What happened, Sup Forums?
Why did Bethesda abandon dialogue-rich, interesting characters with good motives behind their actions in favour of "i'm evil just because"?
Was Dagoth Ur right?
Quality of TES writing
Voice acting and non-wikiepedia entry dialogue. An all-round better move.
Troll post aside, I thought the whole "I am the fragment of the mad time god destined to end this world allowing the new kalpa to begin before shit like landfall happens, but why end the world when I can rule it" followed by "i am the fragment of the mad time god designed to stop the first fragment from fucking around" was pretty cool.
Not bethesda strong point ever.
>morrowind is literally an ancient evil has awoken and you're the chosen one to stop him
>the story gets massive amounts of praise because you need to run around an island talking to a bunch of mudhutters in the middle of no where and running errands for them before they tell you you're the chosen one
really activates the noggin joggin
So Dagoth Ur is basically Donald trump???
Still Morrowind is probably the best well written Bethesda game.
>you have to actually prove your worth to people
i see nothing wrong with it
>"i'm evil just because"
>just because
His entire race has been slaughtered by mankind. Of course he want to kill everyone
>medium-dark grey text on black background
Shit on alduin all you like, but Miraak was Dagoth Ur tier.
voice acting ruined gaming and all VAs should kill themselves
he is literally depicted as "god of destruction"
Wasn't Dagoth some delusional fuck that was driven insane by the tools and got BTFO by Nerevar once he returned to the mountain? He has the gall to say he served you faithfully and got betrayed? I mean look at the fuck, is he trying to say he achieved demi-godhood by sheer willpower and not by abusing the heart like the tribunal?
while beth writing in their newer games is bad, it's still better than most of other open world rpg/games.
The whole point is that we do not truly know what happened.
By those who originally killed all dragons. They knew that they have brought his wrath upon them. That's why he is literally depicted as "god of destruction"
that was after his entire race tried to enslave mankind
But one undeniable fact is that he DID use the tools, otherwise he wouldn't be Dagoth Ur and stronger than the tribunal. He betrayed the Nerevar along with the rest when he forbade them to use the tools.
I love how "did nothing wrong" now is code for manic powermonger, who is willing to sacrifice millions of life for his own purpos while sugar coating the thing he does to appeal to authoritarian sociopaths.
I know this is bait, but can we just have what Alduin ACTUALLY says?
>warned people that the Dwemer want to use artefacts to kill them all
>no one believes him until a literal god confirms it
>after they win the war he urges to destroy the said artefacts
>no one listens to him
From a lore standpoint yeah, but from an in game standpoint not really, now that's even a failing in Morrowind to a lesser extent, but Dagoth Ur was the best balance of that lore backround and actual in game presentation with the final conversation with him and so forth.
Most people who play skyrim aren't going to have a clue who Alduin is aside from 'Red Eyes Black Dragon'. Whereas most people who finish Morrowind's main quest will at least have an idea of what makes Ur tick if only slightly.
nothing interesting. just a bunch of "i'm a god, you're weak", "i'll kill you all" etc.
Who are you talking about here?
I don't remember Alduin ever speaking, in English that is, he could have had some great dialogue in magic dragon roars
dagoth ur
He is talking about Dagoth before shit hit the fan. But Dagoth also confirms that Nerevar and him came to blows during those events. What happened to Nerevar is never confirmed but simple fact that Dagoth and the tribunal are all demigods is evidence that they used the tools on the heart.
Alduin is the manifestation of the End of Time. He decides to just rule the world before it's supposed to end instead
everything would be fine if they actually listened to him
It ended up being shit as well, just in different ways.
>irrelevant npc is just a loredump for the local area and current events
>you can derive some information about them from what they're wearing, where they're standing, allegiances that will affect whether they will be open about certain dialogue options, etc.
>irrelevant npc WORKS FOR BELETHOR AT THE GENERAL GOODS STORE and has small of dialogue they will repeat to you every time you get close to them
>you can derive some information about them from npc schedules they repeat and on and the fact that they just straight up tell you personal information as you walk past them
>they're still boring as fuck just more annoying to deal with this time around
Morrowind has to many npcs to make everyone interesting, so Bethesda didn't try. Skyrim has too many npcs to make everyone interesting, but Bethesda thought people would give a shit about their lives with paltry 2-3 lines of dialogue a piece on average.
Why do people pretend Morrowind was even averagely well written?
There are RTS campaigns with better writing.
name 1 rpg with a better lore than TES series
>ES Wiki
If it's not UESP, or Imperial library please, kill yourself.
doesnt have quotes, retard
But the point in which history is unconfirmed is before that decision is made. The only things that are confirmed is that Nerevar and him obtained the tools and that he left them with Dagoth while he went down the mountain to discuss the next course of action with the tribunal. If Dagoth confirms he and Nerevar fought, then the tribunal did not kill Nerevar until after that fact. And since they did fight, it should be assumed Dagoth used the tools because not only did he survive, he lived long enough to take the tools from the tribunal thousands of years later. The only real point of discussion is whether or not Nerevar died from his wounds in battle with Dagoth or if the tribunal murdered him after the fight.
