>I'm in... Let's go to Elysium. I'll take yer there maself!
>We'll show ya... We'll show ya what me and Pyra are made of!
>I coulda beaten 'em blindfolded!
>Let's show 'em a thing or three!
Wtf I love Rex now
>I'm in... Let's go to Elysium. I'll take yer there maself!
>We'll show ya... We'll show ya what me and Pyra are made of!
>I coulda beaten 'em blindfolded!
>Let's show 'em a thing or three!
Wtf I love Rex now
Other urls found in this thread:
I haven't followed this much but can you change costumes like XC and XCX or am I stuck with a MC wearing clothes that make Reyn's fashion decisions look good?
The cucks who thought he was going to be some whiney beta brat only think that because they're exposed to so much shit anime and bad JRPG writing whereas Takahashi/Monolith Soft have always been a bit above the curve
No no, he's still definitely one of those characters
How so? Monolith Soft don't write main characters like that ever since Xenoblade
Because I've never touched this game but all three quotes OP put up there fell exactly in line with the scrappy little bastard anime trope.
The voice is completely out of sync with the character, nobody that young or looks like that talks like that. They really got a GROWN ass mans voice and slapped it on some kid
I thought we were arguing that he's not a whiney brat? Because he isn't. Takahashi has said he's a lot older than he looks and is more mature than you realise because he lives in a world of adults. There you go. Even his northern British accent makes him sound like an atypical JRPG MC.
He's not a kid. Takahashi has said he is older than he looks and is a lot more mature than you think.
He's loud. He's confident. He works a laborious job, wears blue and has a northern accent. So far he's basically looking like the anti-Shulk.
>he is older than he looks
Yeah yeah by what? 2 years? If i had never seen the character and heard the voice I'd of thought it was some 30 year old neckbeard
Calm down user. Don't you have better things to do?
If he's mature i better not see him rage over his waifu in the game like a kid
Don't you? It's not even 12 in NY, don't you have a job to attend too?
>Maturity means not displaying instinctively human emotions
Ok user.
>Fei looks like some manly Domon type
>Is a beta Shinji type
>Rex looks like a stupid brat
>Is a manly motherfucker
Really initiates my neurons
I really wish the stream had better audio cause when they step up to the Cunning Saggie it sounds like he introduces himself and if he does then he is officially too much a cocky fuck to hate.
I don't know if that's his voice when he says "Rex"... His line afterwards is "Just keep yourself over there. Alright mate?" or something like that. It would be a bit wierd if he was talking to himself.
It sounds like him to me. It's a male voice, but it's too low to be Tora and too high to be Dromarch.
I'm a teacher. Nothing to do for another week.
I just don't see him talking to himself. And it doesn't sound like his voice to me. Sounds more Australian and has a different timbre to it.
I think he's referring to himself in the third person. It sounds like he says "...towards Rex. Just keep yourself over there...". Besides, who else could it be?
So Dromarch does talk?
But if he says "Just keep yourself over there. Alright mate?" then it means the line before it is posed as a question. So why would he ask himself a question of where he should stand or be? It makes no sense. This is gonna be annoy me now. I wish the stream was clearer.
I think you can barely hear him respond to Nia when she says "Mornin!" as the sun comes up. Check around 31:13 in the stream.
I wish the stream was just pure gameplay without those guys commenting on it. I did think those three did a better job of explaining the systems, but I'd just want to hear the game's audio.
Yeah that's definitely Dromarch.
I think he might also be speaking in a clearer, posher accent than hers, but I can't place it.
I swear he says something like "renewed vigor". It sounds a lot more posh yeah, kind of like Dunban's voice.
can't get over that retarded design
Oh shit yeah the posh sounding voice. Glad Dromarch talks, was kinda worried he'd just growl and shit.
The full line sounds something like "I face the day/Let us face the day with renewed vigor." He's probably the dramatic, poetic speech talking type.
Poppi is cute. CUTE
Check these sweet moves.
that;s just too cute
Did you make the webm? If so can you do one for Nia shadow boxing at 3:30?
Nope. Swiped it from the last Xenoblade thread. If there was a shadow boxing one I'd have it cause I was the one who asked for it.
>No change in armor
Why did they do this? Clown armor was always one of the best things about Xenoblade and X.
You can't. Only default clothing for the the entire game, with maye 1 or 2 easter egg completion costumes being lazy recolors.
I have the other two idles at least.
Best girl.
There is though, we saw a cosmetic shop
There is some kind of cosmetic shop, what that means however hasn't been elaborated upon. Could just be some system of recoloring clothes like in the Last Story or maybe it is alternative outfits.
Why the fuck are you lying , we saw a cosmetic shop in the stream
Her albino butler lion is also pretty cool.
Maturity means reacting like an adult in any situation without resorting to blind rage like a kid.
When the other guys is trying to kill you and you're waifu I think you're allowed to get a little upset.
Just realised her 2D has grey eyes but her 3D models has gold/orange eyes
How could anyone hate these characters? None of them are punch worthy. Unlike FFXV
rex is pretty punch worthy desu
maybe it changes with her element
What should I whip up today, Sup Forums?
He honestly looks like a younger, pastier Reyn.
His character doesn't seem fantastic.
Still more character than all of XCX put together tho.
To be fair Shulk's Japanese voice actor made him sound like a complete whiny JRPG brat. Shulk's only a good protagonist in the English version literally because his Englsih voice actor is far better at conveying varied emotions and his English voiceactor's actually good.