Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2
What went wrong?
Only FOUR skills!?
Can't grind on monsters to level
No overwhelming large monster spawns

I actually like the gameplay of guild wars 2.

I do play it from time to time, but ever since launch nobody can tell me exactly what they do at end game, so I always quit.

I just wanted a comfy game to hang out and chat with people but nobody does party stuff and the /vg/ erp guild is full of max levels

>Only FOUR skills
>pic shows more than four

>hasn't played the game

only 4 of those skills are class skills. each weapon has it's own skills which cannot be changed (the entire left side of the hp bar)

>1 is autoattack toggle
>2-5 are skills
>6 is a heal
>the rest are buffs

There's only 4 skills for combat

>swap weapons
>4 more skills

8 for the entire game of an mmorpg... even dark souls has more miracles or pyromancies or sorceries than that

>PvE doesn't matter and seperated from PvP

This is the shittiest thing, it worked well in GW1, but not in this game, I don't feell ike playing trough the story just for the story, I want gear and progression, but since you can make instantly max character for pvp I have no interest in playing.

go play the new weaver class or don't play gw2 at all, nobody gives a shit

>choose class skills in so that you can complain about them being buffs instead of skills like that even makes any sense
>ignore class mechanic
>ignore weapon switch
>choosing the simplest class to boot

Skills are the last thing that went wrong with this game. Some classes like elementalist easily top of 20+ usable skills which is more than most classes in MMO. What went wrong is complete draught for content and SJW devs. It surpassed WoW (which is something no other MMO did) on release and it maintained it. People got bored (there was literally no conent for over 2 years ) and left. On top of that most dungeons were bugged to unplayable levels and still remain like this today. This is what went wrong.

Did you even play GW2?

yes, I got to 60 and got bored...

End game in GW2 is simple, it's getting the best armor and weapon skins to make yourself look better than other people. In terms of actually gearing you could work towards ascended gear. Farming world events as well as Silverwastes along with the new LW3 maps is the way you do this. Then they recently added raids within the last two years.
The endgame for GW2 is certainly not as robust as other mmos, which is what drives a lot of people away. New raids should drop soon after the release of the new xpac though.

So you'd know about all the options you're choosing to ignore and how your retarded Dark Souls analogy is retarded then.

Dumb name. Also shouldn't put a 2 on an mmo.

Guild Wars had only 8 skills on the bar, and yet its lauded around here as the greatest MMO ever. Not saying it isn't a fantastic game, but still.

been leveling with a couple friends, currently at 40
when do zones stop being killing centaurs / bandits / taking care of livestock

i wouldn't have such a problem with the game if the devs weren't so fucking greedy. i feel like you HAVE to buy bank and inventory storage because what they give you from the beginning is pathetically small. just one of many gripes.

you can get over 100 inventory slots for very little in game currency
I agree the bank is pitiful but the material storage sort of makes up for it

there's the pirate place/raid that was pretty funny/fun/comfy

I like how people try to play this shit like WoW and then quit because they get bored of doing karma hearts, like that's how you're meant to level.

The point of the game isn't even get to endgame. The endgame just gives you more grind and masteries. The whole point is exploring, doing jumping puzzles, mini dungeons, PVP, crafting, world bosses, finding vistas, secret chests, minigames...

Everything you do levels you up. Why would you play a sandpark MMO to get to end? In fact, why would you play an MMO when you're not enjoying all of it? Is that what shitty MMOs like WoW and FFXIV have done to modern MMO players?

Fucking OP actually asking for mob grinding. Holy shit, kill me now.

it's not fun or comfy to hang around though
RO and FlyFF had mob grinding but it was FUN

Never. Leveling in GW2 is redundant anyway. There's no reason why anyone should go through grinding 1-80, when level doesn't really matter thanks to upscaling and downscaling and stat softcaps.

As someone who's played both of those games, no it wasn't.

You were a kid. That's the difference.

Weapon skills change based on class you dunce

The first game wasn't really an MMO and this set it apart in such a great way from everything else on the market. Instead of following this formula and refining it, they abandoned it entirely to make an unrecognizable themepark MMO with fuckall content.

do you want to hang out with me in GW2?

>hanging out with people from Sup Forums

> play old ass mmo
> explore like mad
> max lvl is 999 which only 3 no life's have gotten so far
> grind mobs and chill
Sometimes I wish those were alive

how do I find a gw2 playmate or date then?

those "four skills" manage to have more depth than mmos with 20 skills on your bar, thanks to combo fields

the base design of gw2 is honestly really good, it's just that the content they built on top of it isn't

Obvious bait troll aside, the game is actually bretty fun lately.
Only shit I'll give them is the hideous gemstore whoring. They are managing to get their shit together with expansions and living world in a very nice way.

7/10, only worthwhile MMO for the time being.

>fastforward into adulthood and actually gaining the knowledge of what MMOs are and how they play;
>you stop exploring because you realize all places follow the exact same pattern
>you stop chilling because you could be talking in any other way through any other means as in-game chatting is no longer a necessity
>quit because the max level cap is indeed insane and you realize all expansions and new content will be catered to that cap, and you have responsibilities in real life that prevent you from abiding to cheap time sink ploys

And that's why it wouldn't work and people ride on nostalgia.

Yeah, online databases and guides killed the sense of community and exploration of most mmos, good thing I got to play shit like wow, tibia and Ășltima at their prime, good times

Again, that was you being young. Go play one of those shitty korean grinding games like you used to when you were young.