>tfw sexlab now works in SSE
Literally no reason to stick with oldrim once the other mods get ported.
Huh, not on Alduin's page it seems, They do on others though.
>gather three fucking elder scrolls to learn some shit you didn't need since you could have just slaughter the whole castle the first time you got there
daily reminder
Isn't Mehrunes Dagon also just wanted to kill everyone? You forgot to put him in. Morrowinds' story stands out from all TES games.
link to the page?
>hey i know you're a vampire hunter and you should slaughter me, but can you just escort me to my father's castle so i can give him this powerful artifact he needs to commit a genocide?
name 1 (ONE) better character in whole The Elder Scroll series.
Protip: you can't
>that mod that lets you release Miraak from Yog-Sothoth by continuously blasting him with Bend Will at the final battle
>it's compatible with two mods that turns Miraak into a fully-(amateurly) voiced girl
>one sounds like a chinese/korean girl and the other has a cheap mic
haha that's so stupid can i get a link?
I use SSE exclusively and even I know that's not true. SexLab is literally a husk of what it was on oldrim, and it will be like that indefinitely as long as SKSE is dead in the water.
That said, they're making a lot of progress with the mods that'll make SSE an actual alternative. Legacy of the Dragonborn just got ported, several other great mods are getting ported, and a bunch of others are at least in the works (I personally am waiting for ETAC before I go back to SSE).
This is what happens when they try to make shit seem like a bigger threat than it really is in game.
>Legacy of the Dragonborn
I'm kind of new Skyrim modding escapades, but what is it aside from a big ass house to store your shit and quests to get more shit to store?
It's just a good quest for people who like hoarding shit, and since a lot of people like hoarding shit it's a really popular mod.
At the very least it's worth a try.
It's cool on its own
the ones that turns him into girls are Lady Miraak and Queen Miraak
former is the cheap mic but decent voice, latter is the asian voice/accent, decent mic
I do like hording shit, plus allot of the artifacts would be neat to have but some of them (skullcrusher, Chrysamere and a few besides) I already have from other mods, having multiple would trigger my autism.
May try it out next run.
troll post
>alduin was akatosh as akatosh was alduin
>LDB was Lorkhan and Akarosh at the same time
>Lorkhan kills Alduin bringing hope to the fucked up tamriel, showing that MEN >>> nazi aldmeri elves
>Alduin Returns to that source as Akatosh again
>Akatosh is now complete once more and ready to fuck with some nazi elves, because men >>> knife eared assholes
>Somewhere in warcraft, the warp and FF multiverses, Tzeentch, Elune and bahamut hears a Loud "JUST AS PLANNED ASSHOLES, DO EET BETTER!" in a unified cringey reaction
>The LDB is now fucking lydia to create the next generation of lil dragonborns and become the next jarl of whiterun and high kings of skyrim, because lydia is Brogruff's Niece
Can you marry her? Is this a non-consensual genderbending?
>can't decide which faction to play for
>make a save and choose the vampire hunters, and replay the other faction later
>both factions play out exactly the same and I mean completely identical
Bethesda really likes to make shit seem more grand than it really is.
Factions in this game suck ass, I always just side with the ones that tried to screw me over the least.
Fuck those faggot vampires attacking my towns at night until I beat this quest. Shit was so annoying.
Really unless your a mage and want that Amulet, that you can basically get other shit to be in it's stead, Dawnguard is the better faction, more gear, albeit situational, more spells, again situational and not great in vanilla, but to top if off you can become a vampire lord afterwards at anytime anyways due to Serana.
There's pretty much no reason to go with the vamps aside from 'I'm evil'
s/he's marriagable
Miraak completely turns into a girl with the mods
so you can hear female whispers while waking up at the stones and see her shittalking you while she steals dragon souls
NPCs dialogue still use he/him when referring to her though
The Dragonborn and Anduin were both seperate halfs of Akatosh's soul in eternal conflict with one another and both represented the differing sides of his ideology.
Dagoth Ur is literally another religious fanatic. He has his own reasons, he has his own ways, he's not just "I just wanna fuck up world", but he definitely didn't anything right. Neither did Empire or Tribunal. VIvec had understood this, but couldn't do anything to fix, Almalexia wa another fanatic, Sotha Sil was fucking mechanic fixed autist. There's no good or at least "right" sides at Morrowind, you just make events happen, not justice.
>you're the chosen one
You are not the chosen one in Morrowind. There IS NO chosen one. You are similar enough to Nerevar that you could potentially mantle him but you do not have to and your ability to still kill Dagoth Ur without mantling Nerevar proves that it was bullshit the entire time that you had to be the chosen one to do it.
Pay attention to the plot of the games you play.
>ancient evil becomes self aware in the afterlife and memes himself into existance to exact revenge on the false gods who killed him and his lover/best friend
If you just rush through the main quest, Dagoth Ur is just a serviceable villain. But if you delve into as much of the lore as you can, reading in-game books and putting pieces together, it really comes together well.
