
Is this worth it, Sup Forums?


Other urls found in this thread:

newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=100007709 601203901 601194948&IsNodeId=1&Description=GeForce GTX 1080&name=Desktop Graphics Cards&Order=BESTMATCH&isdeptsrh=1


this cost $1.2k and shits all over that

>Op is such a fucking faggot that he needs to show his gay pride on his PC.

I mean there are worse prebuilts, it does have a 1080 and i7 at least

The case looks like ricer garbage

Like everything you are better building it yourself

brands are everything

are you seriously so autistic you can't build a pc on your own?

I'd say it's a pretty good deal, tried building a similar build in PC Part Picker going cheap on RAM and shit and it came out to around $1,570 bucks. So if you want to go for that I'd say do it, but be sure to check the parts they use for the hard drive or else you might get burned

Here op let me teach you how to check
>intel 7700K
>340 bucks

>GTX 1080
>newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=100007709 601203901 601194948&IsNodeId=1&Description=GeForce GTX 1080&name=Desktop Graphics Cards&Order=BESTMATCH&isdeptsrh=1
>about 550-600 bucks depending on the model

340$ + 600$ = 940$
1700$ - 940$ = 760$
Now you only have to find out whether or not you could buy a good motherboard, a cpu cooler, 32gb ram, a PSU, an SSD and a 2TB storage HDD for less than the difference of 700 dollaridoos

>buy new motherboard and processor
>everything else stays because I'm not an idiot that needs to build from scratch every time

The case is a cheap meme you will grow bored at after one week.
Deal is alright though.


I just picked this in like 5 seconds. you could upgrade to a 1080Ti with the price difference and still have some budget to spare. build it yourself. fag.

wait, people do that? build from scratch every few years? why? what the fuck

I have absolutely no idea. Maybe they think they'll keep their old one as a backup or a server, but they never do. The shit just takes up space or eats up electricity for no reason.

What's your setup and what is that be quiet thing

It's a cpu cooler, user.
Please don't tell me you've never used anything other than stock coolers before.

If I didn't keep at least one part of my old pc, it just wouldn't feel right. even if it was just a screw or something.

It's not that bad of a prebuilt, but you'd save money and be able to get better parts for cheaper, if you just built your own shit. Also that case is pretty gay.

I keep working spare parts for troubleshooting purposes, but I don't keep a second assembled PC.

Asus Strix Z270F

Intel Core i5 7600K Kaby Lake @ 3.80GHz 40 °C (be quiet cpu heatsink cooler)

4GB GeForce GTX 1070 ASUS Strix

16 GB G.Skill Trident Z

HDD/SSD 1TB Hybrid Drive Seagate Firecuda

if you want to showyour gay pride and how little you know about computers go ahead

>mfw $750 pc has better internals than op
you could simply throw a 1080ti in this for free after selling the amd meme to shitcoiners.

be careful with that water cooler they're not designed to last forever but nice look its neato

I wish I had a mini pokemon protecting my battle-station

whats with people and rgb lights ina cpu

makes the inside look like a tiny city

>all them cables
>better internals
dude come on making them black doesnt mean people cant see them

it seems like hes going for a retro aesthetic and messy computer internals is part of that and if you dont believe me just refer to the MAGI

Most makers of enthusiast PC parts think that gamers want a big flashy box. My case has some blue lights around the main 240mm fan, but otherwise it's got no lighting.

i took the cover off to clean all the fucking dust out

most new cases have a cover over the psu/bottom

Are you retarded?
I have the exact same specs and I built it for 1.3k in fucking Norway, the most expensive country in the world.

Most AiOs have a 5 year RMA policy and its not hard to swap the fans back on

I have the same compressed air can

will they RMA the parts it ruins too?

but i do like having flashy hardware the trick is to buy a solid box to conceal it only to surprise those interested in looking inside
windowed boxes are for fags though

I thought niggers had finally learned to an computer?

>bix nood takes 4 hours to "invent" cheapass pc
shit doesnt even have a gpu the fuck he plays on it? lil yachty adventures?

It's strictly for business.

Yes actually.

just buy a low profile heatsink and save yourself the headache theres barely any difference in temps

So selling drugs?

children can put a pc together
just to a little research and build your own

Maybe next time, my meme machine was made with warehouse surplus. I simply bought whatever was going at a discount and ended up with that

>hybrid drive

are you a memer?

hybrids are the most powerful piece of storage on the market all the sturdiness of an HDD with the power and performance of an SSD

Am I being baited or is sthis supposed to be "lel sarcasm" ? I honestly can't tell.


why are hybrid drives bad?

>Hybrid drive
>performance of an SSD

cheapest SSD shits all over hybrid speeds at fraction of the price that you've paid for your piece of shit.

whatever bro i like the sticker

Marginal speed increases at stupid prices compared to even mediocre SSDs

yeah no, it doesnt shit all over it

>Best Buy
Never ever.

SSDs have shit durability i cant gamble with shitty nand based storage every time i want to wipe/restore its not like magnetic based storage that can be fixed

No. Just order the parts online, put in a sensible amount of RAM instead and you'll have something quite a bit cheaper.

Are you a time traveller from 2010? Short SSD lifespans aint a thing for years now. As for failures and fixing hybrids are way more faulty than SSDs these days due to being a stopgap created years ago when SSDs were just coming out. Fixing a hybrid would cost you an arm and a leg in case of a failure and even then full data recovery wouldn't be a given.

Asus is a reliable manufacturer and is wealthy enough to run their own internal RMA program unlike best buy whos on the verge of bankruptcy and is known for not giving a shit about anything except scamming customers

i7s only advantage over i5 is hyperthreading and you dont really need it unless you're using your PC as a workstation executing multiple CPU intensive programs at once

1070 is the same shit as 1080 just cheaper because during fab some machine deemed it less effective but the hardware is identical and the only difference is something you can fix with software so blow me

>this entire post
lmao, how does someone end up being this delusional?

point out the parts of my post that are wrong

How do I fix this with software?

increase clock speeds using OC program idk figure it out retard

weren't the older SSDs much better when it comes to lifespan? maybe it was just some hipster bullshit who knows.

>prebuilt computer prices
Idiot tax is real.

>comparing OC 1070 against stock 1080
I'm sure OC'd 1070 will almost (lmao) beat a stock 1080, but you can OC a 1080 as well and it will still #BTFO an OC'd 1070
OPs build shits all over yours no matter what your tiny brain may think


it just has more options but performance-wise it's inferior and always will be guys buying an IBUYPOWER from BB you think he's going to OC anything?

No you don't.