"Hey i have a great idea...

>"Hey i have a great idea, let's make a game where you level up to unlock weapons BUT GIVE THE PLAYER THE BEST WEAPON AT THE START"

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Thanks doc

I fail to see the ussie.

Not the best, just the most average.

Dead Space? Metal Gear games after MGS.

Ink armor destroys most close quarter situations with ease


That's not the crutchbucket, it even has the crutch bomb and the crutch special.

That's only because you got accustomed to it, there's plenty of very good weapons in Splatoon.
Also the most broken one right now it's the "lol I don't even have to aim" tri-slosher

I'm curious as to why I didn't hear a single complaint about it last game. When it functioned identically.

Sidegrades > upgrades. You're already getting better at the game, giving you clearly better gear than what the beginners have is a little overkill.

SSJ is just a great overall weapon.
>Great coverage
> Decent damage when you consider it has ink armor to bail out its user/team

For turf its a great choice, for ranked it's subpar. It can work, but you'll see better fitted weapons

But that is a very good idea...?
Who wants to have to grind to gain an unfair advantage anyways? The only thing that should come with time is skill, not busted equipment.

it's good to spray with, it's good for killing at close range, even when you're out of range ink armor fixes this, letting you pretty much just walk up to your opponent and shoot them dead, and he ink bombs are a nice bonus

literally cant be beat

Except it didn't it had way less range and was plain outclassed by the mini-splatling that had the same specials so nobody used it, in fact right now it has almost the same range as a 92 gal (the tri-slosher has one pixel more of range) and doesn't get damage reduction even at the maximum distance unlike that gal that shits itself.

N-ZAP '85 has better range and a better sub.

Thanks doc

i have literally never seen one of these in S or S+

That's actually good for a multiplayer game though, don't you hate when you get oneshotted by some random overleveled autist with no skill just because of gear difference?

then whats the point of unlocking new weapons when the one you have is better anyway?

The sides now do full damage. Every shooter have been nerfed alot in range.

>letting a Jr get close to you
How is B- user?

Who gives a shit about western ranked? Japan is on a whole other level when it comes to Splatoon and would mop the floor with the best American or European teams.

>splatoon 2 maps are literally biased for close range weapons.

>tfw Object Shredder
lol, have fun getting close.

How is B- user?

This nigga never touched ranked.

The first weapons tend to be the more balanced ones and good all round weapons. If you want specialized weapons you need to level up.

More specialized play styles. Take Planetside 2 for instance, the starting weapons are the most straightforward and get the job done, but there are weapons which shoot far faster but have much higher damage drop over range, so it promotes close quarters playstyles, and there are slower weapons which are more accurate at range etc. Its for if you like a certain playstyle rather than what is simply the most straightforward.

If by B- you mean S+ sure.

Show us your S+ level, user. It's easy with the screenshot function.

we both know you can't post proof yet here you are

Maybe in Rainmaker. Tower Control and Splat Zones favor range.

why the fuck is this here and why hasn't anyone replied to this questioning it?

>not favoring range when only long ranged weapons can match the rainmaker

Can i pirate splatoon yet? Thanks

The person with the Rainmaker is a sitting duck as they charge.

You can play the minecraft knockoff if you want


goddamnit you're one of those faggots who literally CAN'T wait for an opening and has to run towards the point no matter how many enemies are there
I hate guys like you, stop picking up the rainmaker

>you're one of those faggots who literally CAN'T wait for an opening
I'm not the one who thinks the Rainmaker can even beat a roller.

nope sorry, not even a nice try

Custom Dualie Squelchers will overtake them when it gets unlocked. I also have high hopes for the Luna Blaster Neo and Neo Splash-o-matic; but remain unsure about the Gold Dynamo and Custom Hydra.

Remember to make regular health checkups, one dosage a day keeps the diseases away.

