>"A jury in Dallas, Texas today awarded $10 million to iLife after finding that Nintendo of America infringed on iLife's motion-sensing accelerometer technology which the company used in the its Wii Remote controllers."
>"The company iLife Technologies uses its tech to monitor infants to help prevent sudden infant death syndrome and the elderly to watch out for falls. But iLife argued that its patented technology could be used in other applications and was used by Nintendo in the creation of its motion-sensing Wii Remote controller."
Good. Fuck Nintendo and everything about them. Most Jewish and greedy company in industry.
Sebastian Reed
This happens all the time. Fucking Patent Trolls are the scum of the earth. Clueless judges are easily swayed.
Nintendo will appeal. Common sense will prevail. Nintendo will win like they always do. Hopefully they'll fucking bury them.
Oliver Lewis
>some manchild in his basement thinks he knows more about law than someone whose job is literally to know the law
Andrew Reyes
Evan Hughes
>Clueless judges are easily swayed.
These judges aren't clueless at all. All of these cases come out of Texas for a reason.
Jaxson Williams
Landon Clark
Mama mia!
Is $10Million alot for nintendo
Lincoln Foster
>your so assblasted by nintendo's success you side with patent trolls >calling others jewish when again you sided with the patent trolls
i don't even know how someone could be this retarded.
Nicholas Roberts
Patents help innovations. R&D costs a shitton of money and if patents would not protect their products nobody would invest too much money.
Matthew Ross
>patented technology what. like, you can patent the way something works so no one can use it or make anything like it until you say so?
Luke Smith
it was just 10M, for nintendo that's spare change
James Sanchez
It's easy as fuck to file a patent for an idea and then sit on it for decades and never once make any attempt to produce or take a risk to monetise the idea into an actual product. Just bide your time until some other poor sap does all the hard work - and once they turn it into a success, file a patent infringement lawsuit. >Der stolled muh ideah!
All this does is encourage more parasitic cunts to try the same.
Adam Perry
Yes. Don't you know R&D costs a shitton of money and if patents would not protect their products nobody would invest too much money?
Carter James
>steal someone's patent >use it to make billions >lose 10 million in court wow, it's fucking nothing
Michael Morris
most patents aren't even properly enforceable and there's a lot of shitty patents that get approved.
utility patents are fucking awful sometimes, but design patents are totally fine.
Easton Powell
The reason being that this particular jurisdiction has been making bank off patent trolls for years.
Lincoln Walker
>Defending Amiibo >Defending shitty BotW DLC >Defending deliberate scarcity in Switch, games and figurines >Defending shitty Switch release >Defending selling old games for their full release price. >Defending working with Shitoraptor >Defending dabbing on their Twitter >reddit spacing This is you. You are retarded.
Nolan Morales
As a lawyer it always amuses me when Sup Forums tries to discuss legal concepts and the law. Please stick to discussing your autistic STEM shit, you faggots clearly know nothing about the law.
Alexander Turner
>imagine being so obsessed with a company you follow their legal and business dealings
Holy shit guys, maybe you should take a break from this and actually play some video games.
Ian Garcia
>someone whose job is literally to know the law You mean some random plebs in the jury?
Get fucked kike.
Jace Martin
>Don't you know R&D costs a shitton of money and if patents would not protect their products nobody would invest too much money? How is that my problem? Companies should be able to use whatever ideas/technology they want, regardless of the "shitton of money" others may lose. Besides, the competition will only make the technology better, more well known, and probably properly funded once people care enough about it (Which it did in this case).
Hunter Johnson
>lawyer on Sup Forums instead of doing something useful and water is wet
Aiden Lewis
Don't you know? Everything is fair in console wars, including defebding scumbags just because they hurt the other tribe.
Charles Ward
Samuel Rivera
Landon Moore
Daily reminder that intellectual property should not exist.
Carter Sanchez
They started with $144,000,000.00 lawsuit and ended up with $10,000,000.00 . This is just laughable since the big N earns 10mil in like a week? or was the lawsuit deliberately inflated while knowing they will never get the starting sum to land these 10mil?
Nolan Walker
Now, these trolls will feel compelled to extort money out if every single console makers that uses motion controls. No one is safe.
Isaac Davis
>A jury in Dallas, Texas I thought the whole state turned into underwater level, but there are still juries operating, weird.
