Have you've ever been banned from a game or a gaming forum?

Have you've ever been banned from a game or a gaming forum?

Who was in the wrong here?

Seriously I don't think there is any more gaming community more autistic and cancerous than facepunch

>banned - don't necro, start new threads
>banned - don't start new threads if its already been asked before

I'll never understand "necro'ing". You have a site where discussions are saved and can be checked at any moment, even by outsiders. What's the problem with continuing and old discussing, rather than opening a new topic about the same fucking thing? Why must there be several topics discussing the same thing, just because they were set apart in time?

I recall getting banned from posting on gamefaq's for some really strange reason right after I made my account, it was a very long time ago however and I don't remember why they did it.

One time, i literally just registered to a forum and waited one day, to use my account, just to make a thread, to shill a game mod
Next day, i got banned

That's it


Because internet forum moderators are the most autistic people in existance

Not only is "necro-ing" stupid as fuck, but the mods/backseat mods of these forums always tell you to use the search function to find the exact same threads that you would be necro-ing if you made a new one instead, which they then lock for a thread about it already existing. Basically this: But also just in that pic it's especially stupid. Somebody actually got straight up banned for that post, and the thread is less than a year old. It makes no sense.

>use search function
>get banned for bumping old threads

>last post isn't even one year old
This is one of the many reasons i can't stand forums anymore. Last time i got banned from one was because i got on the wrong side of the clique.

You can't win

Honestly what the fuck is wrong with facepunch?

I don't think the forum mods understand it either. They just do what everyone else does.

I've seen people get banned on facepunch for putting a > meme arrow in front of their sentence

>BANNED - This isn't Sup Forums!!!

that shithole is still up?

The reason is that necro'ing a really old thread opens possibility of someone trying to drag people involved in the old discussion back in, and they might not either have the same views anymore or might not quite remember what it was all about, or might not even be there anymore. Not to mention some info might be outdated.

Of course, there should be a time limit set up in the rules, so one knows when something is actually necro'ing and when is it okay to bump a thread.

Well to be fair, gmod and rust are fun games

But try to avoid those forums

Why are bulletin boards such circlejerk shitholes?

Many popular forum software packages actually have a way to automatically lock&archive threads that have been inactive for a set amount of time. It's pretty strange how they choose to ban people bumping old threads when there's a much easier way have them archived.

i used to go on it many years back, around the time when katawa shoujo reached it
didn't feel all too compelled to keep visiting since almost everyone on the site was an up-stuck faggot, especially that nordic faggot called dgg that was always in anime threads

they should just put all the information regarding a single subject into a single thread

instead of banning people who create new threads about the same thing or people who bump threads they should just merge them

>make fun of someone
>get banned

rip playdota.com

everyone on facepunch suffers from a really high ego and elitism

That some Neogaf tier shit god damn.

Facepunch is a really far left site too, I wouldn't be surprised if they had Antifa supporters on it.

Or like on a forum I frequent, just have mod lock the thread with no repercussion to the user. Don't know why all forums don't use the archive threads function, although sometimes seemingly harmless changes in the code can cause weird conflicts, so maybe that's it, but I'm really no expert on it.

I was posting on the WoW forums and some faggot was acting like a fucking faggot, so I called him a faggot.

what happens when you necro a thread and why does it trigger mods so much?

>my username was kickinthedick
>used this handle for all lewd sites
>had the account for 5 years
>i see there is an actual forum chat on the side
>decide to pop in
>as my name pops into the roaster i can only read the texts for 7 seconds before I'm logged out
>because a mod saw my name as "offensive" it was permanently deleted, no appeal

Made a new account. I Was fairly pissed at the time but I'm not exactly losing anything with not being with them and I wouldn't gain anything with trying to join. But they are definitely the most thin skinned group of assholes on the internet, which is ironic considering half the shit they have to leave on nexus is pornographic/rape and violent gore

>Facepunch is a really far left site too
post examples if you would

Only from Neogaf.