You were saying?

out range them dumby or run away as you're snipers pick them off when they are close

>The person with the Rainmaker is a sitting duck as they charge
are you stupid
rainmaker has to play it safe because they are easy targets

this actually pissed me off about tf2
most of the weapons are totally viable, you shouldn't just use the stocks

>Not even the same image
user, come on.

reading comprehension

>only long ranged weapons can match the rainmaker
My Sploosh-o-matic says hi.

despite what you say anyone can simply reverse search it and see
you're not even good at shitposting, take a pity reply

>implying this isn't the exact same thing but better

>both links are two different accounts
you got me

I'm not the guy who posted the picture (for one I don't play Splat Zones because I fucking hate that mode), but any idiot can see that the pictures on your screenshot are in Japanese.

You have to know that

If you're a retard like yourself who MUST USE HIGHEST LEVEL WEAPON then you're a shitter and fuck you and your e litre

>in fact right now it has almost the same range as a 92 gal (the tri-slosher has one pixel more of range)
Stop lying.

as a new player what weapon should i master?

>pixel messurements in 3d shooter
fuck off

Splattershot jr can nest you 1500+ points on turf war easily if your team isnt completely braindead

>>"Hey i have a great idea, let's make a game where you level up to unlock weapons
that's all you had to write for us to know that game is shit

At this very moment, just try and find something that suits how you want to play and make it work. Nintendo has a balance patch coming up this month so it might not be worth getting too attached to a good weapon.

Just like at e3? ...oh wait

Ink armor makes splatting squids seem such a breeze


>Thinking E3 amounts to anything when not even the best teams of their respective countries were picked

You clearly have not been playing long enough.

The Tri-slosher out-ranges it but just a tiny bit more and doesn't have any damage fallout like the 92, it's crazy broken

I blame the trislosher

SSJ may splat slow it cant shoot high

>Get black shirt, watch cap, camo pants, and gas mask all in one day
>Stop playing

It doesn't outrange the 96.

Only in appearance. It is much, much better in this game. I don't know what Nintendo was thinking when they balanced these weapons.

how new are you

It dealt the same damage, at pretty much the same rate, and had a much more broken sub and special. The vanilla Slosher was much better too, and literally nobody complained.

that image format brings back good memories

Someone didn't watch the tournament.
You're perpetuating the misunderstanding that japs are amazing simply because they had a massive latency advantage in the last game.

Here is the video:


Here is a video on why it's so broken.

My bad I was confusing it with the 52 but I'm sure you'll easily let this go and not make a big deal out of it.

It's an understandable mistake. The 96's benefit over the 52 is its range.

Part of it is that they nerfed a lot of other weapons as well.
Trislosher has a longer range, perfect accuracy no matter what, will always do a set amount of very high damage, no loss of power when hitting with its side shots, burst bombs with one slosh can kill you nearly instantly, plus ink armor, which is arguably the best super in the game.
It's a weapon that takes zero skill to use. Just swing away in the general direction of your opponent.

Loads of good weapons. I recommens trying to find a weapon you like, but i really recommend getting good at the splattershot or tentatek version as a good allrounder. Splattershot pro and jet squelcher are good ranged support weapons, where the pro is better at killing than the squelcher

Trislosher and octobrush are really good at close range if your aim is bad.

what's the crutch gear?
i want a full crutch set.

Most weapons remained unchanged from Splat 1 to 2. Chargers and rollers got slight nerfs and Rapid/Machine got buffs.

Sploosh-o-matic is my goto in 2. good kill rate along with turfing

second to that is the hero shot

luna blaster was nerfed hard tho or maybe just made an actual regular weapon instead of the golden gun it was

The only change was to the amount of shots per tank.

Gals were also nerfed. Pretty much every weapon I liked in 1 was nerfed.

The 52's kits maybe, but there's no defense up in the game so both Gals always 2-shot.

To be fair, they had nerfed them pretty heavily in the first game already. I miss the glory days of the 96 gal, but people would never stop complaining if it came back.

Blacklight did this, and so many newer players couldn't fathom that this was the case.

Luna is still wheeling the bodies in for me.