Anthony Garcia
10M here, 10M there and your beloved megacorporation will be dead in less than a decade
Jose Jones
>I thought the whole state turned into underwater level Are you fucking stupid? Texas is bigger than fucking Germany. Only the coast got fucked, those of us in the desert and woodland parts of Texas are fine.
Ryan Watson
Robert Phillips
There's a difference between doing it first and doing it best/better. When people think about scaling and rotation, nobody goes to Lynx as their first example. Nobody talks about Gamecom when they talk about a handheld with a touchscreen.
Lincoln Ward
Because they're clueless and easily swayed
Nathaniel Jones
this will be on appeal for the better part of a decade though
Xavier Campbell
There's patents on cells and genes, basically holding possible revolutions in medicine or science hostage.
Parker Mitchell
Texans are dumb
Isaac Mitchell
That's why patents expire, I suppose Though it may be slow to you, it'll happen eventually What this could do is encourage them to tackle issues from a different angle, encouraging more diverse innovation rather than more focused on qhat already works
Henry Brooks
>Companies should be able to use whatever ideas/technology they want fuck off, commie
Joseph Butler
It's mostly old people that are technologically dumb and Texas is full of 'em.
Lucas Jackson
>Texas Not surprised those inbred hicks can't properly tell what infringement is.
Mason Harris
>no legal limitation or government influence That's not communism
Jackson Morgan
wow.. 10 million dollar.. nintendo is finish
Kevin Reed
>10 fucking million dollars
Holy shit, Nintendo might actually be finished
Liam Ward
They have like 10 billion liquid
Henry Rogers
ITT Manchildren want a company that saves lives to die because their precious childhood game company stole their technology
Nintenbros everyone
Charles Gomez
I can't believe Nintendo are fucking thieves. It's fucking over.
Isaac Gutierrez
>defending patent trolls
>implying any of that is bad
>believing the "intentional scarcity" meme
>giving a shit about e-celebs like egoraptor
>giving a shit about twitter
>showing how much of a newfag you are by complaining about "le reddit spacing"
>getting butblasted someone called you retarded on Sup Forums
again, quit defending the most cancerous people on the world just because you're mad you couldn't preorder the SNES classic
Charles Long
>american court makes japanese company give money to american company
wow who woulda thunk
Ryan James
No company wants to give away 10 million dollars
Dylan Rivera
Nintendo wipes it's ass with $10million dollars dude. This was nothing more than a minor setback.
Brody Butler
>those of us in the desert and woodland parts of Texas are fine. That's a bummer. Thanks for ruining my hope, asshole.
Ethan Fisher
Hey US, how about adopting the "loser pays costs regime"? It works everywhere else.
Gabriel Price
You meant to type Valve or Sony, friend.
Aaron Gonzalez
>the intellivision knob was totally a d-pad guys! Every time.
Dylan Brown
The scarcity point is wrong. Amiibos ended up being waaay more popular than expected so shortages were bound to happen. I do agree these shortages lasted way too long, like 2 years after amiibos were released shortages continued. But I never heard about game shortages and the switch production is fucked from the screen supplier filing for bankruptcy and a lot of internals are made by the same company making stuff for apple, which they are currently more focused on
Zachary Hill
>like 2 years after amiibos were released shortages continued. Its STILL continuing, the Metroid amiibos are sold out and its still 2 weeks until the game's release date.
Jaxon Brooks
You mean like how sony improved everything?
Luis King
>There are people in this thread that are legitimately siding with patent trolls because they hate Nintendo that much And people wonder why the gaming industry is crap right now.
Parker Harris
I don't like Nintendo as a business but they don't deserve this
Jose Powell
>Break international law >Surprised when there is international litigation
Should have won the war you slope eyed soulless freaks.
Daniel Cruz
>defending vague complaints I read about from some retards on Sup Forums but have no actual idea what I'm talking about
Robert Baker
The people here side with anybody as long as they are against Nintendo. We had threads praising Phil Fish when he said he didn't like the 3DS.
Jaxson Ross
10 million dollars lol
Nicholas Turner
It won't stick. Most of these patent troll cases are usually overturned in Appeals Court when people that actually knows how technology and patent laws work give it a second look.