I said that people should calm down and wait for actual evidence that Trayvon was innocent during whole Zimmerman shit and got banned for "racism".

>have to end your post with a preemptive apology kowtowing to the mods in fear of getting banned
How are forums like this still alive?

its called power tripping.
Look it up its legit diagnosis.

Have you never been on a forum before? Nothing happens except that thread gets bumped to the top and then people get triggered seeing it.

>1 year old post
i thought we called 3-4 year old bumps necroing, 1 year old thread is pretty new

the biggest thread is the gay thread

nuff said

>gaming forum
I get regularly banned on blue boards for lewdposting. I don't think I got banned on a forum once because I read the rules and follow them.

Got banned from MP Valve games for trying out an aimbot against bots in CSS. Got banned from a couple of servers in Bad Company 2 for backtalking to an admin.

So there's no "ALERT! ALERT! Old thread has been bumped! ALERT! ALERT!" that mods get in their forum mailbox. It just people getting triggered at old threads.

Yeah and I lost my virginity because of it. It's complicated.

Sounds like Sup Forums.

No, haven't visited one since 2009
I hate dumb shit like this, so who fucking cares that thread was dead. Don't want people to necro? Purge the threads, archive them, close them after a certain period. If the option to answer is open then you can do it. If you can't program your site - that's your problem, not user's one.

Yup. That's all there is.

it's less than a fucking year old. What the fuck

Necroing is bumping shit from 10 years ago that isn't relevant anymore due to times changing

I got banned from the Assassin's Creed Origins forums for quoting the trailer.

I got banned for having cheat engine open and running for a different game, not the one I was playing. It was a foreign game so there was no way I could get the account back. All the time I put into the game was lost.

If that is the case they should automatically lock or archive old threads.

What you should do is ask the mods first before necrobumping. Unless you have something relevant to the discussion, do NOT necrobump.

good,people who greentext outside of chans deserve to be banned in every community they are for being obnoxious newfags.

I once posted 2 letters on a video game discussion board

I hope you're not being serious, I have some issues with Poe's law

Not according to some forums, I know of rules that specifically state anything older than 6 months is considered dead.


No but I've been banned from a Christian forum because I set my DoB as 4/20

No, they should change their forum to not allow it, it isn't my job to decide if a thread is too old.

People still use facepunch? For what reason?

It''s probably just be autism but does anyone else get anxious posting on forums?

I feel like I have to act nice or get judged since everyone can just see what stupid shit I have written. Also if I have little posts and some guy with 5290 posts disagrees with me, my opinion is invalidated.

I could never get into forums because of the identity aspect.


this is why i like Sup Forums more

if you have a username and a posting history you automaticly try to sound as smug as possible trying to impress whoever and try to sound as reasonable as possible

Sup Forums is more honest

once you're used to posting your opinion here it's very hard to go back

It triggers them because they don't like people bringing up the past. Just like their irl failures.

I got banned for three days from Heroes of Newerth from feeding some shitstain leaver to Kongor. Some niggerfaggot was wrestling with me over the control of the leaver and probably reported me because he was butthurt my clicking abilities were superior.

got banned from league for telling a nigger to kill himself.

It seems like 30% of the users on cheating/greymarket vidya sites like Sythe, Unknowncheats, etc are banned. never really understood how people got banned so easily

Plenty of times. Some because I did it on purpose, some were bullshit. It's how I discovered Sup Forums back in the day, and why I never use any other forum ever.

>Don't suck moderator's dick
>Get banned for politely disagreeing with someone in a slow thread

No, fuck that. The worst I've had it here was when I said that a lot of shitposters on Sup Forums are gay shitposters that try to to push their cock worshiping in every single thread regardless of what it is, and a liberal, probably gay himself mod banned me for "flaming" or whatever.

Since we're all here every day, we kind of take it for granted. Saying whatever the fuck we want in 2017 is actually a big deal considering the fact that political correctness is at an all time high.