You'll be bored and move on within two hours tops.

...Join a guild?

GW2 is literally the most social MMO out.

Is it worth playing again if I don't have heart of thrones? The only thing I enjoyed about this game was the comfy locations and going on dates.
I stopped around level 60.
I liked the pirate town/place, it was comfy

I remember messaging the /gw2g/ guild master and a different name came out and I was flustered and pretending that I messaged the wrong person when his/her name was different from the one I entered.

but those guys are normies and have nothing in common with me. they like sports and physical actives outside of video games

Finally, someone with a brain. Nostalgiafags will never learn.

It could still be done. The devs would simply have to get creative and design ways in which the players can't catalog shit and are forced to explore and work together to accomplish anything big.

But that requires actual game development, and that's not a thing anymore. Nowadays, we copy paste whatever's popular in terms of mechanics, slap on an aesthetic for flavour, and send it right onwards to Early Access/Patreon/Kickstarter

I know ;^)

You can use more than 2 weapons though, you can switch them around out of combat.

>talking about anything other than grinding efficiency

Yeah, iv seen some examples but at the end they always crack it up and upload guides.
I'm just glad I got to experience mmos at that time, had fun, not going back since they are all shit imo.

you got to choose out of hundreds though

it's like how a TCG deck only has 40 or 50 cards or whatever but there are thousands. the choices are fucking insane, and in gw2 you just got 4 pre-approved good-goy skills slammed onto your bar and got a pat on the back.

You must be brain dead, your points are exactly why GW2 is like Overwatch of MMO's.

>The point of the game isn't even get to endgame.
That's a great idea but then you come to realization that GW2 has nothing to offer that stands out from other MMO's it tried to surpass and how it was advertised so your point is moot.

> The whole point is exploring
In every MMO you can explore great areas without pointing out this shit as a feature so again it only shows that GW2 has nothing else going for it.

>doing jumping puzzles
This shit again. When I played GW2 at launch I couldn't get all those people praising jumping puzzles but after some time and actually doing this idiotic bullshit I know how retarded are the players who find it fun. The "I like jumping puzzles" meme speaks volumes about the audience this games tries to cater.

> mini dungeons
This is fun but only when you are new to the game and do it few times, other than that it doesn't bring any challenge.

Again a stale as fuck PvP that hasn't been tweaked for ages and the only major change was when they were launching HoT and implemented new class (so of course there has to be some balance changes) other than that you got nothing.

>world bosses
This is why I stopped playing. When you realize people are just zerging the boss / event it just kills all the fun. Everyone is just spamming his skills, there is no incentive to be decent or to do anything other than spam your spells ad infinitum without any player interaction and if you die you just run back and repeat.

I could go on and on but GW2 is so bad that even game devs rather play FFXIV than their own game so let that sink in.

>GW2 has nothing to offer
Except it does. The whole list of things we're talking about is it.

>You can explore in every MMO
Go explore in FFXIV or WoW. Did you find anything? No? Thought so. I don't even have to argue this one, because by your own words, you know the exploration is good. Having a big world isn't all it takes. GW2 actively rewards exploration in a ton of different ways.

>I don't like jumping puzzles.
Pretty much everyone else does. Not a criticism.

Stale? Maybe. But it's functional, fun and fairly balanced, especially in comparison to other MMOs. And there's also WvW ontop of casual PVP and ranked PVP.

>World bosses are just zergs.
One or two are. But even the ones that are, usually have mechanics that can result in wipes if players ignore them/get caught by them.

I don't think GW2 is a masterpiece. But I do think it's enjoyable as long as you don't treat it like a shitty WoW clone. And I think it's leagues better than the current competition, namely BDO, WoW and FFXIV.

Guild Wars 2 forces you to explore not because you want to. In RO or FlyFF you could find comfy areas to ERP or hang out with your virtual gf/bf(male/female)

not him, but just yesterday, I was getting 100% completion in Lion's Arch, and found the entrance to a cool dungeon/jumping puzzle that I had a lot of fun going through, and at the end, ontop of the loot and achievement, there was a karma vendor with a whole set of cosmetic weapons related to the dungeon.

point me to another modern MMO that has even half of that. point me to an mmo that's not just a shitty grind to max level so you can do shitty raids

Just go erp generic korean girl#231252 in BDO already

Why are you in a thread talking about mmos when you don't want to play an mmo?

>rewarding you for doing things rather than making them barebones, rewardless and empty with small exceptions is "forcing" you to do them

I blame WoW.

>GW2 has none of the things that made GW1 good
>GW1 is dead
>every other old MMO is dead
>everything except Runescape

Yeah. I'd much rather farm the same dailies for my legendary every day, or play shitty gacha in FFXIV for a pointless DPS increase.

I honestly don't understand how modern MMO players can stomach that shit. Literally 100+ hours of compulsory story quests mainly told through silent text and repeated emotes. And the story isn't even worthwhile...

is there any way to make dual pistol thief viable? I would use it only for dungeons and doing stuff around the map, I don't plan raiding with her

If you don't plan on raiding, who gives a shit if it's viable?

I don't want to spend half an hour killing an enemy
I only tried it with the 80 booster on silverwastes and can't find any nice builds

[s] am i doing this right, or am i just retarded? [/s]

congratulations dear redditor, you confirmed you're retarded

>first five skill positions are hard locked to keys, with no way to reposition them
And don't give me the shit with "but you can rebind your keys!!!", it doesn't fucking do anything since it just fucks up the keys for your second weapon.