Andrew Thomas
>Sony improved the smash-style combat game
Juan Myers
That's how it works. Sue your rapey boss for 20M and hope for 1 100th of that.
Jonathan Morgan
Luke Cox
Come back in a few years when China shits entirely on America.
Brody Jenkins
Is this finally the fall of the Nintendo Zaibatsu?
Justin Clark
>10 million dollars oh no... Nintendo is.... dead...
Robert Butler
you want something damaging post the comparison shots where clearly nintendo ripped them off and stole their design completely and everything
Cooper Evans
they are on Texas cause its historically the state were patent Trolls win the most and have the most board wording patent laws
Eli Allen
A) Last Time they lost a case and appealed they won the appeal by a land slide B) they have like other 3 circuits to try C) in the worst case scenario 10M out of their war chest is the same as 10$ out of a 6,000$ bank account
Evan King
ahaha no, chinas economy is in no state to go to war
Nolan Perez
so here's what's going to happen nintendo's going to appeal, they'll be forced to post bond, and we get to repeat this story in a few years
"We have this device that's meant for something, but it could totally be used for something entirely different, like what Nintendo did with the Wii. We lost millions, nay, billions, pls pay us."
These kind of patents need to die.
Patents should protect original ideas, so that the little guy doesnt get fucked, but always backed up by actual evidence that you have more than an idea. Patenting concepts and leaving them laying around should not be allowed.
Jonathan King
east texas district court is a legal meme, they should honestly just be nuked off the fucking map
Isaiah Robinson
the problem with patents is how long they last while being just "an idea" and how broad they can be made. this 2 problems allows for a lot of system abuse and some entities literally exists to patent a poorly worded idea, and then try to use everyone close similar to that idea.
Thomas Bailey
Didn't they update the patent law saying you at least need to make a working version of your patent before your allowed to claim it?
Zachary Clark
Nintendo fights patent trolls constantly. Why is this one special?
Ethan Bailey
fucking red scum
usa! usa!
Hunter Gutierrez
Finally those thieving bastards are getting what they deserve. I'm glad their victims, such as iLife and Gamevice are based enough to stand up to them.
Aiden Lopez
>On the other hand, in a case tried before Judge Gilstrap in 2015, a patent troll called Smartflash LLC won a $533 million verdict against Apple; it was overturned on appeal two months ago. Jesus Christ, I hope this town got washed off the face of earth
John Gonzalez
>Mattel controller has nothing similar to the NES Dpad
Luis Jackson
the recent scotus ruling that says patent trolls can't hunt for a friendly court will hopefully destroy them. i can't wait for the day that shithole is a ghost town.
Nathan Myers
Jackson Gomez
>zelda has bad dlc
You do realize the entirety of the dlc hasnt been released right?.. So how is ot that you have an opinion on it?
Also i have purchased 12 amiibo.. None of which ive used in-game :P
Ryan Edwards
that only will benefit the town in the long run, all patent troll companies will now open division or move to Marshall to have an excuse to use the courts in the area.
what Needs to be fixed is the patent System itself. or some big companies should challenge trolls for the rights of the patent if they lose.
It was a fucking bliss when 1 company lost soo bad to Nintendo that they even had to surrender all their Patents Portfolio to Ninty
Liam James
>10m Literally nothing considering how much they made off the Wii and as others have mentioned, many companies take others to court for little things in hopes to make a bit of change, however, when they lose they usually lose more than what they would have got for winning.
Ryan Robinson
its not about the cash but legal precedents. if you let yourself being kicked once, other will come soon after. Nintendo keeping an almost perfect counter record, that alone, is a deterrent to Patent Trolls
David Perez
Would Sup Forums side with Harmony Gold if they ever made a law suit against Nintendo?
Which side are they more contrarian against?
Jeremiah Gomez
No, the problem is that patent laws are old and antiquated. The damn laws and department has not been able to keep up with the times and technology but no one wants to increase funding to it because the current laws favors big business so damn much. Same shit with the IRS. The day when these two departments get some actual change and improvement is the day when shit actually gets done.
Dominic Barnes
But user, that's not Capcom or Konami.
Isaac Lopez
That's what I meant by the losers against Nintendo usually lose more than they would have won in these cases, which is why you don't often hear of companies winning against Nintendo. Most cases are dropped when the opposing side sees their going to lose.