If you survive long enough there without getting banned, you'd start thinking of yourself as hot shit too

I got banned for doxxing someone once, even though in actuality all I did was use the stuff on his public profile to cross reference other sites to prove he was underage on top of being a huge faggot. I didn't post his real name or photo, and this type of funposting was par the course, but I still got banned.

Nice to know that it was the beginning of the end though, and others fighting over whether my ban was justified is what kicked off a chain reaction that eventually killed the whole community.

So like half the boards here?

what a rebel

I was autobanned on some BF4 server because I called one guy a "retard who can't shoot" for camping the radio beacon. Not my problem 99% of the game are braindead retards with kd below 2. Stopped playing the game after that.

underage pls go to school

I'm the fucking greatest!


you don't have to be underage to tell niggers to kill themselves especially if they fuck with your games.

My brother got a well-deserved ban that was, however, illegitimate. We were teaming up and robbing other players: I was calling people out in the open for a trade deal, and my brother would kill me and the victim. This technically was not against the rules. Then someone got fed up, and his acc got banned. Ban was filled for multi-acc abuse, because we were playing from the same IP-address. Appealing didn't help: either mods were egotistic douchebags or they wanted us to stop terrorizing other people. Most likely the former, because otherwise it's better to enforce new rules.

>tfw working as server manager for CS:S community
>part of my job was to do that shit to find cheaters and their alts, IP's from the same city, etc

I kind of miss that stuff

I got permabanned for camping in a BF3 24/7 Metro 64 player all weapons allowed increased grenade server

True story


it certainly helps :^)

On forums, mods are powertripping. On Sup Forums, the user base is. I've been yelled at for bumping a thread from page 10 rather than make a new one to ask a question.

necroposting is the stupidest ban ever. if your thread is literally YEARS old and mods never closed it, it's admin's fault. he has useless staff

>Sup Forums is more honest
No it's not. It's just turns everyone into cancer. This place will make you regret the large consumption of cancer you've been eating up the moment you are put in an environment outside of Sup Forums. Because then you will notice how cancerous you've gotten and try to clean it up.

have you ever been so asspained about getting banned from one site that you go complain about it on another?

Long time ago I got kicked from a WoW leveling guild. People in chat were discussing WW2 and I got autokicked for saying Hitler

I also was forced to change my username 'SuperJesus' because I got reported. Meanwhile my brother still plays that shit with a character called Endlösung

>some people take bans over simple but constant shitty "epic" trolling as a badge of pride to show off here
This place always was the last stop down the shitter.


its just honest

you dont know who i am

nobody knows who anyone is

nobody is trying to impress anyone because there are no identity's (except for those tripfags but theres a reason why everyone hates them)

that makes it so beautiful. We're all equals

The only boards you go on newfag or Sup Forums and Sup Forums. Fuck off and start lurking.

i gave up on facepunch when people got banned for posting rustle crops for being 'gross'

That's not how i feel it.
On Sup Forums everyone can be a cancer.
On a forum only the elite can tiptoe around the rules to protect themselves and punish the others.

There's a reason why threads in Sup Forums archive after 500 posts, mate.

>watching a twitch streamer broadcasting Persona 5.
>stream chill af
>ask a question about a character that is apparently explained on the BACK OF THE FUCKING box.
>get banned by a mod and unbanned 2 hours later by the streamer when he noticed it.
Still pissed. Most twitch mods are just as autistic as forum mods.

No. Nobody considers memespouting retards from 8ch equal.

Sup Forums isn't a fucking forum, compare what can be compared.

we're not equals, it's pretty easy to weed out the retards, with you as an example on account of your redditspacing and terrible grammar

you know what i mean

a board/forum

it's called different but basicly the same thing except instead of threads you have oh right threads but with images

Only after you, autistic fuck

Maybe that's just multiple people trying to mislead you. ;)


>Sup Forums isn't a fucking forum,
Who the fuck cares, it's an anonymous anime forum that started talking about politics in later years for no reason.


>muh edgy moonmeme
Gee i wonder why..