most of the time. FE embodies "I play it because it's fun".
Why is Matt Bomer such as spunk hunk?
It's pretty rare for people to play a game for only one specific aspect, playing for the overall experience is the norm. When people say stuff like "I play FE for the waifus", they don't mean that's literally the only aspect they care about, they bring up one aspect of it to contrast it to other games that have a similar overall experience, but are different in that one aspect. Their enjoyment of the overall experience is implicit, because you don't really expect even the worst waifufag to play FE if they have no interest in SRPGs.
>Plays FE for the challenge
Which one is the one that eats up the shitty cucumber and doggy translations?