Be loser in life

>be loser in life
>discover MMOs as an escape
>look forward to progressing everyday
>work on armor, dailies, level up alts, achievements, account upgrades
>irl health is decaying, poor hygiene, overweight, need glasses, yellow teeth, balding
>15 years later realize all your in-game friends have moved on with life, are married with kids, while you still live with your mom
>you barely have any friends irl that aren't you family members
>one day an old friend comes back online to play new expansion
>you were good friends, always stayed up late talking about life n shit
>he's not even max level
>he's never completed a mythic even in his prime
>do pity dungeons with him to get back into things
>rage because he rolled and won a piece you needed for your alt
>block him

Is there an MMO that actually tries to filter out casuals? I'm so fucking tired of having to teach these people basic mechanics or have content nerfed because newfags don't want to spend months farming the right gear.

MMOs are bad

user, at any point you can turn this around. Fucks sake dude, what all of your friends realized was they could have a life and play vidya in their off time, it's about time you took charge of your own personal wreckage and do something to fix it because I can imagine what you smell like, I see fat worthless desperation like yours all the time. It's not pretty and it's nobody's fault but your own.


I don't know what you think I wanted from this thread but it was MMO recommendations. I don't care from where, even if it's korean shit.

Just What the fuck is wrong with Being casual, play your fucking games and have fun, people on mos nowadays Just wanna know about minmaxing shit, it allright if you wanna kick ass, but at least have fun

This is the typical my problem is too much of X so I try to solve it by adding even more of X

Those priorities are how you wound up such a fuckup in the first place, user. It's time to make a change.


everyone in this thread apart from me is a fucking moron cunt for not getting the obvious tone of OP's post

Drop your IRL friends and join a guild or some shit.

I think you're still a moron.

Theres no such thing as a modern mmo that requires that kind of dedication to reach the top.

No shit hes being sarcastic, but there are tons of people out there who still unironically treat mmos like this and think its fine

Black Desert

How old are you user

Its a little grindy but with cash shop items its easy and people greatly exaggerate how long it takes to get competitive.

OldSchool runescape

I have a dumb question about a situation im in. Im in a guild in a mmo and currently a long time officer. There is a member who has been in the guild for a while now but doesnt hold any position of power. They are friends with a few people but not exactly a celebrity. I have tried over time to be friends with them like all other members by running stuff with them, talking to them, and offering to help. They pretty much always turn me down for the help telling me they don't need it but then they join others for it later. If I message them on discord they ignore and dont reply to like 99% of my dms and in general are pretty negative around me despite me doing nothing but trying to help them out. Would it be justified to kick them out of discord and the guild or is it not worth the drama and instead just ignore all content? It feels like they are undermining me and the guild with their attitude, and they are pretty rude to anyone not in their friend circle.

Cut him off and kick him if you think theyre gonna be a problem in the guild. If its literally just you that theyre ignoring maybe you did something to them.

Now this is obviously bait, but it actually does describe some people's lives. I like vidya as much as the next guy, but drawing a sense of pride upon playing vidya, especially MMO's that require little skill, is pretty pathetic baka desu senpai.