But the same can't be said of Alduin. You can put in a lot of work to try and puzzle out the metaphysics behind his purpose, but there will always be gaps because Bethesda just straight up didn't care enough to add enough.
>morrowind is literally an ancient evil has awoken and you're the chosen one to stop him
In the present time of Morrowind, Dagoth has been around for quite a long time. Also you're not the chosen one, you're one that can BECOME the chosen one. Have you even played the game?
>You are not the chosen one in Morrowind
Azura (who foretold the coming of the Nerevarine) tells you that you did good.
That's chosen enough.
That's what I'm saying Dagoth to the average person rushing is more present, I wasn't trying to say he was great to those people but okay, Alduin is just big murder Dragon to the average player.
Azura manipulates people
Azura is just another aedra-daedra, who, as you remember, are just literally demon princes with their own head problems.
Somehow you were chosen, yeah, not by fate itself but by some not even that powerful not even top kek god. And in case you fail you definitely could be replaced
New TES fucking when?
It has been 6 years already
You might say she chooses them.
When you keep buying the old one over and over? Not fucking likely.
>passing the seven trails to become the Nerevarine, the reincarnation of the Nerevar isn't being the chosen one
that is cheating, Sheogorath can even show up on RL if he wants to
>Somehow you were chosen, yeah, not by fate itself
It doesn't need to be fate in order to fulfill the requirements of a foretold savior. Just someone who says "Yeah, you'll do." That literally makes you chosen.
The writer of Morrowind was a legit crazyman. He didn't stick around afterwards.
They should at least make an effort and remaster Obilvion
You don't have to do that to best the main quest
Okay, so if some random on imageboard tells you "You're chosen", you'll become chosen? No, dude, it's not working like that.
>remastering anything
nice one
You mantled the chosen one at that point
You could also skip it
And all the ghost at the cave were also "chosen ones" and that didn't do shit for them
They just weren't hardcore enough, you were. There is literally no canon in which the character in the events of Morrowind does not complete the prophecy. There is an explicit timeline following the events of Morrowind that says on THIS DATE, some fucker killed Dagoth Ur and destroyed the heart of lorkhan, and not any other date.
>Okay, so if some random on imageboard tells you "You're chosen", you'll become chosen?
Yeah, if that person foretold the coming of an appropriate person, waited until I showed up and did some nonsense, and declared me the right man for the job, I would be the chosen one. If I am attempting to complete the goal that they themselves have set, then they are the one who is the final arbiter of whether I am the appropriate individual or not.
>No, dude, it's not working like that.
That's exactly how it works. You are getting way too hung up on the idea that forces like fate and destiny must be the most important and most powerful.
>not doing a bunch of quests where someone tells you you're the chosen one means you aren't the chosen one despite being told so in the opening cinematic
>there being multiple chosen ones means you aren't a chosen one as well
pretty reaching desu
every fucking RPG in existence where you're "the chosen one" is because some chucklefuck tells you you are before you go on your quest, and literally the exact same happens in morrowind.
Okay, i'm telling you, that one, callen Hammurapin, reincarnation of babylonian king Hammirapi, should appear on this board.
Therefore as i see your posts i definitely see, that you're that Hammurapin. Now you must complete nine trials of Babylon and reclaim your throne.
Now go and fuck off, in case you wouldn't die don't forget to sacrifice something to me, when you'll reclaim said throne.
That dialogue for Dagoth Ur is so beautiful. I've never played Morrowind, is everyone's dialogue always like that?
>not knowing that bethesda is helping Sky team with morrowind and oblivion
>not knowing that the NV and FO3 guys are receiving help from them and they need to keep their mouths shut
user is more easier to give the tools for fans do it with guidance from them rather than do it by themselves an be blamed on later, atleast fans knows the metric lineup of bugs that both games has and they can fix it
You could literally skip the chosen one trials, be as un-chosen one as fuck and kill almost everyone in Morrowind including those that stay true to Azura and yet you could still Dagoth and finish the game and Azura still says 'grats
>Now you must complete nine trials of Babylon and reclaim your throne
Nah, I'm not going to do that. If that disqualifies me from being the chosen one, then I accept that.
Too bad for me, I guess. You'll just have to wait for someone else to show up to do whatever, and then after they defeat the bad guy you can appear before them and tell them what a good job they did. Then they'll be the chosen one (or not, depending on how you feel).
What's wrong with ES Wiki?
He talks like that because he is literally an insane autist that has been living in a cave for thousands of years. Most NPCs are normal.
None of that ever matters because the things you CANNOT control are literally being transported to Morrowind after having a dream from Azura on the orders of the emperor who sees your potential to complete the prophecy, and the act of killing Dagoth Ur to actually complete it. Everything in between where you have the freedom of control is pointless. History books don't talk about the nerevine completing trials, or becoming the head of the houses/factions or murdering Vivec in his home or any of that. All the canon says is you were there and you killed Dagoth after being put there based on a prophecy. You are literally the chosen one.
Stop pretending the story is good in any of the elder scroll games